Plans & Projects Under Review

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The City of Fresno makes every effort to encourage public participation, while simultaneously informing the public of projects that are under review. The following is a list of projects currently under review and reports prepared on behalf of the City.

Fresno Yosemite International Airport – Airport Traffic Control Tower Relocation Project

Project Location: The Proposed Project is located on Airport property at 5055 East Andersen Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727. The existing Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) is located on a 2.25-acre site northwest of the passenger terminal and adjacent to the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) building. Site coordinates are 36° 46’ 24.34” N and 119° 43’ 19.00” W. The Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) is 494-071-78.

Project Description: The City, as owner and operator of the Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT or Airport), proposes to replace the existing ATCT at the Airport. The existing ATCT includes the Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON), which would be relocated with the ATCT. The replacement ATCT would be constructed about 150-200 feet south of the existing ATCT. The existing ATCT would be demolished following construction of the replacement ATCT.

The Proposed Project includes the following components:

  • Construction of a new ATCT facility, including TRACON, with an estimated building footprint of 13,000 square feet (sq ft) and tower height of up to 190 feet.
  • Installation of new equipment in the replacement ATCT.
  • Extension of utility services to the replacement ATCT.
  • Reconstruction of the existing parking lot to provide adequate parking for the replacement ATCT.
  • Demolition of the existing ATCT facility, including TRACON.

Who do I contact for more information?

For additional information, please contact Jon Bartel at [email protected].

Contact Phillip Siegrist, Planning Manager via e-mail [email protected] or by phone 559-621-8061 to request electronic copies or to schedule an appointment to view documents.

Notice of Preparation

Comment Period
March 22, 2024 – April 22, 2024

Jonathan Bartel – Project Manager
City of Fresno – Airports Department
4995 East Clinton Way Fresno, CA 93727 [email protected]

SB 743-Vehicle Miles Traveled

Senate Bill 743, signed into law in 2013, requires that a new metric, vehicle miles traveled (VMT), be used to identify transportation-related impacts under CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) starting July 1, 2020.  VMT is simply the number of trips generated by a project multiplied by the distance traveled in miles. This differs from the previous metric of Level of Service (LOS), which measures traffic congestion.  The intent of the new law is to reduce VMT in order to help meet greenhouse gas reduction targets established by the State of California. 

The Fresno City Council adopted CEQA Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled on June 25, 2020.

Update – VMT Reduction Program – September 2024

The City of Fresno is proposing a VMT Reduction Program to reduce citywide VMT by establishing mitigation for future development projects. The VMT Reduction Program includes two major components that can be applied, individually or in combination, to new development with VMT impacts:  an Urban Design Calculator (UDC), which estimates potential VMT reductions for development projects through incorporation of various design elements, and a mitigation fee (supported by a nexus study) and mitigation bank, which would be used to fund VMT-reducing projects throughout Fresno.

The CEQA process for the VMT Reduction Program is beginning now. See the Notice of Preparation, issued on September 27, 2024, for more information about the project and how to provide input.  

For more background about VMT implementation in Fresno, see the links below:


Rendering Plant Relocation Project

This draft environmental impact report (Draft EIR) evaluates the environmental impacts of the proposed Fresno Rendering Plant Relocation Project (project). This Draft EIR has been prepared under the direction of the City of Fresno (City) in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code [PRC] Section 21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations [CCR] Section 15000 et seq.).

This Draft EIR has been prepared by the City to evaluate potential environmental effects resulting from proposed relocation and expansion of the existing rendering facility located on Belgravia Road between Church Avenue and E Street. The project would relocate the facility from its current location, just southwest of downtown, to a 40-acre parcel near the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF) and expand its permitted processing limits from 850,000 pounds per day to 2 million pounds per day or more but would be limited to a permitted maximum of 10 million pounds per week rather than a daily maximum. The project site would occupy 20 acres of the 40-acre property. The project would require a general plan amendment (GPA) to change the General Plan land use designation of the 40-acre parcel from Public Facility to Heavy Industrial, a rezone of the property from Public and Institutional (PI) to Industrial-Heavy (IH), a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate within the IH zone, and a Development Agreement. For further information, see Chapter 3, “Project Description.”

For additional information, please contact Will Tackett at (559) 621-8063 or via email at [email protected]

Public Draft Fresno Rendering Plant EIR

Central Southeast Area Specific Plan

Central Southeast Area Specific Plan Public Draft Environmental Assessment  

The Public Draft of the Central Southeast Area Specific Plan was completed in 2021 and the associated Environmental Assessment is now ready for Public Review. The public comment period is from February 3, 2023, to March 6, 2023. The Environmental Assessment can be downloaded below in the Project Document Section. The Specific Plan and Environmental Assessment is tentatively scheduled to be considered by Planning Commission and City Council in April and May 2023.

How to Comment

Send via email to [email protected] and [email protected] or mail to:

Long-Range Planning
2600 Fresno Street, Room 3065
Fresno, CA 93721

Help us reimagine Central Southeast Fresno!
The City of Fresno is embarking on a new and exciting project – the creation of a Specific Plan for the Central Southeast Area. The Central Southeast Specific Plan will be a long-range planning document that provides a vision for growth and development in the community over the next 20- to 30-years. The Specific Plan will address a wide range of topics that impact the quality of life in the community. These include affordable housing, jobs and economic development, transportation, parks and open space, and a healthy environment. The Plan will include a vision, policies and if needed, development standards that will balance new development and preservation of the existing community identity.

Project Area

CSEASP Project Area

The Central Southeast Specific Plan area covers over 2,200 acres (3.4 square miles) just east and southeast of downtown, bounded by Belmont Ave to the north, S Orange Ave to the west, E Church Ave to the south, and S Peach Ave to the east. This diverse area is characterized by a mix of suburban housing developments, industrial uses, public facilities, and vacant land.

Why is the Specific Plan important?
The Central Southeast Specific Plan offers a special opportunity to help shape the future of southeast Fresno – including the area’s economic vitality, transportation network, parks, and neighborhood character. Based on feedback from the community and elected officials, the area could benefit from infrastructure and mobility improvements, increased access to parks and open space, development of vacant lots, and recommendations to revitalize key commercial corridors such as Ventura/Kings Canyon Rd. The Specific Plan will help:

  • Shape the places we live, work, shop, and play
  • Guide the public services, infrastructure, and investments in the area
  • Guide the types and forms of new development in Southeast Fresno
  • Establish clear priorities to better guide investment

Who do I contact for more information?
For more information call Drew Wilson at the City of Fresno [email protected]  or call (559) 621-8087.

Project Documents

The 30-day comment period has been extended from beginning on February 3, 2023 and concluding on March 6, 2023 to beginning on February 3, 2023 and concluding on April 21, 2023.

Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration for Central Southeast Area Specific Plan

Notice of Intent to File Mitigated Negative Declaration

Mitigated Negative Declaration-Public Review Draft

Documents Incorporated by Reference:

Program Environmental Impact Report for General Plan Amendment P19-04226

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Update (2021)

Central Southeast Area Specific Plan – Public Review Draft

Central Southeast Area Specific Plan Existing Conditions Report

Project Summary


Central Southeast Specific Plan Initiation Report

Workshop Material

Below you will find the presentations and Community Workshop summary’s for the workshops to date. If you would like to host a mini-workshop please email Drew Wilson at [email protected].

Central Southeast Area Specific Plan Community Workshop 1 Summary

Central Southeast Area Specific Plan Community Workshop 1 PowerPoint

Central Southeast Area Specific Plan Community Workshop 2 PowerPoint

Initiation Report
A fundamental step in the Central Southeast Specific Plan process is the initiation of the Plan’s Draft Guiding Principles and the Proposed Land Use Map. The initiation process includes the Fresno City Council’s approval of the Proposed Land Use Map that will allow the project team to begin the Environmental Assessment. A report has been drafted to summaries how the development of the Guiding Principles and Proposed Land Use Map. The Central Southeast Specific Plan Initiation Report can be found below in the Project Documents section.

