Draft / Jennifer Clark, Director of Development

Planning and Development

The Planning & Development Department has “Rolled Out the Red Carpet” to serve Fresno residents and businesses by assisting, regulating, and preserving residential and commercial development within the City. Our team strives to maintain the aesthetic beauty of Fresno, as well as the sustainable management of our land and water resources and public infrastructure, while enhancing the quality of life of its residents and ensuring the protection of public health, safety, and welfare within the City.

Planning Process
building and safety process


Planning and Development

Planning and Development Homepage

Building and Safety

Permit processing, plan review, and inspection

Current Planning

Implements the City’s General Plan by utilizing a variety of tools

Long-Range Planning

Long-Range Plans and the Development Code

Homeless Services (HART)

Homeless Services / Homeless Assistance Response Team (HART)

Housing & Community Development

Funding for low benefit and moderate income residents

Historic Preservation

Fresno was founded in 1872 by Leland J. Stanford


Providing management for city streets

Accela Citizens Access (ACA)

Accela Citizens Access (ACA) Online Applications

ACA “How To Videos”

City of Fresno Accela Citizens Business Videos

ADU Program

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program

DRC Committee

Development Review Committee (DRC)


Planning & Development Frequently Asked Questions

GIS, Mapping, Zoning

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provides maps to the public

Building Permit Applications, Forms, Fees

Permit applications, forms and fees

Planning Applications, Forms, Fees

Planning applications, forms and fees

Solar App+

Apply for an instantly approved Solar Permit

Starting a Business

Starting a Business in Fresno


Skip the line and submit your Planning & Building
applications online, 24/7, through
the ACA (Accela Citizen Access) portal.


Visit us at City Hall on the 3rd floor where
we have Rolled Out the Red Carpet to serve you!

Appointments are available Monday
Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Follow this How-To Guide to get started. If you have any questions regarding
the QLess System please contact Building and Safety Services at (559) 621-8082
or Development Services at (559) 621-8032.

Currently Accepting Applications for:

Building and SafetyPlanning
All Permit Types
General Information
General Zoning Inquiries
General Application Process Inquiries
Public Document Review
Application Submittal Assistance
Zone Clearance Submittal

Contact Us

Planning and Development

Office: 2600 Fresno Street, Room 3043, Fresno, CA 93721

Contact Us Online

Contact Planning and Development

Planning Commission

Planning Commission is an advisory committee, consisting of seven members appointed by the Mayor and City Council. The Planning Commission recommends actions on various planning issues, such as Plan Amendments, Rezones, and appeals for Development Permits or Conditional Use Permits. Meetings are open to the public and also air on CMAC. For times, please visit CMAC’s website.


The Planning Commission meetings are on the first and third Wednesdays of the month—unless otherwise noted.

City Council Chambers
2600 Fresno Street, 2nd floor
6:00 pm

Meetings are open to the public and air on CMAC.

For additional information, please call:

Planning and Development Process

One Fresno

The City of Fresno’s straightforward approach identifies projects based on their complexity. There are four project levels, each with an optimized process. The more simple a project, the quicker the review—some even approved over the counter. For more complex projects, the developer can meet with the Development Review Committee (DRC) comprised of all of the reviewing departments, to collaboratively discuss the application and receive concise and thorough feedback.

The City of Fresno has established accountability, clear protocols, and authority for decision-making that align with the General Plan, Development Code, and pre-zoning. Improved technology, customer service, and continuous improvement through training and staff development will help us keep the commitment to our standards, to honor developers’ time and budgets, and to work together to “get to yes.”

See our Application Submittal Completeness Checklists for a list of Completeness Checklists the division utilizes in an effort to streamline the application review process.

Surveys and Reviews

Resource Efficiency and Incentive Programs

Fresno Green Incentives

The city is committed to building green; constructing buildings and communities that are sustainable and environmentally responsible. The benefits are immeasurable: cleaner air, pedestrian friendly neighborhoods, support for local business and agriculture, more green spaces, and preservation of natural resources.

Benefits of going green:

  • 25 percent reduction on Planning entitlement fees
  • 20 percent minor deviation from development standards (i.e., parking, setbacks, etc.)
  • Expedited processing
  • Recognition

Program Information:

Fresno Green Handbook 

Fresno Green Residential Checklist 

Fresno Green Nonresidential Checklist 

For additional information contact the Current Planning Division as shown below: