Traffic Operations and Planning

Jill Gormley, TE
Assistant Director, Traffic Engineering Division
Jill Gormley serves as the Assistant Director of the City of Fresno’s Public Works Department Traffic and Engineering Services Division. In her role she collaborates regularly in regional transportation planning efforts with the Active Transportation Advisory Committee, Fresno Council of Governments, Caltrans, and the City’s departments of Planning & Development and Transportation/Fresno Area Express.
Jill was instrumental in developing the City of Fresno’s Complete Streets Policy and Residential Traffic Calming Program and has logged countless hours supporting the City’s successful applications for the Veterans Boulevard BUILD grant, US DOT Vision Zero Safety Action Plan, California Avenue Complete Streets project and numerous others. She faithfully supports strong community engagement efforts, as demonstrated through the Truck Rerouting Study, Active Transportation Plan update and community plan updates throughout the City.
Traffic Operations and Planning
Traffic engineering services provides for the safe and efficient movement of motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians – both today and in the future.
Residential Speed Humps

The City of Fresno approved a Residential Speed Hump Policy on February 10, 2022. The approval of this policy allows the City of Fresno to install speed humps once again on residential streets after a 2006 moratorium was implemented. Applications for the 2024 Residential Speed Hump Cycle will be accepted March 1, 2024, through October 31, 2024. Please see below for application forms and eligibility. You may also email [email protected] if you have questions or need additional information.
The Process to Apply for Residential Speed Humps
- Application: Residents who are concerned about speeding on their blocks are encouraged to apply. Applications for the 2024 program cycle will be available on March 1, 2024, please submit your completed Residential Speed Hump Application in accordance with the instructions provided on the form and below. This is the first step in the process of evaluating each request. The deadline for submitting completed applications and petitions for the 2024 cycle is October 31, 2024. Applications are valid for one cycle. Applications need to be resubmitted for each subsequent cycle.
Please submit completed applications and petitions using one of the methods outlined below.
- Email – scan all pages of the completed application and petition and send to: [email protected].
- US Mail or Hand Delivery – send all pages of the completed application and petition to:
Residential Speed Hump Program
City of Fresno, Traffic Operations & Planning Division
2600 Fresno Street, 4th Floor, Room 4019 Fresno, CA 93721 - Evaluation and Ranking: Once valid applications and petitions are received, City of Fresno staff will collect data and assess traffic conditions on each street, ranking applications against all others received in the same application year. This includes conducting traffic speed and volume counts, as well as reviewing the number of collisions for each location. Once this data is gathered for all applications, they are ranked based on criteria such as traffic speeds, volumes, collisions, and history of complaints.
- Inform Applicants: Once the evaluation and ranking phase is complete, applicants are informed of whether or not their block has been accepted. Applicants will be responsible for communicating the status of the application. This process typically occurs within six months of the application deadline.
- Engineering and Design: Once the evaluation and ranking is complete, City of Fresno staff will identify speed hump locations for accepted blocks.
- Construction: Installations will take place between the months of May and October each year. Many factors influence the construction timeline including the number of speed hump projects in the application year, weather, and availability of Public Works and/or private contractor construction crews to complete the work.
2025 Residential Speed Hump Removal Request Form
2025 Residential Street Speed Hump Request Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are applications required?
Applications are required to identify locations where there are speeding concerns. Unfortunately, the demand for speed humps exceeds the City of Fresno’s ability to plan, design, fund, and construct all projects. Signatures are therefore required as part of the application process to ensure that there is initial community support for traffic calming before the City of Fresno begins the planning process to reduce the likelihood that the project is rejected at the end of the process.
How do I get speed humps in my neighborhood?
The application for the installation of Speed Humps is below on this page. Please print out this application found below, complete the fields, and satisfy the petition requirements. You will need to sign your own petition for your block. Side yards will also be counted in the percentage of support. The requirement for neighbor support is 75% or a minimum of 60% support of occupied addresses, if vacant properties are on your block. Please note, “vacant” does not mean simply not home. If an address is vacant, please indicate that on your petition.
Example: There are 25 houses on your block (including the side yards). 75% support of 25 houses is 18.75, therefore 19 houses must be in support.
2024 Speed Humps Priority List
How are streets selected?
Streets are selected based on the following:
- Eligible residential street: The block must be a local, residential street where speed humps would be effective. Generally these are two-lane streets with posted speed limits of 25MPH. Major streets categorized as expressways, super arterials, arterials or collectors are not eligible through the Residential Speed Hump Policy. A complete list of the eligibility requirements can be found in the policy document included below.
- Measurable speeding problem: Streets will only be included on the priority list where a speeding problem has been demonstrated based on data collection and associated criteria. Generally, this means 85% or more of people driving on the block are doing so at a speed of 10MPH or more above the speed limit. These additional criteria include vehicle volumes, collision history, and history of speed complaints. Speeding must be measured on the block in order for an application to be successful in being included on the priority list.
- Prioritized ranking: Eligible applications will be ranked to determine the list of locations most in need of speed humps in a given application year. The highest ranked locations will receive speed humps based on funding availability. Funding levels vary from year to year, with some years having zero funds available for speed hump installations.
- Locations along a street: Staff will evaluate the block to determine the best location to install the speed humps. Speed humps will not be installed in front of driveways, drainage inlets, fire hydrants or within 200 feet of an intersection.
How long does it take to install speed humps?
The Residential Speed Hump Program operates on an annual cycle. Applications are accepted March 1 through October 31 each year. Eligible applications will evaluated and ranked in February/March each year. Installations are dependent on available funds and will occur May through October.
Can speed humps be removed?
Speed humps can be removed. Applications are required to ensure there is community support for removing the speed humps. Applications can be emailed or mailed to the addresses shown above.
Trail Network Expansion Feasibility Plan
The Trail Network Expansion Feasibility Plan is the City’s continued effort to identify and develop class I bike trails in accordance with the March 2, 2017, adopted Active Transportation Plan.
The plan will result in concept drawings as well as an analysis identifying where it is possible to construct corridors of the citywide trail network, and which areas have the greatest need. The plan will highlight areas of the trail network which have been looked at for feasibility. The plan will build on past plans relevant to the project areas and be utilized to apply for future grant funding.
The draft plan comment period was October 23, 2019 – November 12, 2019. A hearing was scheduled on February 13, 2020, for review of final plans and approved by City Council.
Trail Network Expansion Feasibility Plan Draft Final
Active Transportation Plan
The Fresno Active Transportation Plan (ATP) is a comprehensive guide outlining the vision for active transportation in the City of Fresno and a roadmap for achieving that vision. The ATP can be downloaded by clicking the following link: Active Transportation Plan.
Traffic Planning
The Traffic Planning Section works closely with the Planning and Development Department by providing Conditions of Approval, site plan review, and design guidelines for both residential and commercial development projects. The section also processes variances, Rezones, plan amendments, and provides design guidelines for traffic calming standards.
Conditions of Approval for:
- Tract Maps
- Parcel Maps
- Conditional Use Permits
- Site Plan Reviews
- Vacations
- County Applications
The conditions and review cover the following:
- Off-Site Improvement Requirements –Including but not limited to dedications, vacations, street and alley paving, bike lanes and paths, curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approaches, curb ramps, street lights, traffic signals, under grounding utilities.
- New Growth Area and Urban Growth Management Requirements – Construction of the center section of the major street system which would connect the proposed project to the existing infrastructure.
- Parking Lot Requirements – in accordance with the City of Fresno’s Parking Manual
- Traffic Impact Studies – required on all projects that are projected to generate 100 or more peak hour trips (a.m. or p.m.).
- Traffic Study Checklist – Checklist is required with all traffic study submittals
- Traffic Planning Checklist – Checklist is required with all site plan submittals
- Parking Manual
- Traffic Planning Site Plan Notes
- Sample Line Types and Symbols
Traffic Operations
Traffic Operations section performs engineering and traffic studies along with traffic counts for the completion of traffic warrants per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to determine if a new traffic signal, signal modification, stop sign, crosswalk or a change to a posted speed limit is needed.
Traffic Operations investigates requests from the public regarding curb painting, crosswalks, signs, striping, and visibility issues and works in conjunction with Fresno Unified, Clovis Unified, and Central Unified school districts to enhance the safety of children when traveling to and from school.
2024 New Traffic Signal List
2024 Left Turn-Phasing List
2024 Speed Ordinance
Traffic Permits & Plan Checks
All traffic control plans submitted to the City of Fresno for review and approval shall be prepared by either a C-31 licensed contractor or qualified professional engineer.
All field set-up and traffic control maintenance shall be performed by a C-31 licensed contractor.
A minimum of 48 hours (2 business days) for the processing of permits is required. If there is an urgent situation, please contact us.
Permits and Plan Check Section performs the following services:
Signing and Striping
Street Lighting
- Plan Check Log
- Street Lighting Checklist
- Street Light Plan General Notes (Updated September 2015)
Traffic Control Plans for Road and Lane Closures
- Traffic Control Policies and Procedures
- Road Closure Policy
- Intersection Flash Request
- Traffic Control Plan Template
Truck Routes
Questions? Please call (559) 621-8800
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
Public Works ITS Program Map
Fresno’s Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a state-of-the-art technology to monitor, model, and coordinate traffic, connecting the City’s Traffic Operations Center to a fiber network for efficient citywide traffic coordination. ITS has helped to reduce commute times up to 18% and reduce the resulting emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Nitrogen Oxide (NOX), Greenhouse Gasses (CO2).
ITS Plans are prepared by private engineers at the request of the City of Fresno or a developer, and they are submitted to the Department of Public Works. The ITS Plans are reviewed to verify that Federal, State, Regional Architecture, and City of Fresno standards have been followed.