Scannell Properties Office/Warehouse Project

Scannell Properties Office/Warehouse Project (Development Permit Application No. P21-02699 and Tentative Parcel Map No. P21-05930) (State Clearinghouse No. 2022050265)

Project Location
The proposed project is located on approximately 48.03 acres at 2740 West Nielsen Avenue: Northeast corner of North Marks Avenue and West Nielsen Avenue in Fresno, California (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APNs]: 458-020-71 and 458-020-72).

Project Description
The proposed project would result in the construction of four office/warehouse buildings that would be configured for heavy industrial uses by tenants that have not been identified. The proposed buildings would result in a total gross floor area of approximately 901,438 square feet. The buildings’ exterior would be up to 44 feet high with an interior height of up to 36 feet and designed with a total of 201 loading dock doors on the north and south sides of the buildings. The four buildings would be comprised of the following: Building 1 would be 468,812 square feet and would provide 122 loading dock doors; Building 2 would be 248,786 square feet and would provide 46 loading dock doors; Building 3 would be 93,074 square feet and would provide 18 loading dock doors; and Building 4 would be 90,766 square feet and would provide 15 loading dock doors.

A total of 594 on-site parking spaces would be provided for vehicles and trucks. Of the 594 parking spaces, 385 spaces would be dedicated for standard vehicles, 11 spaces would be dedicated for accessible standard vehicles, and 10 spaces would be dedicated for accessible vans. The remaining 188 spaces would be dedicated for trailers and would be located along the eastern and western edges of the project site and would be located behind two 8-foot-tall gates, which would be installed to separate the general parking area from the truck storage and dock loading area.

Additional Information:

All documents related to this project are available for public review during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.) by appointment only, at the Planning and Development Department at 2600 Fresno Street, Room 3043, Fresno, CA 93721. Electronic copies may also be requested for review. In addition, some references used in the Draft EIR are physical copies and/or copyright protected and are only available in person at the Planning and Development Department. Please contact Steven Martinez via e-mail or by phone to request electronic copies or to schedule an appointment to view documents.

Steven Martinez – Planner
City of Fresno – Planning and Development Department
2600 Fresno Street, Room 3043
Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 621-8047
[email protected]

Last Revised 10/09/2023.

West Area Neighborhoods Specific Plan

The City of Fresno is developing a plan for future growth and development in the West Area. The project area is located west of Highway 99, generally north of Clinton Avenue and east of Garfield Avenue, as shown on the map below.

The West Area Neighborhoods Specific Plan (formerly named the Specific Plan of the West Area) will encourage consistent and compatible land development as this part of the city grows and will identify community needs and recommendations for topics such as neighborhood identity, traffic improvements, public transportation improvements, pedestrian and bicycle enhancements, community design concepts, and locations for future residential and commercial uses.

View profile of the plan area

For questions or comments, please contact Casey Lauderdale at [email protected] or (559) 621-8515.

Project Area

Project Schedule


  • 2023-2024 | Update of Environmental Impact Report
  • 1st Quarter 2025 | Specific Plan and EIR will be considered for adoption by City Council


  • April 2023 | Planned Land Use Map Re-Initiated
  • March 2023 | Community workshops on updated Land Use Map
  • July 2022 | Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Specific Plan and EIR to the City Council
  • Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 | Public feedback was incorporated into the Specific Plan and EIR
  • March 2022 | Comment period for the EIR closed
  • February 2022 | The draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was released for public comment
  • September 1, 2021 | Comment period for the Specific Plan closed
  • April 2021 | Specific Plan was released for public comment
  • June 2019 | City Council formally initiated the Specific Plan and Planned Land Use map
  • February 2019 | Steering Committee modified and approved proposed land use map and Guiding Principles
  • November 2018 – February 2019 | Public input was gathered on the draft proposed land use map
  • August – November 2018 | City Staff drafted  proposed land use map based on selected concept
  • August 2018 | Steering Committee selected conceptual land use option
    May – July 2018 | Public input was gathered through surveys and workshops
  • April 2018 | Steering Committee was appointed and held its first meeting

Proposed Land Use Slider Map
Use the slider map to view the current and proposed land use designations on an individual parcel level throughout the Plan Area. The interactive map is in the process of being updated.

2023 Planned Land Use Map

Past Events

For Steering Committee Meetings see “Steering Committee Meeting Agendas & Minutes” below.

March 20, 2023 | Presentation

March 30, 2023 | Presentation & Recording

Specific Plan Draft

West Area Neighborhoods Specific Plan Planning Commission Review Draft

Printed copies are available by request.

Environmental Impact Report

Final Environmental Impact Report 

Draft Environmental Impact Report (without appendices; 650 pages)

Draft Environmental Impact Report (with appendices; 1725 pages)

0.0 Cover

0.0 Table of Contents

0.1 Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Project Description

3.1 Aesthetics and Visual Resources

3.2 Agricultural Resources

3.3 Air Quality

3.4 Biological Resources

3.5 Cultural and Tribal Resources

3.6 Geology, Soils and Seismicity

3.7 Greenhouse Gases, Climate Change, and Energy

3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials

3.9 Hydrology and Water Quality

3.10 Land Use

3.11 Noise

3.12 Population and Housing

3.13 Public Services and Recreation

3.14 Transportation and Circulation

3.15 Utilities

4.0 Other CEQA-Required Topics

5.0 Alternatives to the Proposed Project

6.0 Report Preparers and Contributors

7.0 References

A.0 Appendices

Notice of Availability

Notice of Preparation 

Scoping Meeting PowerPoint Presentation 

Catalytic Corridor Survey
Weigh in on the future of the West Area’s Catalytic Corridors: Clinton, Blythe, Shields, Ashlan, Shaw, & Veterans. The survey is available online.
• Online (English) (español) (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) (Hmong)

Policy Prioritization Survey
Ranking each of the Plan’s policies from 1 to 14 will help prioritize their implementation. The survey is available online and to download.

Other Documents

Comments Received on 2023 Draft Planned Land Use Map

West Area Neighborhoods Specific Plan – Revised Public Review Draft

West Area Neighborhoods Specific Plan – Revised Review Draft (reduced size)

West Area Neighborhoods Specific Plan – Public Review Draft

West Area Neighborhoods Specific Plan – Public Review Draft (reduced size)

Carried Policies – West Area Community Plan & Highway City Neighborhood Specific Plan

2019 Proposed Land Use Map

Guiding Principles, Goals, and Policies

West Area Initiation Report

English Version Initiation Hearing_6272019

Planning Commission and City Council Hearing Notice

Specific Plan Existing Conditions Report

Results of Dots Exercise at 2nd Community Conversation

Results of Kick Off Survey

Presentation on Tree Fresno’s Community Landscapes Plan for West Fresno

Steering Committee Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Thursday, April 7, 2022 Agenda

Thursday, April 7, 2022 Minutes – DRAFT

April 7, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Packet

April 7, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Slides

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Agenda

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Minutes

March 23, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Packet

Supplemental Materials for March 23, 2022 Meeting

March 23, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Slides

March 23, 2022 Meeting Recording

Monday, March 7, 2022 Agenda

Monday March 7, 2022 Minutes

March 7, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Packet

March 7, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Slides

March 7, 2022 Meeting Recording

Thursday, February 3, 2022 Agenda

Thursday, February 3, 2022 Minutes

February 3, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Packet

February 3, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting Slides

February 3, 2022 Meeting Recording

Tuesday, December 7, 2021 Agenda

December 7, 2021 Steering Committee Meeting Packet

December 7, 2021 Steering Committee Meeting Slides

Additional Comments for December 7, 2021 Meeting

December 7, 2021 Meeting Recording

Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Agenda

Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Minutes 

July 20, 2021 Steering Committee Meeting Slides

July 20, 2021 Meeting Recording

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 Agenda

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 Minutes

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 Steering Committee Meeting Packet

