Operation Clean Up

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Upcoming Operation Clean Up Monthly Schedules

Operation Clean Up is a program provided by the City of Fresno that provides a way for residential customers to dispose of bulky items. Once a year, residents are allowed to place items too large for regular trash collection at the curb.

Operation Clean Up does not pick up trash generated by any other property other than the residence being serviced. Only residences that currently pay for solid waste service on their utility bill will be serviced.

Property Owner Responsibility

BY LAW, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for any dangerous conditions you create due to the amount and/or the location of the trash placed out for pick up. Trash should not be placed out more than 7 days prior to pick up. Trash placed out earlier than 7 days before the scheduled pick up creates a hazard and will be referred to code enforcement for possible citation and/or legal action.

For your estimated Operation Clean Up pickup date, please use the lookup tool below or call the City of Fresno’s 311 Center by dialing 3-1-1 within City limits or by calling (559) 621-CITY (2489).

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The dates provided by the lookup tool are subject to change.  Please check back as your pickup date nears.

Gated Communities

Gated communities with City of Fresno residential garbage service must request to be included in the Operation Clean Up program. Property owners in gated communities must have their property management company contact the Solid Waste Management Division to request inclusion in the Operation Clean Up program.

Homeowner’s Association (HOA)

Residential Solid Waste customers living in a Homeowner’s Association should check with their HOA to see if participating in Operation Clean Up is allowed under HOA rules.

Operation Clean Up Lookup Tool

The Operation Clean Up Program is only for City of Fresno residents who pay for the City of Fresno curbside garbage pickup. Please allow all day for the completion of the Operation Clean Up.

Due to the amount of participation, crews may work ahead or be delayed. They will return to your location if pickup is not completed on the date scheduled.

Please refer to our updated guidelines before placing any items out. Do not put out debris more than 7 days before pick-up date!

Instructions & Information

Customers are encouraged to donate all clothing, shoes, accessories, and other reusable household items to local charities.

Where do I place materials for pickup? 
Place debris in the street along the curb in front of your home in the same location as your regular garbage pickup, except those having alley services.

  • If you have a speed bump: Try to find space on either side of the speed bumps. If not available, then placing the debris on the speed bumps will be okay.
  • If you have a bike lane: Either place debris out the night before your scheduled pick up or place debris on your park strip.
  • If you have an alley: No debris will be picked up from alleys. Please put all your debris in the street along the curb in front of your home.

How do I place materials for pickup?
Customers must separate their materials into two separate piles:

  • Yard Clipping Pile: only include tree limbs, lumber, grass clippings, tree leaves, and brush.
  • Trash Pile: All other debris.

When do I put my materials out for pickup?

  • No earlier than 7 days prior to your scheduled pickup day
  • No later than 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled pickup day

What items are accepted for pickup?
While we strongly encourage the donation of all reusable furniture, household goods, clothing, etc., we understand that there are times when products reach the end of their useful life and must be disposed.

The following items are allowed to be placed out for Operation Clean Up:

  • Mattresses and box springs
  • Hot tub or spas: No larger than 8’ x 8’ and cut into 4’ x 4’ sections
  • Wood fencing – No longer than 4 feet and stacked neatly; stack separate from other debris
  • Hot water heater, sink, or toilet – Drain all water before setting out for pickup
  • Furniture and appliances – No refrigerators or freezers
  • Glass and/or sliding glass doors – Tape with duct tape to help reduce the residue broken glass can leave behind
  • Boxes and cardboard – These can also be disposed in your blue recycling cart
  • Cabinets – Disassemble into individual components
  • Trees, shrubs, and other yard debris – Debris must be cut to a length of no more than 4 feet

How much debris can I put out?
Operation Clean Up pickup is limited to 10 cubic yards equal to 2 piles measuring approximately 8’ x 4’ x 4’ or the size of 2 pickup truck beds loaded to the top of the cab.

Why do I have to separate my materials?
All items picked up for Operation Clean Up are delivered to the Cedar Avenue Recycling and Transfer Station (CARTS) receiving center for separation and recycling.

Although all materials from pickup locations are loaded into a single truck, materials remain fairly separated within the trucks themselves. This in-truck separation helps to make process more efficient at the receiving facility once loads are delivered to the CARTS facility.

Do’s and Don’ts


  • DO place Operation Clean Up materials in the same location as your regular garbage (solid waste) pick up, 1-2 feet from the curb. There is NO ALLEY SERVICE for Operation Clean Up.
  • DO place debris away from sewer vents, water meters, mailboxes, and fire hydrants.
  • DO avoid parking your vehicle on the street the day of the pickup.
  • DO set items out by 6:00 a.m. on the scheduled day of pick up.
  • DO allow all day for the completion of the Operation Clean Up. If the crews are able to work ahead and collect debris early, they will return on your scheduled day.
  • DO tape windows and mirrors with duct tape to minimize glass debris.
  • DO cut tree prunings, lumber, and metal/plastic pipe into four-foot pieces.
  • DO limit concrete, rock, brick, or dirt disposal to a combined total of two wheelbarrow loads.
  • DO disassemble all odd objects, such as swing sets, garage doors, etc., and cut material into four-foot pieces.
  • DO separate your trash piles:
    • Yard Clipping Pile: only include tree limbs, lumber, grass clippings, tree leaves, and brush.
    • Trash Pile: All other debris.


  • DON’T place trash or debris brought from other locations. Service is limited to resident(s) of the property only.
  • DON’T include trash generated by businesses operating from within the residential property.
  • DON’T place out any raw garbage. Garbage should be placed in your gray cart.
  • DON’T place debris on speed bumps unless there is no other location for disposal.
  • DON’T place debris on the park strips.
  • DON’T include any of the following items with your Operation Clean Up debris:
    • Tree trimmings or stumps resulting from major tree pruning or removal of trees down to their stump.
    • Any explosive materials, including ammunition.
    • Pesticides and chemicals, including pool acid and propane tanks. Call the Fresno County Resources Division at (559) 600-4259 for disposal of these items.
    • Used motor oil, brake, and transmission fluids. Call the Recycling Program Hotline at (559) 621-1111 for disposal options for these items.
    • Fifty-gallon drums.
    • Wood preservatives or treated utility poles, including railroad ties.
    • NO TIRES. Call the Code Enforcement Division at (559) 621-8400 for information regarding tire disposal.
    • Materials resulting from private contract work and major remodeling work done by contractor or owner including: Roofing, major remodeling projects, or landscaping projects. Residents should seek a roll-off bin from a private hauler for these materials.
    • Broken television screens or computer monitors.
    • Batteries. Dispose of rechargeable and single-use batteries at regional libraries or other authorized collection locations.
    • Paint. Contact Paint Care at (855) 724-6809 or visit www.paintcare.org for more information about drop-off locations.

Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping within Operation Clean Up service areas is prohibited and is subject to citation. If you see someone illegally dumping in your neighborhood, write down the following information, if possible:

  • Year, color, and make of the vehicle
  • Date and time
  • License plate number
  • Type of debris dumped
  • Description of the person(s) illegally dumping

Reports of illegal dumping can be made through FresGO or by calling 3-1-1.

Multi-Family Residences – Apartment Buildings

Residents of multi-family residences with four or more units are currently not eligible to receive Operation Clean Up services. Customers must contact their collection service provider for disposal information.

Customers north of Ashlan Avenue contact:
Allied Waste Services of Fresno
(559) 275-1551

Customers south of Ashlan Avenue contact:
Mid Valley Disposal
(559) 237-9425