Planning: Plans, Reports & Notices

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Public Transit Agency Safety Plan

COF/FAX Public Transit Agency Safety Plan

Zero Emission Bus Rollout Plan

FINAL Fresno ICT Rollout Plan

Fax ADA Transition Plan

In 1990, the federal government adopted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This legislation required every state and local government to either:

  • Demonstrate that their facilities that provide space for programs, services, and activities were fully compliant with existing federal and state access requirements, or
  • Develop a plan to address barriers to access by preparing an ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan for physical facilities and the policies or practices that require revisions.

In 2019, the Fresno City Council approved the FAX ADA Transition Plan, which identifies remediation of barriers to access for people with disabilities, and an Implementation Schedule. The plan is intended to ensure that FAX remains in compliance with the ADA by scheduling the remediation of barriers to access over time until a point at which remediation is completed. Future updates will provide an updated schedule for remediation.

Public outreach was conducted in 2019. Here is a presentation of the draft plan at virtual meetings. Here is the written transcript of the presentation at the DAC Transportation Subcommittee, and the Audio and Visual Transcript.

If you have any questions about the FAX ADA Transition Plan or the Implementation Schedule, please call 559-621-RIDE (7433) or e-mail [email protected].

FAX – Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

None at this time.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Ensuring Equal Access to FAX Services

Title VI states “No person in the United States of America shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Fresno Area Express is committed to ensuring that no individual or organization is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of its programs, activities or services, or subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin as afforded to them by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. For more information, please contact the Title VI Coordinator at 559-621-RIDE.

FAX Title VI Program

FAX Title VI Program Appendices

FAX Title VI Policy and Procedure (English)

Política y Procedimiento del Título VI de Fresno Área Express (Español)

FAX Title Vl Complaint Form (English)

Formulario de Quejas de FAX para Titulo VI (Español)  

Regional Transportation Plan

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a long-term blueprint of a region’s transportation system.  RTPs are usually conducted every five years and plans for thirty years into the future.

Responsibility for the development of the RTP for Fresno County is assigned to the Fresno Council of Governments (COG), the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for Fresno County.

Fresno COG’s 2022 Regional Transportation Plan charts the 25-year course of transportation looking at such things as public transit, greenhouse gas emission reductions and mobility.  Fresno Area Express (FAX) along with many other transportation stakeholders were seated at the table to develop the 2022 Fresno County Regional Transportation Plan.

Long-Range Transit Plan

Also developed by Fresno COG, the Fresno County Regional Long-Range Transit Plan (LRTP) will guide transit and multimodal investments and services in the Fresno region through the year 2050.  It builds upon the Fresno COG’s 2018 Regional Transportation Plan and prior transit planning studies and will inform the 2022 RTP.  More importantly, the LRTP will integrate appropriate and effective public transportation planning and projects into the fabric of the region’s overall circulation networks and systems.

The LRTP will:

  • Integrate the efforts, projects, and future operations of the major transit providers serving Fresno County through the year 2050.
  • Identify a preferred long-range vision for Fresno County’s public transit system
  • Provide guidance for future investments, projects, and programs to enhance transit service
  • Identify transit projects and alternatives that consider and improve sustainability, preservation, mobility, safety, innovation, economy, health and equity
  • Integration of regional bicycle and pedestrian planning with public transit plans and projects.

Draft Final Fresno County Regional Long-Range Transit Plan

2022 FAX and Handy Ride Passenger Satisfaction Survey Results

Every couple of years, FAX conducts statistically reliable customer opinion and satisfaction surveys among passengers of the system. The purpose of the surveys is to provide information and opinions concerning customer satisfaction and travel behavior regarding the FAX system and to compare the results of these 2022 surveys with results from prior studies, particularly the more recent 2018, 2011, and 2014 FAX surveys. In addition, this year, the survey includes changes that may be related to ridership effects of the COVID pandemic.

Infographic of Fixed Route Survey Results

Infografía de Resultados de Ruta Fija-Español

Infographic of Fixed Route Survey Results-Accessible

Infografía de Resultados de Ruta Fija-Español-Accessible

Summary of Fixed Route and Handy Ride Survey Results

Resumen de Resultados – Ruta Fija y Handy Ride-Español

2022 FAX Fixed Route Customer Satisfaction Survey Report – Full Report

2022 Handy Ride Customer Satisfaction Survey Report – Full Report

Short Range Transit Plan for the Urbanized Area (SRTP)

The Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) is the biennial update to the operating plan and the capital program for Fresno Area Express (FAX) and Clovis Transit.

Final FCMA SRTP 2024-2028

Final FCMA SRTP 2022-2026

Fresno Area Express Fixed-Route System Restructure Study

Building upon the findings from the Fresno Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA) Public Transportation Strategic Service Evaluation Project from 2014, Fresno Area Express is considering implementing a significant number of service improvements developed during the FCMA effort.

The FAX Fixed-Route System Restructure Study took the initiatives from the FCMA before several large groups of transit stakeholders for their feedback and recommendations. The resulting findings are analyzed within the context of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI Requirements and Guidelines to produce a series of recommendations to improve service levels of the FAX fixed-route transit system.

The recommendations are slated to be introduced into the FAX fixed-route transit system in the coming months.

FAX Fixed-Route System Restructure Study – Final Draft Report 

FAX Route Restructuring – Public Presentation and Workshop on 7/25/2018 

FAX Title VI Service Equity Analysis 

Transit Productivity Report

The productivity evaluation is conducted annually to assess the progress of transit operators who receive Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds and to recommend potential productivity improvements.  The California Public Utilities Code 99244 requires that “Each transportation planning agency shall annually identify, analyze, and recommend potential productivity improvements which could lower the operating costs of those operators who operate at least 50% of their vehicle service miles within the area under its jurisdiction.

The FY 2023 Productivity Evaluation covers the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 and assesses the following agencies:

  • Fresno Area Express (FAX) and Handy Ride
  • Clovis Stageline and Roundup
  • Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA)
  • Consolidated Transportation Services Agencies (CTSA) for the Metropolitan and Rural Areas

2023 Transit Productivity Evaluation