June 29, 2021 Steering Committee Meeting Slides

June 29, 2021 Meeting Recording

Thursday, April 22, 2021 Agenda

Thursday, April 22, 2021 Minutes

April 22, 2021, Steering Committee Meeting Packet

April 22, 2021, Steering Committee Meeting Slides

April 22, 2021, Meeting Recording

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Agenda

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Minutes

February 27, 2019, Steering Committee Meeting Packet

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Agenda

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Minutes

January 30, 2019, Steering Committee Meeting Packet

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Agenda

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Minutes

January 16, 2019, Meeting Packet


Meeting Summaries

Public Comment

Amendment to Guiding Principles

Amendment to Draft Land Use


Next Steps

Land Use Map

Written Comments

Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Minutes

November 28, 2018 – Steering Committee Presentation

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Minutes

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Minutes

August 22, 2018, Steering Committee Meeting Packet

Wednesday, July 25, 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, July 25, 2018 Minutes

July 25, 2018, Meeting Packet

PowerPoint Presentation Slides for the July 25, 2018, Steering Committee Meeting

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 Minutes

June 27, 2018, Steering Committee Meeting Packet

PowerPoint Presentation Slides for the June 27, 2018, Steering Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why is the City doing a Specific Plan in my area?
A. The Fresno General Plan that was adopted in 2014 provides a broad vision for the West Area. In order to implement the General Plan, several more focused plans have been adopted in areas with specific planning needs, for example, the Downtown Neighborhood Community Plan, the Fulton Corridor Specific Plan, the Southwest Fresno Specific Plan, and the Parks Master Plan. Now, the City is directing its focus to the West Area and refinement of the existing plan in order to address specific needs in the area.

Q. Will the Specific Plan include eminent domain?
A. Eminent domain is only used as a last resort to purchase private property in order to build public infrastructure when normal land acquisition methods are unsuccessful. Use of eminent domain is not tied to the adoption of the Specific Plan, as it is a separate process that can occur with or without a Specific Plan.

While the Specific Plan will encourage and incentivize development to occur in areas that have vacant or underutilized land, private development will continue to occur as the market demands.

Q. Will the Specific Plan include annexation?
A. The Specific Plan will not include special or expedited annexation. Annexation is a separate legal action and will continue to occur as it has in the past.

Q. If annexation was eventually proposed for my property, would I be required to connect to City water and sewer service?
A. Should your property get annexed into the city, you would not be required to connect to City water service. You would be able to continue to use your existing well. Should your well run dry or be abandoned, however, you would be required to connect to City water service. Sewer connection would be required within three years after annexation into the city.  For more information on the annexation process, please visit Fresno Local Agency Formation Commission (Fresno LAFCo) at

Q. What is the approximate cost of connecting to City water and sewer services?
A. All inquiries about water and sewer connection fees and or permits should be directed to the Department of Public Utilities at (559) 621-1452.

Q.  I do not want development to occur in my area, can I stop development from occurring?
A. All of the West Area is located in Growth Area No. 1. The General Plan, adopted in 2014, identified Growth Area No. 1 as the priority area for development and growth. The actual rate of development will be driven by market conditions.

Q. What will happen once this plan is approved? Will we immediately see improvements?
A.  Private development will continue to occur according to market demand. The Specific Plan once approved, would provide the community’s priorities for infrastructure improvements. However, the securing of funds and the installation of major infrastructure may take several years to occur.

Public Disclaimer

Please be advised, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Brown Act, all forms of community feedback and public input that is provided to the City of Fresno will be made available to the general public.

Farmland Preservation Program

In 2017 the City Council initiated an amendment to Policy RC-9-c of the Fresno General Plan. This policy directs the City of Fresno to create a Farmland Preservation Program. If approved, the amended policy would still direct the creation of a program, but would allow a wider range of options to be considered when the program is developed. The proposed amendment is below. This item is tentatively scheduled to be considered by the City Council on December 6.

Policy RC-9-c
Farmland Preservation Program

In coordination with regional partners or independently, establish a Farmland Preservation Program. When Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance is converted to urban uses outside City limits, this program would require that the developer of such a project mitigate the loss of such farmland consistent with the requirements of CEQA. The Farmland Preservation Program shall provide several mitigation options that may include, but are not limited to the following: Restrictive Covenants or Deeds, In Lieu Fees, Mitigation Banks, Fee Title Acquisition, Conservation Easements, Land Use Regulation, or any other mitigation method that is in compliance with the requirements of CEQA. The Farmland Preservation Program may be modeled after some or all of the programs described by the California Council of Land Trusts.

South Central Specific Plan (SCSP)

The Fresno General Plan identifies the Plan Area as one of four priority areas for investment and study. The purpose of the South Central Specific Plan (SCSP) is to serve as a policy and regulatory document that seeks to balance economic benefit, environmental impacts, and quality of life.

What’s New

A Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is now availabile, including responses to comments and revisions to the Draft EIR as well as an updated Draft South Central Specific Plan, Redline Revisions, and Plan Response to Comments. See Project Materials below. 

Public hearings on the Plan and EIR are scheduled as follows at Fresno City Hall:

  • Planning Commission: November 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or thereafter
  • City Council: December 5, 2024 at 9;20 a.m. or thereafter

These dates are subject to change; check for updates. 

