Policies and MOU’s

For any other questions contact
Personnel Services at (559) 621-6950
Employee Benefits
City of Fresno employee benefits include medical, dental, and vision coverage, paid holidays and vacation, flexible spending account programs for dependent care and health care expenses, deferred compensation, retirement, and more. The cafeteria-style Benefit Plan is offered as allowed under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, which allows employees the opportunity to pay for certain benefits with pretax dollars. Full-time employees participate either in the City of Fresno Employees Retirement System or the City of Fresno Fire and Police Retirement System and do not contribute to Social Security.
Summary of Benefits by Bargaining Unit:
- Unit 1 Local 39
- Unit 2 Unrepresented
- Unit 3 FCEA
- Unit 4 FPOA – Basic
- Unit 5 IAFF – Fire Basic
- Unit 6 ATU
- Unit 7 IBEW
- Unit 9 FPOA Management
- Unit 10 IAFF Management
- Unit 13 CFPEA
- Unit 14 CFMEA
City of Fresno Benefits Administrator: (559) 621-6992
Voluntary Benefits
Provide voluntary insurance protection to protect income, provide needed cash benefits for disability, life, accidents or major illnesses. Secure your life insurance needs with tax free benefits to cover the mortgage and loss of income to loved ones. Please reach out to Chimienti and Associates and review the benefits listed for additional information.
Life -Accident-Critical Illness- Disability and more.
Contact Chimienti today: (559) 733-1670 or schedule a “virtual” appointment today! https://uschimienti.as.me/cityoffresno CAIS for decades has been providing voluntary benefit protection for thousands of City employees & families. Insurance Option Features:
- Portability – leave, retire, relocate. Payroll > easy transition to Checking or Savings w/ no change in plan.
- Fill shortfalls in coverage – State Disability
- Plans designed to pay directly to employee, not hospital/DR.
- Favorable Underwriting – Health not an issue.
- Family Coverage always available. Affordable rates as low as $5 per pay.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) / California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
FMLA and CFRA entitle eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons. Please refer to Handbook for explanation of benefits and qualifications.
- FMLA/CFRA Procedures Handbook
- Request for Family Medical Leave
- Health Care Certification for Employee’s Serious Health Condition
- Health Care Certification for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition
- Certification of Qualifying Exigency
- Certification for Injury or Illness for Service Member
Health Reimbursement Arrangement
Health Reimbursement Arrangement provides a benefit that allows eligible employees who retire from the City of Fresno to use accumulated sick leave and eligible leave banks for reimbursement of post-retirement health insurance premiums and other qualified medical expenses pursuant to the City of Fresno Retiree HRA Plan Document.
HRA Plan Document
Employee Donation Forms
Workplace Giving Donation Forms
United Way
Health Benefits
The Fresno City Employees Health and Welfare Trust Plan
City of Fresno employees are covered under the Fresno City Employees Health and Welfare Trust Plan. The Plan is administered by a Board of Trustees consisting of eleven (11) Trustees representing Employees and three (3) representing the Employer. The Board of Trustees meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the offices of HealthComp Administrators. The Fresno City Employees Health and Welfare Trust Plan is designed to give participants control of their own health care. Participants have freedom of choice in choosing the Hospital and Physician they wish to use. However, the Plan offers a considerable financial advantage to participants if the provider selected has contracted with Blue Shield of California.
Fresno City Employees Health and Welfare Trust Plan Booklet
FCHWT Board Meetings
- FCHWT Board Meeting – October 11, 2023 (Part 2 of 2)
- FCHWT Board Meeting – October 11, 2023 (Part 1 of 2)
- FCHWT Board Meeting – August 9, 2023 (Part 2)
- FCHWT Board Meeting – August 9, 2023 (Part 1)
- FCHWT Board Meeting – March 10, 2023
- FCHWT Board Meeting – March 8, 2023
- FCHWT Board Meeting – January 11, 2023
HealthComp Service Center
Under the Plan, employees have the capability of accessing their own eligibility and claims information by visiting the HealthComp Service Center. Through the HealthComp Service Center, employees can obtain claim forms, review claims status, order insurance identification cards, check the balances in their Flexible Spending Accounts, and much more.
Medical Resources:
- Blue Shield of California PPO
- Teledoc Services 1-800-Teladoc (835-2362)
Dental Resources:
Vision Resources:
Prescription Resources:
Chiropractic Resources:
Employee Assistance Program
The City of Fresno offers its employees an employee assistance program (EAP). An EAP is a confidential service designed to assist with a wide range of personal and professional concerns. Your benefits through SimpleTherapy EAP (formerly Halcyon EAF) include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Short-Term Counseling: Through SimpleTherapy EAP, City of Fresno employees and family members may receive up to three (3) in-person sessions every six (6) months with a licensed clinician to address issues such as marriage and family problems, substance abuse, stress, anxiety or other behavioral health concerns.
