The entry fee for the City of Fresno Regional Parks – Woodward Park, Roeding Park, and the Regional Sports Complex – will be $7 on Sunday, April 21, 2019, due to the Easter Holiday.
The Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Department institutes the $7 fee as part of its holiday schedule. Those holidays are Easter, Cinco de Mayo (closest weekend), Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day (observed), and Labor Day. The normal park entrance fee is $5. The entrance fee for senior citizens, age 65 or older, is $3.
There is no overflow parking available and “No Parking On The Grass” signs will be placed at various locations. Each regional parks will be closed to vehicles when the park reaches capacity and reopened as parking spaces become available. There will be events at Storyland & Playland, as well as visitors to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo, thus making occasional closures to Roeding Park likely.
Park goers parking in surrounding neighborhoods are asked not to block residential or commercial driveways. Residents whose access to their property is impeded by parked vehicles can call 311 to have the parked vehicle cited.
Park entrance fee will be waived for motor vehicles displaying a valid Disabled person Placard/Decal, to active duty U.S. Military members (with proper identification) or driver, or motor vehicles displaying a California State “Gold Star” license plate.