Project Materials

Final Environmental Impact Report

Draft Environmental Impact Report

Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendices

South Central Specific Plan, November 2024

South Central Specific Plan Redlines

Plan Response to Comments

Plan Comments Received after Public Review Period

Draft South Central Specific Plan, June 2024

Public Comments


Appendix A-Market Study

Appendix B-Resolution 2019-235

Appendix C-Community Workshop Summaries

Appendix D – Plan Alternatives

Appendix E-Truck Reroute Study and HIA

Appendix F – Hydraulic Analysis

Scoping Comments Received 3/24/21 – 5/14/21

Preferred Alternative Land Use Map

Alternative 2 Land Use Map

Alternative 3 Land Use Map 

Table: Land Use Designation Acreages

Revised Notice of Preparation

Aviso de Preparación – Revisado

Notice of Preparation

Aviso de Preparación

Comments Received 2019

Past Community Meetings

Date/TimePlaceInformation Provided
2nd EIR Scoping Meeting
April 28, 2021
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Join by phone: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 983 7360 7907
EIR Scoping Meeting
April 6, 2021
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Join by phone: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 986 3747 8188
4/6/2021 Presentation (Spanish)
4/6/2021 Presentation (Hmong)
4/6/2021 Presentation (Punjabi)
4-6-21 Mailer
Advisory Committee #6
July 7, 2020
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Join by phone: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 987 3211 7873
7/2/20 Agenda
7/7/20 Presentation
Final Adopted Vision, Guiding Principles, Policies
Draft Buffer and Setback Standards
Current Approved Planned Land Use
Original City Staff Proposed Land Use Map
Community Land Use Map
Business Community Land Use Map
Blended Staff Recommended Land Use Map
Land Use Map Acreage Analysis
Advisory Committee #6
June 23, 2020
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Join by phone: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 941 4498 4529
6/16/20 Agenda
Staff Proposed Land Use Map
Community Revision Map
Business Stakeholder Map
REVISED Business Stakeholder Map
Advisory Committee Meeting #5
May 19, 2020
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Join by phone:
Meeting ID:
983 2198 3394
5/19/20 Agenda
Proposed Land Use Map
Public Comment: Map
Adopted Vision and Guiding Principles
Adopted Policies
Advisory Committee #4
March 10, 2020
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Malaga Community Center
3592 S. Winery Ave
Fresno, CA 93725
3/10/20 Agenda
3/10/20 Presentation
Advisory Committee #3
March 2, 2020
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Malaga Community Center
3592 S. Winery Ave
Fresno, CA 93725
3/2/20 Agenda
3/2/20 Presentation
Ground Rules for Discussion
Policy List for Discussion
Employment Districts Land Use Table
2/25/20 Workshop Summary
Community Forum
February 25, 2020
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Malaga Community Center
3592 S. Winery Ave
Fresno, CA 93725
2/25/20 Presentation
2/25/20 Workshop Boards
2/18/20 Advisory Committee Summary
Advisory Committee #2
February 18, 2020
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Orange Center Elementary
3530 S. Cherry Ave
Fresno, CA 93706
2/18/20 Presentation
2/18/20 Workshop Summary
Community Conversation
February 12, 2020
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Malaga Community Center
3592 S. Winery Ave
Fresno, CA 93725
2/12/20 Meeting Notice
2/12/20 Presentation
2/12/20 Workshop Boards
Advisory Committee #1
February 6, 2020
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 3054
2600 Fresno St
Fresno, CA 93721
2/6/20 Agenda
1/13 – 1/15 Workshop Summary
2/6/20 Presentation
Public Meeting
January 15, 2020
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Calwa Elementary School
4303 E. Jensen Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725
Meeting Notice
Group Activity Worksheet
Public Meeting
January 14, 2020
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Malaga Elementary School
3910 S. Ward Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725
Public Meeting
January 13, 2020
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Orange Center Elementary
3530 S. Cherry Ave
Fresno, CA 93706
EIR Scoping Meeting
July 15, 2019
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
City Hall, Council Chambers
2600 Fresno St
Fresno, CA 93721
Notice of Preparation
Aviso de Preparación
Public Scoping Meeting Presentation
Public Meeting
June 4, 2019
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
FCC Career and Tech Center
2930 E. Annadale Ave
Fresno, CA 93657
Community Meeting Presentation
Public Meeting
May 30, 2019
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
FCC Career and Tech Center
2930 E. Annadale Ave
Fresno, CA 93657
Community Meeting Presentation

Prior Documents (SIPA):

[Draft] South Industrial Priority Area Specific Plan
[Draft] Área de Prioridad del Sur Industrial Plan Específico (Espanol)
SIPA Aerial Photograph (July 19, 2019)
SIPA Planned Land Uses

Please send questions or comments to [email protected] or (559) 621-8003.

Public Disclaimer
Please be advised, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Brown Act, all forms of community feedback and public input that is provided to the City of Fresno will be made available to the general public.

Program Environmental Impact Report for the City of Fresno General Plan Amendment No. P19-04226

The City of Fresno is preparing a Program Environmental Impact Report for the continued implementation of the approved Fresno General Plan, text changes to the Mobility and Transportation Element related to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) analysis, and an update to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. This update, consistent with Section 15168 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, is intended to streamline the implementation of the General Plan’s programs and projects by supporting them with updated environmental analysis, regulatory framework, and mitigation measures, pursuant to CEQA. Two major goals of updating the EIR include:

  • Complying with new legislation as it relates to various resource topic area as defined by CEQA; and
  • Updating the technical analyses to reflect the current baseline conditions of 2019.

Final Program Environmental Impact Report – July 2021
Note to reader: the FPEIR consists of the Recirculated Draft Program EIR from March 2021, the Draft PEIR from March 2020, and the Response to Comments documents from July 2020 and 2021respectively.

Response to Comments – July 2021


Appendix L – Comment Letters

Appendix M – Settlement Agreement

Appendix N – Settlement Agreement Summary

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Recirculate Draft Program Environmental Impact Report – March 2021

Bilingual Notice of Availability

Recirculated Draft Program Environmental Impact Report


Appendix C – Air Quality

Appendix G – Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Update

Appendix J – Transportation

Upcoming Public Hearing Dates:
Planning Commission: August 4, 2021 at 6:00 PM
City Council: August 19 at 10:00 AM

Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR)
Note to reader: the FPEIR consists of the Draft Program EIR and the Response to Comments documents

View the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report

View the Response to Comments


A: Notice of Preparation

B: Public Scoping Comments

C: Air Quality – Caleemod Output Files

D: Biological Resources

E: Native American Consultation

F: Geology and Soils

G: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Update

H: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary

I: Noise

J: Traffic Impact Analysis

View the Updated Notice of Availability with 15-day Time Extension for Public Comment
View the Notice of Availability

About the Project Area
The General Plan Planning Area encompasses approximately 106,000 acres and includes all areas within the City’s current City limits and the current Sphere of Influence.

View Fresno Planning Boundary Map

Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Pursuant to provisions of CEQA, the City has prepared a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the proposed project. Once a decision is made to prepare an EIR, the lead agency must prepare a NOP to inform all responsible and trustee agencies that an EIR will be prepared (CEQA Guidelines Section 15082). The purpose of this NOP is to provide agencies, interested parties, and organizations with sufficient information describing the proposed project and the potential environmental effects to enable meaningful input related to the scope and content of information to be included in the EIR.

View Notice of Preparation

Public Review Period for the NOP
The NOP is being circulated for public review and comment for a period of 30 days beginning May 16, 2019. Comments in response to the NOP will be accepted through 5 p.m., June 17, 2019. Please send your written comments to Ms. Pagoulatos and include your name, address, and phone number and/or email address so that we may contact you for clarification, if necessary.

Sophia Pagoulatos, Planning Manager
Development and Resource Management
2600 Fresno Street, Room 3065
Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 621-8062
[email protected]

Scoping Meeting
The City held a public scoping meeting to inform interested parties about the General Plan PEIR and to provide agencies and the public with an opportunity to provide comments on the scope and content of the PEIR. The meeting time and location was as follows:

Fresno City Hall
Room 2165 (Meeting Room A), Second Floor
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93721
Date: May 21, 2019
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

View Scoping Meeting Presentation

Work Program Outline
Task 1 – Project Initiation
1.1 Technical Advisory Committee Formation
1.2 Kick-Off Meeting
1.3 Data Collection/Document Review
1.4 Notice of Preparation
Task 2 – Project Description
Task 3 – Administrative Draft EIR
3.1 Aesthetics
3.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources
3.3 Air Quality
3.4 Biological Resources
3.5 Cultural Resources
3.6 Geology and Soils
3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
3.9 Hydrology and Water Quality
3.10 Land Use and Planning
3.11 Mineral Resources
3.12 Noise
3.13 Population and Housing
3.14 Public Services and Recreation
3.15 Transportation and Traffic
3.16 Tribal Cultural Resources
3.17 Utilities and Service Systems
3.18 Energy Conservation
3.19 Alternatives Analysis
3.20 CEQA-Required Assessment Conclusions
3.21 Other Chapters
Task 4 – Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Update
4.1 Provide an Evidence-Based 2020 Reduction Target
4.2 SB 32 Alignment of the GHG Reduction Plan
4.3 Monitoring Tools Update
4.4 Draft GHG Reduction Plan Update
Task 5 – Screencheck Draft EIR
Task 6 – Public Review Draft EIR
Task 7 – Administrative Final EIR/Response to Comments
7.1 Administrative Final EIR/Response to Comments
7.2 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Task 8 – Screencheck Final EIR/Response to Comments
Task 9 – Final EIR/Response to Comments
Task 10 – CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations
Task 11 – Project Management Meeting

The City of Fresno will receive public comments on the Draft PEIR from March 6 through April 20, 2020. Written comments should be received no later than 5pm (PST) on April 20, 2020. Please send your written comments to Sophia Pagoulatos and include your name, address, and phone number and/or email address so that we may contact you for clarification, if necessary.  Comments may be made in person, by first class mail, facsimile or email to:

City of Fresno
Planning and Development Department
2600 Fresno Street, Room 3065
Fresno, CA 93721
Attention: Sophia Pagoulatos, Planning Manager
Telephone: (559) 621-8062  Fax: (559) 498-1026
Email: [email protected]

Public Disclaimer
Please be advised, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Brown Act, all forms of community feedback and public input that is provided to the City of Fresno will be made available to the general public.


