Office of the Mayor / About The Mayor

Jerry P. Dyer is the City of Fresno’s 26th Mayor, sworn into office on January 5, 2021.
Mayor Dyer came into office with a vision of uniting Fresno – seeking an inclusive, prosperous, beautiful city where people take pride in their neighborhoods and community. A government that listens, keeps its promises, and is owned by the people. This is his “One Fresno” vision.
Upon assuming office, the Mayor’s Administration successfully implemented “Project Off-Ramp,” an initiative that relocated more than 600 unhoused residents off Fresno’s freeways and into safe housing, with the goal of permanent housing and a productive life.
Another successful initiative is focused on improving the City’s curb appeal. Mayor Dyer’s “Beautify Fresno” initiative has not only cleaned up neighborhoods across Fresno, it has also driven an unprecedented rise in volunteerism, with residents gathering on weekends to pick up trash in neighborhoods far from their homes. In 2022, Beautify Fresno efforts not only met the Mayor’s challenge of collecting one million pounds of trash, but exceeded the goal in just six months.
In other neighborhoods, Mayor Dyer continues to prioritize housing of all kinds, ranging from affordable to workforce to market rate. An adequate, affordable housing supply that serves all markets is evidenced in the Mayor’s One Fresno Housing Strategy.
Mayor Dyer has a long history of investing in Fresno’s youth. A former board member of the Boys and Girls Club, he has prioritized youth investment by launching several initiatives including the One Fresno Youth Jobs Corps program. This program provides hundreds of hard-to-hire youth and young adults the opportunity to gain life and work skills through a City-paid internship designed to lead to City of Fresno employment and, ultimately, resources for homeownership opportunities. The program aims to help underserved youth and young adults, including those from low-income families, who have been touched by the criminal justice system, or have been in foster programs.
Other youth investments include the launch of Fresno Chaffee Zoo Days, and the 2021 renovation and reopening of Camp Fresno. Through Mayor Dyer’s One Fresno Foundation, the camp provides youth the opportunity to experience nature, the outdoors, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Mayor Dyer continues to lead ongoing efforts to revitalize the City’s core, as highlighted in the recent awards totaling nearly $300 million for public infrastructure throughout Downtown Fresno and Chinatown. His most recent initiative includes a free trolley service connecting downtown to Fresno State via the Mural and Tower Districts, Fresno City College and the Blackstone Corridor. The Mayor’s vision includes a vibrant downtown, where people live and enjoy a lively entertainment scene with thriving businesses serving residents as well as those who work or visit Downtown Fresno.
Before he was elected, Mayor Dyer served 40 years in the Fresno Police Department, including the final 18 years as Police Chief. He has the distinction of being the longest-tenured police chief in Fresno’s history.
This experience gives him unique insights into the City’s operations and has helped drive a motto that is central to his One Fresno vision – “We Work For You.” This is his compact with residents, a promise that city government’s role is to serve the public. It also ensures his continued work to enhance public safety throughout Fresno.
Mayor Dyer was born in Fresno but grew up in the Fowler area and graduated from Fowler High School. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminology from California State University Fresno and a master’s degree in management from California Polytechnic University at Pomona.
Chosen as a Paul Harris Fellow for Rotary International, Mayor Dyer was recognized in 2018 with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Fresno County Office of Education.
Mayor Dyer has been married to his wife, Diane, for 43 years and has been blessed with two children and five grandchildren. He and his wife attend New Covenant Community Church in Fresno.
We seek an inclusive, prosperous, beautiful city where people
take pride in their neighborhoods and community. A government that listens,
keeps its promises, and is owned by the people.
Key Staff
Mayor’s Office key staff members
Youth Initiatives
Investing in and giving voice to the leaders of tomorrow, today
Beautify Fresno
Restoring Fresno’s curb appeal block by block, across the entire city
Vibrant Downtown
Great cities have great downtowns
Inclusive Economic Development
Creating an environment that provides thriving career opportunities and economic mobility
Office of Community Affairs
Services and resources for Fresno residents
We Work for You
Cultivating a culture of service and improving the sentiment about our city
Homelessness / Housing
Providing care and dignity to our most vulnerable, and supporting the development of housing
City Communications
City of Fresno Communications Office
State of the City
The Mayor’s State of the City is held annually
Request a Proclamation, Letter, or Certificate
The Office of the Mayor welcomes the opportunity to recognize exceptional individuals and events within the City of Fresno through the issuance ceremonial documents. These keepsake documents may be issued in honor of civic events, to recognize noteworthy achievements, or to celebrate important dates in the life of an individual or organization..
Proclamation: To request an official proclamation, or declaration of an important event or formal public announcement, please read the Ceremonial Document Guidelines below. Approximately four weeks in advance, submit a Proclamation Request Form to allow for sufficient time to process the request.
Certificates and Letters: If a proclamation request does not meet the guidelines, other forms of recognition are available, as described in the Ceremonial Document Guidelines. To request a letter of welcome, or certificate of recognition, please submit an Official Document Request Form at least two weeks prior to the date of issuance.
Invite Mayor to Your Event
To invite the Mayor or a representative of the Mayor’s Office to an event, please complete the Scheduling Request Form. To request a hard copy, call (559) 621-8000. Requests must be received in writing with sufficient detail a minimum of two weeks in advance of the event to be considered.