Trash Disposal & Recycling

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Solid Waste Management Division – Our Mission

We deliver high quality utility services professionally, efficiently, and in an environmentally responsible manner to ensure the health and safety of our community.


Carts can be placed out for collection any time after 6:00 p.m. the night before your scheduled pickup day, but they must be out before 5:30 a.m. on the day of collection.

Due to a staffing shortage, residential solid waste collection may occur later in the day than usual. To report a missed pickup on your service day, please wait until after 6:30 p.m. to allow for service to be completed in your area.

Report a missed pickup by calling 559-621-6888 after 6:30 p.m., and leave a message on our after-hours voicemail system. A service request will be generated and your location will be serviced within 2 business days. You can also submit a report through FresGO.

For recycling resources, call the Recycling Hotline at (559) 621-1111.

About the Solid Waste Management Division

The Solid Waste Management Division is responsible for the collection of municipal solid waste, recyclables, green waste, and Operation Clean Up for approximately 119,000 residential customers. The Division also has oversight of litter collection, Beautify Fresno, and solid waste-related FresGO customer service responses across 103 square miles within the Fresno city limits. These collection activities produce approximately 5,415 tons of material each week.

Fast Facts

  • 203 full-time employees
  • $58m annual operating budget
  • 86 residential collection trucks
  • Collects trash, green waste and recyclables for approximately 119,000 customers
  • Collects approximately 4,921 tons of residential material each week
  • Oversees litter collection from Fresno streets across 103 square miles

Rate-Setting Process

DPU is exploring a rate-setting process to reestablish the financial heath of the Solid Waste Management Division

What Goes Where?

Redirecting organic waste to recycling facilities

Recycling Program

We need your help to keep our City clean and green

Hazardous Household Waste & Sharps Disposal

It is important that these items are disposed of properly

Residential Collection Services

City of Fresno provides residents with three 96-gallon carts

Operation Clean Up

Only residences that currently pay for solid waste service on their utility

Multi-Family & Commercial Services

Please contact your service provider for your collection needs.

Solid Waste Facilities

Municipal solid waste at the American Avenue Landfill since 1993.