The City of Fresno is proposing an amendment to Sections 15-2739 and 15-2739.1 of the Fresno Municipal Code, Article 33 to Chapter 9 of the Fresno Municipal Code, and Article 21 to Chapter 12 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to adult use and medicinal cannabis retail business and commercial cannabis business.  The City of Fresno will be the Lead Agency pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and will be responsible for preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to CEQA (Public Resources Code [PRC] Section 21000 et seq.) and the CEQA Guidelines.

For additional information, please contact Israel Trejo at (559) 621-8044 or via email at [email protected]

View Notice of Preparation

View Notice of Availability

Draft Cannabis Text Amendment

Draft Environmental Impact Report Vol. 1

Draft Environmental Impact Report Vol. 2

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Statement of Overriding Considerations

Response to Comments

Documents Incorporated by Reference:

City of Fresno General Plan

City of Fresno General Plan Update Master EIR

City of Fresno Municipal Code—Chapter 9, Article 33

City of Fresno Development Code

City of Fresno Housing Element

Fresno Yosemite International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan

Elm Avenue Revitalization Strategy

A Roadmap to Development

The EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Planning grant program assists communities in responding to local challenges where multiple brownfield sites are in close proximity, connected by infrastructure, and limit the economic, en­vironmental and social prosperity of their surroundings. The program aims to result in plans for future improve­ments that:

  • protect public health and the environment,
  • are economically viable, and
  • reflect the community’s vision for the area.

In 2015, EPA selected the City of Fresno as a Brown­field Area-Wide Planning grant recipient. Fresno received $175,000 to work with community stakeholders to develop a strategy and implementation strategy for the Elm Avenue corridor. Fresno’s Brownfields area-wide plan­ning work builds on previous EPA brownfields grants and technical assistance, including the 2011 West Fresno Brownfields Action Plan.

Project Area

Brownfields Study Area Map

The Elm Avenue Revitalization Strategy focuses on the 2.25- mile Elm Avenue Corridor and adjacent neighborhoods in Southwest Fresno. The 1,092-acre Study Area is generally bounded by Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to the west, Highway 41 to the east, California Avenue and Ventura Street to the north, and North Avenue to the south

Why another planning effort?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) de­fines brownfields as “real property, the expansion, redevelopment or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant.” Typical brownfield sites are former gas stations, dry cleaners, or industrial facilities. These are sites that may have been impacted by a release of petroleum products, solvents, heavy met­als and other pollutants into buildings, soil, surface water and groundwater.

Brownfields are not necessarily contaminated, but they could be. They need environmental review, and possibly remediation, before any reuse can take place. These extra, potentially costly steps often contribute to sites being left inactive for many years. Inactive sites become magnets for illegal dumping or crime, thus adding to the potential for contamination and negative effects on surrounding communities. In other words, the challenge of redeveloping a brownfield site often causes it to be left unused—and this condition affects not only the site itself but the surrounding area. One neglected site along a corridor can hold back the potential of the properties and neighborhoods around it.

However, it is possible to “flip this script.” If brown­fields can have negative effects far beyond the property boundaries, can they also have positive effects that ripple outward? If reuse is enabled on a brownfield, can the effects cascade along a corridor? The answer is yes: brownfield sites can become catalysts for broader neigh­borhood revitalization. This is the idea of the Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Program.


The Elm Avenue Revitalization Strategy engagement included a mix of targeted work with stakeholders and broad outreach to the community.

  • A Steering Committee made up of local community leaders was formed to guide the Strategy at key points.
  • The project team met with representatives of each of the catalyst sites.
  • Local high school students  built  community leadership skills through a photojournalism project called Photo Voice along the Elm Avenue corridor.

The community at large was invited to participate in a community workshop, coffee hours at local schools, and an open house in which the planning team showed initial concepts for catalyst sites and a corridor vision.

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information contact Drew Wilson at the City of Fresno at [email protected] or call (559) 621-8087.


The Public Draft of the Elm Avenue Revitalization Strategy is scheduled to be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council in October 2019.

Project Documents

Notice of Intent to File Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigated Negative Declaration-Public Review Draft

Elm Avenue Existing Conditions Report

Elm Avenue Revitalization Strategy

Project Materials

Community Workshop 1 Presentation

Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Program

Elm Avenue Revitalization Plan Power Point

Earth Day Workshop Presentation

Community Meetings Table Top Activity

Brownfields Coalition Assessment Grant

The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $600,000 Brownfields Coalition Assessment Grant to the City of Fresno in order to complement ongoing revitalization efforts in Downtown, Chinatown, and Southwest Fresno, specifically within the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) project area., The TCC project area was targeted because of the number of planned investments,  the economically and environmentally disadvantaged neighborhoods, and the most leverageable infrastructure, and has been the focus for multiple recent planning processes. The grant, which requires no local match, would pay for consultant services to assist in outreach and the preparation Phase I/II environmental site assessments (ESA), remediation plans, market studies, area plans and other technical studies to support revitalization of the area.

The Brownfields Coalition Assessment Grant was applied for in partnership with Fresno County Department of Public Health, The Chinatown Foundation, and Saint Rest Community Economic Development Corporation.  Goals for the plan include the following:

  1. Assessment and identification of environmental hazards with defined strategies for cleanup on selected brownfield sites;
  2. Development of a participatory reuse plan for selected brownfield sites, which includes market studies and analysis, and associated area-wide planning studies that provided documented demand for desired reuse and help secure developer interest and subsequent financing; and
  3. Building coalition member’s capacity to apply for and manage future EPA Brownfield grants.

The project area for the grant is the 4.9-square mile (sq. mi.) TCC project area which includes the Downtown, Chinatown, and Southwest Fresno neighborhoods.  The final deliverables of the grant would be up to 16 Phase 1 ESAs, up to 8 Phase II ESAs, up to 5 Remedial/Corrective Action Plans, up to 5 Reuse or Market Studies, and up to 3 Area-Wide Planning Studies.

As the project continues this page will provide project updates, project documents, meeting announcements, and opportunity to provide input.

Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6360

Located on the northeast corner of McKinley & Armstrong Avenues

The City of Fresno is the Lead Agency, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), will be responsible for preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to CEQA (Public Resources Code [PRC] Section 2100 et seq.) and the CEQA Guidelines, relative to a proposed residential development located on the northeast corner of East McKinley and North Armstrong Avenues.

Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6360 proposes the construction of 326 single-family residences, communal park space, and public improvements on approximately 31.29-acres, located at the northeast corner of McKinley and Armstrong Avenues in the City of Fresno. Associated entitlements to facilitate development of the proposed subdivision include a General Plan Amendment (Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential), a Rezone from RS-3 to RS-5 (Single Family Residential, Low Density to Single Family Residential, Medium Density), and a Planned Development Permit to establish a gated community and private streets.

For additional information, please contact Chris Lang at (559)621-8023 or via email at [email protected].

Environmental Impact Report

Final EIR

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations

Notice of Preparation (NOP)

Notice of Availability

Draft Environmental Impact Report

Draft Environmental Impact Report appendices

Public Review Period

The City is circulating the Draft EIR for public review and comments for a period of 45 days (February 23, 2024 to April 8, 2024), which is consistent with Section 15105(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines.

All documents related to this project are available for public review during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.) at the Planning and Development Department at 2600 Fresno Street, Room 3043, Fresno, CA 93721. Please contact Chris Lang via e-mail or by phone to request electronic copies or to schedule an appointment to view documents.