- Legal Services: The SimpleTherapy EAP program provides free telephonic or (30-minute) face-to-face consultation with a local attorney.
- Dependent Care Referral Services: SimpleTherapy EAP’s specialists provide referrals to resources that help address a wide range of issues such as child or elder care, adoption, pet care, home repair, education, and housing needs.
Financial Services: SimpleTherapy EAP provides expert financial planning and consultation through our network of licensed financial counselors. In addition to in-person and telephonic services, a wide array of resources are available to you on the Halcyon EAP website. Through this site, you and your family will have access to thousands of articles, tip sheets, and videos covering a wide array of behavioral health and work-life topics. The site also contains dependent care search engines, reference libraries, legal and financial resources, self-improvement programs, and educational training modules. All requests for information or assistance through the SimpleTherapy EAP program are free to you and are strictly confidential. You can contact SimpleTherapy EAP anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by using the number below.
- City of Fresno EAP Flyer
- SimpleTherapy EAP Toll-Free Phone Number: 1-888 425-4800
- SimpleTherapy EAP (https://www.simpletherapy.com/go/cityoffresno)
- SimpleTherapy MHSA (https://fresnocitymhsa.com/)
Reasonable Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities
This information provides a summarization of the process that the City utilizes to attempt to reasonably accommodate employees with disabilities so that they may continue their employment with the City.
The Reasonable Accommodation Process
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA/DCA)
A Flexible Benefits Plan, sometimes referred to as a cafeteria plan, flex plan, or a Section 125 plan, offers you the opportunity to pay health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical and dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. Even though your earnings remain the same, your taxes will be reduced, giving you more spending power in your paycheck.
FSA Plan Brochure
FSA Claim Form
FSA Eligible Medical Expenses
Administrative Orders
City Attorney
4-1 Processing of Contracts to Which the City is Party
4-2 Request for Enforcement Action
4-3 Requests for Legal Opinions
4-4 Processing & Use of Standard Legal Documents
4-5 Procedure for Processing Bankruptcy Notices
4-6 Litigation Discovery Demand Disclosures
4-7 Accepting Service of Legal Documents
8-4 Responding to Public Records Act Requests for E-mail
City Clerk
5-1 City Council Agenda Procedure
5-2 Definition of Public Record
5-3 Notification of Annexation to City Departments
5-4 Biannual Employee Service Award Program
5-5 City Wide Employee Recognition Program
5-6 Electronic Signature Policy
City Manager
6-1 Removed
6-2 Procedure for Naming or Renaming City Facilities
6-3 Use of City Facilities and Equipment Including Use for Political Activities
6-4 Correspondence by City Departments to Outside Parties
6-5 Personal Use of Telephone
6-6 Release Time Policy for Employee Retirement Board Members
6-7 Acceptance of Gifts and Rewards
6-8 Participative Management Program
6-8.1 Idea$ Pay
6-10 Recommended Secretarial-Clerical Reference Materials
6-12 Donation of Time to An Employee
6-13 Removed
8-14 Employee Recognition Program
6-15 Department Director Performance Appraisal and Planning Program
6-16 City Internship Program
6-17 Holiday & Vacation Payoff for Unforeseeable Emergency
6-18 Communication With City Managers Office Regarding Audits of City Departments
6-19 Contracts for Consultant Services
6-20 Public Information and Media Relations
6-21 Citywide Dress Standards
6-22 Contract Compliance System
6-23 Garbage Removal Clean-up of Temporary Shelters; and Code Enforcement Abatement Procedures
6-24 City-wide Sponsorships
6-26 Prohibition of Certain Items in City Buildings
6-27 Policy for Monuments on City Parks and Facilities
6-28 Nonprofessional Service Contracts
6-29 Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems/Drones (UAS)
Planning and Development
7-6 Parking Permits and Regulations
8-1 Environmental Site Assessment
8-13 City’s Use of Environmentally Preferable Products
1-1 Grant Administration
1-2 Petty Cash and Change Fund
1-3 Financial Fixed Assets Inventory
1-4 Expenses on City Business
1-9 Credit Card Use
1-10 Internal Audit – Authority, Responsibilities, Types of Audits Performed, and Reporting
General Services
3-1 City Wide Purchasing
3-6 Uniform Program
3-7 City Letterhead Stationary Business Cards for City Employees
3-9 Purchasing Card (CAL-CARD) Use Policy