Fiber Optic Infrastructure: Miles of fiber optic cable that connect to the busiest intersections are buried under the ground. Traffic Operation Center (TOC) provides a single location to manage the fiber optic cable traffic routes.

Traffic Controllers: Traffic signal timing is controlled by computerized controllers which optimizes traffic for each intersection and Provides timed traffic corridors down major streets

IP Cameras: Cameras are set up at major intersections. “Real” time traffic levels help signal coordination.

Vehicle Detectors: Vehicle sensors are embedded in the pavement or mounted above the freeway to provide: Vehicle volume, Speed, Traffic Counts, and Accurate time of traffic signals
Street Work Permit
Street Work Permits are used to allow construction work in the public right-of-way. They includes, but not limited to, work such as:
- Sewer Lateral installation or repair
- Drive Approach installation or repair
- Landscaping with in the right-of-way
- Street Improvements
- Sidewalk installation or repair
- Curb and Gutter work
These permits are issued to licensed contractors only. Typically, a plan showing the work proposed is required, as well as fees and surety to ensure the proper completion of the work.
In order to obtain a Street Work Permit, you will need:
- Complete Street Work Permit Application at Accela Citizen Access (ACA)
- Contractor’s License
- Proof of General Liability Insurance
- Proof of Automobile Liability Insurance
- Proof of Workers Compensation Insurance
- Signed Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement
- $25,000 Street work and Excavation Bond
- Invoicing and payment of fees associated with permit(s) will be processed through FAASTER / ACA
Example of Insurance Requirement
For more information contact [email protected] or (559) 621-8800