Tapestry III Tract 6195 (FEIR)

Located on the west side of Thiele Avenue, south of the San Joaquin Valley River Bluff.

The City of Fresno as the Lead Agency, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), will be responsible for preparing a Focused Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) pursuant to CEQA (Public Resources Code Section 2100 et seq.) and the CEQA Guidelines.

The project applicant proposes Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Vesting Tentative Tract Map applications for single-family development on property located on the west side of North Thiele Avenue, north of the intersection of West Spruce and North Thiele Avenues, south of the San Joaquin Valley River Bluffs. Plan Amendment Application No. P20-04463 proposes to amend the Fresno General Plan and Bullard Community Plan to change the planned land use designations for the subject property from Open Space, Regional Park (±14.0 acres), Open Space, Multi-Use (±1.30 acres), and Public Facility, PG&E Substation (±2.28 acres) to Residential, Medium Density (±17.58 acres). Rezone Application No. P20-04463 proposes to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Fresno to change the subject property from the PR/BL/UGM (Parks and Recreation/Bluff Protection/Urban Growth Management) (±15.30 acres) zone district and the PI/BL/UGM (Public Institutional/Bluff Protection/Urban Growth Management) (±2.28 acres) zone district to the RS-5/BL/UGM (Residential Single-Family, Medium Density/Bluff Protection/Urban Growth Management) zone district. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6195/UGM proposes to subdivide ±17.58 acres of property for the purpose of creating an 89-lot conventional single-family residential development at a density of approximately 5.05 dwelling units per acre.

Notice of Preparation : Comment Period from June 4th, 2021 to July 6th, 2021 
NOP Scoping Meeting: June 23, 2021

Notice of Availability: Comment Period from February 18, 2022 to April 4, 2022
Draft Environmental Impact Report with Appendices : Uploaded February 18, 2022

For additional information, please contact Rob Holt at (559) 621-8056 or via email at [email protected].

Costco Commercial Center

Project Description
The Costco Wholesale Corporation (Costco) proposes to construct the Costco Commercial Center, including a new Costco facility with an attached tire center and a detached gas station and drive-through car wash in the City of Fresno. The existing Costco on Shaw Avenue would relocate to the new facility, which would be sized to accommodate the customer base in northwest Fresno. The project also includes a proposed rezone and General Plan amendment to reclassify the adjacent portion of West Herndon Avenue from Expressway to Super Arterial to allow for appropriate vehicle access.

Project Location
The proposed location of the Costco Commercial Center site is a 22.4-acre parcel located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Herndon Avenue and North Riverside Boulevard in the City of Fresno. The project site is a single parcel, bordered by West Spruce Avenue to the north, the right-of-way of (currently unbuilt) Arthur Avenue to the east, West Herndon Avenue to the south, and North Riverside Boulevard to the east. The site’s address is 7120 North Riverside Drive and the assessor’s parcel number (APN) is 503-020-12. Local access to the site is provided by West Herndon Avenue, West Spruce Avenue, and North Riverside Boulevard. Regional access is provided by State Route (SR) 99, via the West Herndon Avenue interchange approximately 0.5 miles to the southwest.

Requested Entitlements
Plan Amendment/Rezone Application No. P21-01960 proposes to amend the 2035 Fresno General Plan to change the planned land use designations for the subject property from the Community Commercial to the General Commercial planned land use designation and reclassify a portion of West Herndon Avenue from Expressway to Super Arterial.

The rezone application proposes to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Fresno to reclassify the subject property from the CC/EA/UGM/cz (Community Commercial/Expressway Overlay/Urban Growth Management/conditions of zoning) zone district to the CG/UGM/cz (General Commercial/Urban Growth Management/conditions of zoning) zone district.

Conditional Use Permit Application P21-01959 proposes to construct a ±241,342 square-foot, warehouse retail building with a ±4,800 square-foot car wash; and an ±13,000 square-foot, 32-station fuel canopy.

ABC Conditional Use Permit Application No. P21-03251 requests to establish a Type 21 alcohol license that would allow the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption off the premises where sold.

Planned Development Permit Application No. P21-03252 requests authorization to modify parking lot development standards to allow for 36.5-foot-tall light fixtures rather than 25-foot light fixtures.

Tentative Parcel Map proposes to subdivide the subject property into two legal parcels.

Who do I contact for more information?
For additional information, please contact Jose Valenzuela at (559) 621-8070 or via email at [email protected].

Notice of Preparation
NOP Dated October 22, 2021

Scoping Meeting: November 2, 2021
Scoping Meeting Recording
Access Passcode: qs7bN&+b

Draft Environmental Impact Report

Notice of Completion SCH No. 2021100443

Notice of Availability Dated July 11, 2023

Draft Environmental Impact Report Dated July 11, 2023

Draft EIR Appendices

Appendix – A (Notice of Preparation and Comments Received During the Scoping Period)

Appendix – B (Geotechnical Study)

Appendix – C (Air Quality Technical Report)

Appendix – D (Transportation Impact Analysis)

Appendix – E (Energy Technical Report)

Appendix – F (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technical Report)

Appendix – G (Phase II Environmental Site Assessment)

Appendix – H (Noise Calculations)

Public Review Period

The City is circulating the Draft EIR for public review and comment for a period of 45 days (July 11, 2023, to August 28, 2023), which is consistent with Section 15105(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines.

All documents related to this project are available for public review during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.) by appointment only, at the Planning and Development Department at 2600 Fresno Street, used in the Draft EIR are physical copies and/or copyright protected and are only available in person at the Planning and Development Department. Please contact Jose Valenzuela via e-mail or by phone to request electronic copies or to schedule an appointment to view documents.

DEIR Comment Extension Memo

Draft EIR Public Comments

WEEK 1 – Comments 7.11.2023-7.15.2023

WEEK 2 – Comments 7.16.2023-7.22.2023

WEEK 3 – Comments 7.23.2023-7.29.2023

WEEK 4 – Comments 7.30.23-8.05.2023

WEEK 5 – Comments 8.06.2023-8.12.2023

Week 6 – Comments 8.13.2023-8.19.2023

Week 7 – Comments 8.20.2023-8.26.2023

Week 8 – Comments 8.27.2023-8.28.2023

Jose Valenzuela – Supervising Planner
City of Fresno – Planning and Development Department
2600 Fresno Street, Room 3043
Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 621-8070
[email protected]

Kings Canyon Corridor Transit-Oriented Development Connectivity Study

Click to read in: Español | Hmong | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

The KCCTOD Study was accepted by the City Council on Thursday, August 24th, 2023.

For more information, please call (559) 621-8339.


The City of Fresno is launching a study to identify locations for developments with increased housing, retail, offices, and public space centered around “Q-line” bus stations on the Kings Canyon / Ventura Corridor. This concept is known as Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). The study will have several components and require input from a variety of stakeholders. The study’s main objective is to identify the two best locations for a TOD project along the corridor and create station area plans for both. The study will also include the development of up to three station area templates that can be utilized on properties along transit corridors citywide. The final study will additionally include transit accessibility and financial feasibility analyses that will be used to create a matrix of financing tools and funding sources that can be utilized by the City and the development community to implement the station area plans.


The KCCTOD area covers 4.5 square miles. It is bounded by East Tulare Avenue to the north, East Butler Avenue to the south, South Argyle Avenue to the east, and the 41 (Yosemite Freeway) to the west and includes portions of council districts 5 and 7.

What IS TOD?

Transit-oriented development is a type of development that promotes healthy and active lifestyles by increasing housing options, safety, walkability, and transit accessibility. These benefits lead to increased economic opportunity and helps reduce environmental harm. TOD developments can include a mix of land uses including commercial, residential, service, and other appropriate uses all centered around or located near a transit station. TOD developments bring people, activities, buildings, and public space together, with easy walking and cycling connection between them and near-transit service. It provides inclusive access for all to local and citywide opportunities and resources by the most efficient and healthful combination of mobility modes.