8-8 City-Owned Leased Vehicles – Acquisition, Assignment and Usage Policy
9-1 Integrated Pest Management Policy
Information Services
8-11 Use of Electronic Systems and Tools
8-19 Social Media Policy
8-20 Accessible Information and Communication Technology
8-21 Cloud Policy
Personnel Services
2-1 Risk Allocation Policy for City Contracts
2-2 Transportation Allowance and Mileage Reimbursement Policy
2-3 Safety Policy
2-4 Vehicle Accident Procedures
2-5 Property Loss Procedures
2-6 Employment Procedures and Records Maintenance
2-7 Verification of Employment or Release of Information to Prospective Employers
2-8 Classification Plan Maintenance Procedure
2-9 Retirement Calculations for Deleted Class Titles
2-10 Flexible Staffing
2-14 Guide to Corrective Action
2-15 Resolution of Concerns of Management and Confidential Employees
2-16 Discrimination and Harassment
2-17 Policy Statement Life-Threatening Illness
2-19 Leaves of Absences [Military, LWOP, and Paid Administrative
2-20 Sick Leave Policy
2-21 Family Leave
2-22 Salaries and Workers’ Compensation Benefits While Absent Due to Work-Related Injury or Illness
2-23 Reasonable Accommodation for Disabled Employees
2-24 Employee Assistance Program
2-25 Policy on Drug and Substance Use
2-26 Light Duty Assignments for Temporarily Disabled Employees
2-27 Preventing Workplace Violence
2-28 Part-time, Hourly and Temporary Employees
2-29 Anti Nepotism Policy
2-30 Policy and Procedures Regarding the Request and Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment
2-31 Heat Illness Prevention Plan
2-32 Driver Standards Policy
2-33 Equal Employment Opportunity Plan and Policy
2-34 Lactation Accommodation Policy
2-39 Policy Regarding Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Employees
2022-140 Confirming Termination Local Emergency Related COVID-10
2022-141 Adopting Administrative Order on COVID-19
Public Utilities
8-10 Participation in Citywide Recycling
Public Works
7-5 Smoking in City Buildings
8-2 Centralized Facilities Services
8-6 Access to City Hall When the Building is Locked
8-7 Funding of Special Events
8-9 Flying of the American Flag at City Facilities
8-15 Policy Limiting Idling of City-owned On and Off Road Vehicles
8-16 Accessibility of Information on City Website
8-17 Title VI Non-Discrimination Compliance
8-18 Effective Communication With Individuals With Disabilities
Labor Relations & Memoranda of Understanding
Labor Relations
The Labor Relations Division provides management support and advice to other City departments, particularly in the areas of employer / employee relations as mandated by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) of 1968.
It is responsible for representing the City in negotiations with employee organizations, administering negotiated contracts, grievance resolution, personnel policy consultation and training, unit determinations and elections, bilingual certification, special projects / assignments, and salary and benefit analysis and surveys.
Labor Relations: (559) 621-6975
Memoranda of Understanding
International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39)
Unit 1 – Non-Supervisory Blue Collar
Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA)
Unit 3 – Non Supervisory White Collar
Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA)
Unit 4 – Non-Management Police
Unit 9 – Police Management
International Association of Firefighters A.F.L.C.I.O., Fresno City Firefighters Association, Local No. 753 (IAFF)
Unit 5 – Non Management Fire
Unit 10 – Fire Management
Amalgamated Transit Union, Local No. 1027 (ATU)
Unit 6 – Bus Drivers and Student Drivers
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW)
Unit 7 – Non Supervisory Groups and Crafts
City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA)
Unit 13 – Exempt Supervisory and Professional and Non-Exempt Professional
City of Fresno Management Employees Association (CFMEA)
Unit 14 – Management Classes
Fresno Airport Public Safety Officers Association (FAPSOA)
Unit 11 – Fresno Airport Public Safety Officers Association
Employee Safety
The City is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for every employee. Each Department has an Injury and Illness Prevention Program that is tailored to its specific functions and activities. The City’s overall safety policies, practices and procedures can be found by going to this link:
Employee Injury & Illness Prevention Handbook
AO 2-3 Safety Policy/Injury & Illness Prevention Program
Federal Transit Administration Controlled Substances and Alcohol Testing Regulations
This policy pertains to the drug and alcohol testing requirements for “safety sensitive” employees who work at Fresno Area Express.