Land Development

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Land Division and Engineering Section

Responsible to administer the exaction, collection and record of development impact fees (UGM fees, sewer and water connection charges), process of lot line adjustments, voluntary parcel mergers, final maps and parcel maps for approval and recordation, impose public infrastructure and dedication requirements for building plan checks, maintain and update the GIS zoning layer, provide rezone exhibits, and provide technical assistance as requested by management.

Tentative Tract Maps

Although the City of Fresno does not require an application for the submittal of a tract map, there is a submittal checklist that identifies what needs to be included in the map.  Fees vary depending on the size of the proposed project.  Please contact the Planning Division for fees.

Tentative Tract Map Submittal Checklist 

Fees:  Please contact the Planning Dept. at (559) 621.8277

For additional information, contact:

Tentative Tract Maps:
Current Planning, [email protected]

Final Tract Maps:
Jairo Mata, [email protected]

Final Tract Maps

Final Tract Map Submittal Checklist

For additional information, contact:

Jairo Mata, [email protected]

Tentative Parcel Maps

Similar to a Tentative Tract Map as described above, a Tentative Parcel Map is a process that subdivides property. However, unlike a Tentative Tract Map, Parcel Maps typically proposed four or less parcels or to create a unified commercial shopping center.

Tentative Parcel Map Application

Tentative Parcel Map Submittal Checklist 

For additional information, contact:

Tentative Parcel Maps:
Current Planning, [email protected]

Final Parcel Maps:
Jairo Mata, [email protected]

Final Parcel Maps

Final Parcel Map Submittal Checklist

For additional information, contact:

Jairo Mata, [email protected]

Lot Line Adjustments

A Lot Line Adjustment allows an applicant to modify existing property lines under the following circumstances:

  • A Lot Line Adjustment may not affect more than four existing adjoining parcels;
  • A greater number of parcels may not be created (i.e. if three parcels existed, the resulting parcels may not exceed three);
  • The existing zone district and land use designation must be consistent; and,
  • All affected parcels must have been legally created.

Adjustment Submittal Application

For additional information, contact:

Jairo Mata, [email protected]

Voluntary Parcel Merger (VPM)

Voluntary Parcel Mergers permit the combining of parcels without going through the Parcel Map or Lot Line Adjustment process.

Voluntary Parcel Merger Submittal Application

For additional information, contact:

Jairo Mata, [email protected]

Easement Encroachments Permit

Easement encroachment permits are requested whenever someone proposes to encroach into an easement with a structure, pool, etc.  Easements commonly include, public utilities (i.e. telephone, sewer, water), irrigation, flood control, etc.

Fee:  $420.00

Community Facilities Districts

The City of Fresno, Public Works Department established the “City of Fresno Special Tax Financing Law” per the California Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 to allow for the establishment of a new or annexation into an existing Community Facilities Districts (CFD) to provide financing for the maintenance and operations of certain required public infrastructure within new developments.  The landowner(s) of new developments shall be responsible for providing for the maintenance of certain public infrastructure within new developments.

The landowner(s) may choose the formation of, or annexation into, a CFD for either partial or all of the financing for the maintenance and servicing of certain public improvements OR the landowner shall provide for the maintenance and servicing in a manner approved by the City of Fresno, Public Works Department, City Engineer.

The following is given, as guidance, for the CFD process:

GIS Mapping

The GIS Mapping Section provides the parcels and street centerlines that serve as a foundation for mapping for all other departments within the City. GIS Mapping section coordinates with all city departments along with other agencies such as Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District, Fresno Irrigation District, City of Clovis, Fresno Council of Governments, Fresno County Local Agency Formation Commission and CalTrans. The GIS Division parcels differ from the Assessor Record Maps maintained by the Fresno County Assessor’s Office in the following ways:

  •  GIS Division parcels seek to describe physical reality and proposals. For instance, the maps may show each lot in a mobile home park, in which the entire park is one legal parcel. In cases like this, each lot has the entire park’s tax code.
  • GIS Division parcels show “seamless” parcels. That is, they have been stretched or “rubber sheeted” where necessary to ensure there are no gaps or slivers between subdivisions and sections. These anomalies occur when joining coordinate geometry (COGO) drawings used in parcel and subdivision legal descriptions. The intent is to accurately display parcel and street relationships with minimal sacrifice of dimensional accuracy. The resulting maps are good for planning, overlaying facilities (sewer, gas, water, etc), and seeing the relationships between parcels.
  1. VIEW Fresno 
  2. Downloadable Layers 
  3. Interactive Map 

Fee:  $420.00

UGM and Impact Fees

The UGM and Impact Fees Section is charged with the task of managing and tracking the 100+ Urban Growth Management funds for all transactions and providing reimbursements to eligible developers.  Upon the completion of a project, a developer receives a notice of completion from the Construction Management Division that lists the criteria for filing for potential eligible reimbursement.

  1. New Growth and Street Impact Fee Maps
  2. Developer Doorway
  3. FY23 City of Fresno Development
  4. Impact Fee Summary
  5. Infill Fee Waiver Application
  6. FY 2024 Impact Fee Annual Report
  7. FY 2023 Impact Fee Annual Report 
  8. FY 2022 Impact Fee Annual Report 
  9. FY 2021 Impact Fee Annual Report
  10. FY 2020 Impact Fee Annual Report

For any questions regarding available money within a specific fund or priority standing on a given reimbursement listing, please call (559) 621-8800