The community will be key to the development of the KCCTOD. Below is a list of Project Activities and Project Materials. Click on active links below to participate (links are active when the text is blue and underlined).


Four community workshops have been held to date. Staff is currently planning a fifth workshop. Stay tuned for more information! To view the workshop recordings, click on the underlined text beneath each date.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 – Existing Conditions, Challenges, and Opportunities (ECCO)
View the recording HERE

Saturday, May 14, 2022 – Planning Concepts & Vision
View the recording HERE

Monday, August 22, 2022 – Station Area Plans
View the recording HERE

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 – Implementation
View the recording HERE


KCCTOD Study Public Draft

KCCTOD Study Public Draft Appendices:

Appendix A –
Development Financial Feasibility Analysis (Draft)

Appendix B – Existing
Conditions Atlas (Draft)

Appendix C – Mobility
Concepts (Draft)

Appendix D –
Implementation matrix (Draft)


Zine Volume 1

Zine Volume 2

Zine Volume 3

Zine Volume 4

Existing Conditions Atlas

Summary of Real Estate Conditions


For more information, please contact [email protected] or (559) 621-8062.

Para más información, comuníquese con [email protected] 

Yog Xav Paub Ntxiv, Xa Email ntawv hauv vassab lossis Hu [email protected]

ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ, ਈਮੇਲ ਜਾਂ ਕਾਲ   [email protected]

Southeast Development Area Specific Plan


Can Fresno grow in ways that equitably expand our economy and housing stock while protecting public health? Can “greenfield” growth occur that pays its own way and does not negatively affect existing neighborhoods? Can we build communities where schools, shopping, and parks are within walking distance of every student, worker, and resident? Can we attract and keep highly educated workers and raise the collective potential of our diverse population?

The answer to all these questions is YES. The Southeast Development Area (“SEDA”) Specific Plan is our opportunity to design and implement a vision that achieves these goals and serves as an example for cities in the Central Valley and across California. The City started the process of preparing a Specific Plan for SEGA, but put it aside amidst the uncertainty of the recession in 2008.  At that point, a draft specific plan had been created that included input from a robust public outreach process In response to the current housing crisis, the City of Fresno is now finishing the SEDA Specific Plan and completing an Environmental Impact Report. The SEDA Specific Plan and associated Environmental Impact Report will be completed in the fall of 2023.



The regional location of the nearly 9,000-acre SEDA Specific Plan Area is in the southeast portion of the City, in Fresno County (County), California as shown in the map here. The Plan Area is bounded on the north by the Gould Canal, on the east by McCall and Highland Avenues, on the south by Jensen and North Avenues, and on the West by Locan, Temperance, and Minnewawa Avenues.


  • The City commits to honoring community input by continuing to offer multiple opportunities for engagement. During the late spring and early summer of 2022, the City of Fresno Planning and Development Department Staff hosted a series of workshops and listening sessions to garner community feedback. In addition, in the summer of 2023, the City hosted three in-person drop-in sessions and one Zoom webinar. The SEDA EIR and Specific Plan documents are located for review under the Project Materials section below.

The SEDA EIR and Specific Plan were available for public comment from July 14 – August 28, 2023. The SEDA EIR was then recirculated from October 3 – November 17, 2023 to include additional transportation and traffic analysis and publication of the Geology, Soils and Seismicity Chapter which had been inadvertently omitted due to a technical error when uploading the initial EIR to the State Clearinghouse database.

The City is currently reviewing the previously circulated Draft Environmental Impact Report for the SEDA Specific Plan to ensure all necessary analysis is current and complete. If additional analysis is needed, the SEDA EIR will be recirculated in early 2025. Public meetings will be scheduled at that time.

Please continue to visit this website for updates in addition to visiting to access upcoming City meetings and agendas.


SEDA img 1


SEDA Summer Drop-In Zoom Webinar Recording

Proposed Land Use Map

Land Use Descriptions

EIR Handout

EIR Executive Summary

Comment Card

Comments Received During Public Comment Period

Comments Received During Recirculated Public Comment Period

Translated documents are available upon request

  • Public Meeting 1

Click here for the Public Meeting 1 Presentation

  • Public Meeting 2

Click here for the Public Meeting 2 Recording

  • Public Meeting 3

Click here for the Public Comment Brochure

Click here for the Public Meeting 3 Presentation

 Click here for the Public Meeting 3 Recording

  • June 14 Listening Session

Click here for the Listening Session Agenda

Click here for the Listening Session Audio Recording

Click here for the written summary of Listening Session input


  • Please continue to visit this website for updates regarding presentations to the Planning Commission and City Council, in addition to visiting to access upcoming City meetings and agendas.


Recirculated EIR

Recirculation – Notice of Availability

Draft SEDA Specific Plan

Notice of Availability

Draft SEDA Environmental Impact Report

Technical Appendices

Appendix A – EIR Noticing and Public Involvement

Appendix B – Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Supporting Information

Appendix C – Biological Resources Supporting Information

Appendix D – Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Supporting Information

Appendix E – Energy Supporting Information

Appendix F – Hydrology and Water Quality Supporting Information

Appendix G – Noise Supporting Information

Appendix H – Transportation Supporting Information

Appendix I – Utilities and Service Systems Supporting Information -Draft SEDA Specific Plan (zipped)

Notice of Preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report

Scoping Meeting Presentation

Scoping Meeting Video Recording

Southeast Development Area Draft Specific Plan Policy Document


For more information, please contact [email protected] or (559) 621-8339

Para más información, comuníquese con [email protected]

.lYog Xav Paub Ntxiv, Xa Email ntawv hauv vassab lossis Hu [email protected]

ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ, ਈਮੇਲ ਜਾਂ ਕਾਲ   [email protected]

Text Amendment Application No. P24-00794

In 2023, the City Council initiated Resolution No. 2023-064 to amend the Development Code to address citywide housing shortages. Text Amendment Application No. P24-00794 proposes the following:

• Conversion of office to residential uses: ministerial approval of the new office to dwelling conversion residential use classification. This includes parcels in the Office Zone that have an existing commercial use.

• Housing in Multi-Family Residential Districts near bus stops: ministerial approval of multi-family residential developments in multi-family districts (RM-1, RM-2, RM-3) within half a mile of an existing bus stop.

• Housing in Mixed-Use Zone Districts: ministerial approval for single-unit dwelling attached and multi-unit residential housing types in mixed use districts (NMX, CMX, RMX, CMS, and CR) within the City’s Infill Priority Area; and

• New multi-family in Office Zones: ministerial approval of new standalone multi-unit residential development in the O zone district (“New Residential Development on Office Parcels”).

To analyze potential environmental impacts, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared. This document is now AVAILABLE for public review and comment from November 20, 2024 through December 20, 2024 – please visit the link below to access:

Comments may be submitted via email, mail or in person to the contact information below:

[email protected]

(559) 621-8339

City of Fresno

c/o Adrienne Asadoorian-Gilbert
2600 Fresno Street, Room 3065
Fresno, CA 93721

Para más información en español, contacte [email protected] 

Tower District Specific Plan Update

Papé Materials Handling Project
(Development Permit Application No. P22-04027)

Project Description:

The proposed project includes the construction of a two-story, 52,600 square-foot commercial building for rental, sale, repair and maintenance of construction and warehouse equipment. The proposed commercial building includes office space for staff, and warehousing and shop areas. The proposed project would also include the construction of a separate 6,000 square-foot vehicle wash and storage building along the site’s northern boundary, employee and customer parking, landscaped areas, and equipment storage racks and a stormwater retention basin along the eastern portion of the site. 

To facilitate the future development of the subject property, the proposed project would provide, as required, dedications for public street rights-of-way, as well as the construction of public facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the standards, specifications, and policies of the City of Fresno.

Project Location:

The proposed project is located at 4254 South Cedar Avenue, on approximately 11.75 acres, and approximately 680 feet northeast of the intersection of East Malaga Avenue and South Cedar Avenue, in Fresno, California. Site Latitude: 36.673219°, Site Longitude: –119.752433°. Mount Diablo Base & Meridian, NW quarter of Section 36, Township 14 South, Range 20 East (Assessor’s Parcel Number [APN]: 330-03-184). 

Project Entitlements:

Development Permit Application No. P22-04027, which proposes the construction of a two-story, 52,600 square-foot commercial building for rental, sale, repair and maintenance of construction and warehouse equipment.

Who do I contact for more information?

For additional information, please contact Thomas Veatch at (559) 621-8076 or via email at [email protected]

Notice of Preparation 

NOP Dated November 17, 2023

Comment Period

November 17, 2023 – December 18, 2023

Scoping Meeting: November 2, 2021

The CEQA process encourages comments and questions from the public throughout the planning process. Pursuant to Section 15083 of the CEQA Guidelines, a Public Scoping Meeting will be held to solicit public comments on the scope and content of the EIR. A public scoping meeting for this project will be conducted on Thursday, December 7, 2023, at a meeting room in City Hall (2600 Fresno St, Fresno, Ca 93721) on the 2nd floor, Room 2165 N, as well as on Zoom. The webinar information is provided below:

Via Zoom online meeting at:
Or by Phone at: 1 669 900 9128
Webinar ID: 919 2399 6864

Thomas Veatch –Planner
City of Fresno – Planning and Development Department
2600 Fresno Street, Room 3043
Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 621-8076
[email protected] 

Climate Adaptation Plan and Environmental Justice Element

Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6472

he City of Fresno (City) is the Lead Agency on the below-described Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6472 Project and has prepared a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The NOP is intended to solicit the views of the public, interested parties, and/or agencies as to the scope and content of the environmental information which is relevant to you or your agency’s statutory responsibilities in connection with the proposed project. Specifically, the City is requesting that commenters identify environmental topics (and/or special studies) that they believe need to be explored in the forthcoming EIR, and to identify other relevant environmental issues related to the scope and content of the forthcoming EIR. 

Project Title:

Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6472

Project Applicant:

The Project is generally located on the southeast corner of West Shaw Avenue and North Grantland Avenue (Figure 1). The Project is within Section 16, Township 13 South, Range 19 East, of the Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian and the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Herndon Quadrangle. The Project is located immediately south and west of the City of Fresno corporate limits, in unincorporated Fresno County, and lies within the boundaries of the sphere of influence. The site is bounded by West Shaw Avenue (north), North Grantland Avenue (west), West Gettysburg Avenue (south) and North Bryan Avenue (east), and is situated approximately one mile southwest of State Route (SR) 99.

The Project consists of two distinct areas: a proposed residential development area and a proposed annexation area. The proposed Entitlement Area encompasses both the residential development area (APN 512-031-01S), and the Annexation Only Area that includes the unincorporated 14 parcels to the east (APNs 512-031-09 through -22), which are developed with rural residential homes. The following terms will be used to distinguish the two areas: 

  • Project Site: This term refers to the approximately 80-acre parcel (APN 512-031-01S) to be developed as part of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6472. This parcel will also be annexed into the City.
  • Annexation Only Area: This term refers to the developed parcels (APNs 512-031-09 through -22 and adjacent Rights-of-ways).
  • Entitlement Area: This term refers to both the Annexation Area and the Project Site parcels (APNs 512-031-01S and 512-031-09 through -22).

Project Description:

Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6472 is located on an approximately 80-acre parcel (APN 512-031-01S) on the southeast corner of West Shaw Avenue and North Grantland Avenue. The planned alignment of Veterans Boulevard bifurcates the Project Site.

The Project Site has planned land use designations of Residential Medium High Density (12-16 D.U./acre), Residential Urban Neighborhood (16-30 D.U./acre), Residential High Density (30-45 D.U./acre) and Public/Quasi-Public Facility in the Fresno General Plan. The Annexation Only Area has a planned land use designation of Residential Low Density (1-3.5 D.U./acre) in the Fresno General Plan.

Site Configuration

The Project proposes the development of 236 single-family detached dwelling units on 20.83 net acres west of the Veterans Boulevard alignment for a density of 11.3 dwelling units per net acre in the proposed RS-5 zone district. Lot sizes will range from 2,375 square feet to 5,538 square feet.

The Project also proposes the development of 50-cluster style buildings on approximately 18.16 net acres east of the Veterans Boulevard alignment. Each cluster is comprised of five single-family attached units for a total of 250 units and a density of 13.76 units per net acre in the proposed RM-2 zone district. Lot sizes will range from 1,234 square feet to 1,254 square feet. The buildings will have “alley-style” garage entries, private streets, guest parking, open space, bicycle and walking trails throughout.

One 16.75-acre remainder lot is proposed at the southeast corner of West Shaw Avenue and North Grantland Avenue. The remainder lot is not included in the plan for development.

On- and off-site improvements including circulation roads, interior local streets, curb, gutter, sidewalk, open space, and landscaping are proposed as part of the project. The Project will construct the remainder of Veterans Boulevard between Shaw Avenue and Gettysburg Avenue. Water and sewer utilities will be provided by the City of Fresno and new pipelines will be installed along North Grantland Avenue and West Gettysburg Avenue.


Lennar Homes of California is requesting approval of the following related entitlement applications:

  • Pre-zone Application No. P24-02876 proposes to pre-zone approximately 96.14 acres  from the Fresno County Rural Residential designation to the City of Fresno RS-5 (Residential Single-Family, Medium Density [21.9 acres]),RM-2 (Residential Multi-Family, Urban Neighborhood [20.95 acres]), RM-3 (Residential Multi-Family, High Density [17.84 acres]), RM-1 (Residential Multi-Family, Medium High Density [4.68 acres]), PI (Public and Institutional [3.27 acres]) and RS-3 (Residential Single-Family Low Density [27.5 acres]) zone districts.
  • Annexation Application No. P24-03218 proposes the Annexation of APNs 512-031-01S, 512-031-09, 512-031-10, 512-031-11, 512-031-12, 512-031-13, 512-031-14, 512-031-15, 512-031-22, 512-031-17, 512-031-18, 512-031-19, 512-031-20, 512-031-21, 512-031-16 into the City of Fresno corporate limits and the detachment of these properties from the King River Conservation District and the North Central Fire Protection District.
  • Planned Development Application No. P24-02868 requests the reduction of the minimum lot size and the reduction of minimum lot width and transfer of density.
  • Development Permit Application No. P24-03242 proposes the development of the eastern portion of the residential development, including the construction of 250 single-family attached dwelling units.
  • Vesting Tentative Tract Map (T-6472) (P24-01378) application proposes to subdivide the 79.96-acre parcel (APN 512-031-01S) into 486 single-family lots, two RM-1 lots, one PI lot, one RM-3 lot and one remainder lot (RM-3).


The Project will be developed in two phases with two resultant Final Maps. Phase One consists of the 236 western single-family residential lots and Phase Two consists of the eastern 250 single-family attached units. Veterans Boulevard will be developed in tandem with Phase One and Two. Development of the Project Site is anticipated to occur between Quarter 1 2026 and Quarter 2 2027.

Persons with questions or requests for information may call Juan Lara at (559) 621-8039 or email at [email protected].

Notice of Preparation: Comment Period from November 19th to December 18th 2024. 

Notice of Preparation: Comment Period from November 19th to December 18th, 2024