Office of Cannabis Oversight

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(4/15/2024) The Accela Citizen Access website received an update which may affect your previous browser bookmarks. The City of Fresno now utilizes the Accela in the Cloud (SAAS) System
 which can be found at
Please discontinue use of the previous address.

(2/28/2024) Please see this Notice of Changes to Application Procedures CBP Expectations.

(2/28/2023) Please see this notice of changes to the application procedures for cannabis business permits establishing additional applicant timeframe requirements.

(1/27/2023) Applications for cannabis testing laboratory permits are open. There is no limit on the number of testing laboratory permits available in the City of Fresno and they may be located in Commercial, Employment, or Downtown District zones. Please review the application procedures. Applications are submitted through the Accela Citizen Access webpage.

(10/21/2022) Please see the current list of preliminary approvals for cannabis business permits under the “Cannabis Business Information” section. The application for a proposed change of location is now available in the Accela Citizen Access webpage.

Under the direction of the City Manager, the Office of Cannabis Oversight is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the City’s cannabis laws and regulations.

On November 8, 2016, California voters passed Proposition 64, the Control, Regulate, and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana (“AUMA”) Act. This law legalizes nonmedical, recreational marijuana, subject to the regulation of local government jurisdictions in the State of California.

On December 13, 2018, Fresno City Council adopted the Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business Ordinance, which sets out the permitting framework and regulatory requirements for Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis businesses to operate within the City for commercial activities such as cultivation, manufacturing, and distribution. This ordinance was amended on January 30th, 2020, on June 25th, 2020, and may be further refined by the City Council.

Cannabis Social Equity Program

Section 9-3316(b) of the Fresno Municipal Code (FMC) establishes a cannabis social equity program in the City of Fresno. The purpose of the social equity program is to address the historical impact of federal and state drug enforcement policies on low-income communities.

A minimum of one (and a maximum of two) out of every seven commercial cannabis business permits for cannabis retail businesses will be awarded to an equity applicant. A minimum of one (and a maximum of two) out of every eight commercial cannabis business permits for other commercial cannabis business types will be awarded to an equity applicant.

Qualified social equity applicants will receive the following technical assistance during the application process:

  1. Business Plan Development
  2. Satisfying the Social Policy Requirement (FMC Section Sec. 9-3316(b))
    1. Hosting/Funding Expungement Clinics or related outreach
    2. Crafting an environmentally sustainable business model
  3. Satisfying the Neighborhood Compatibility Requirement (includes Odor Control Plan, Waste Disposal, Nuisance Abatement)
  4. A detailed plan identifying specific business and social goals of your organization, as well as strategies for achieving them.
  5. Assistance securing business locations prior to or during the application process.
  6. Assistance securing capital investments (excluding loans and grants from the City)
  7. Assistance in recruiting, training, and retention of a qualified/diverse workforce.

Additional benefits may be established in the future, including access to business loans and grants, and assistance in paying State licensing fees in accordance with FMC 9-3316(b)(vii).

The City has partnered with Make Green Go, LLC to provide technical assistance services for cannabis social equity applicants.

Are you a local business that wants to provide services for cannabis equity businesses? Equity Businesses may need referrals to various business services including, but not limited to, business insurance providers, real estate brokers, certified public accounts, attorneys, security professionals, etc. If you would like to offer your business services to cannabis equity businesses please register with our technical assistance provider.

Cannabis Business Information

The City of Fresno Cannabis Business Permit website is available here:

Preliminary Approvals for Commercial Cannabis and Cannabis Retail permits have been issued:

*Please see the interactive cannabis zoning maps below for a visual representation of the current proposed locations.

Pursuant to the Fresno Municipal Code Section 9-3316(f), all applications submitted are considered public documents for Public Record Act (PRA) request purposes. PRA Request form.

Pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 9-3316(f), the cannabis business permit applications may be viewed by visiting this link: Cannabis Applications


  • CCB Permit Application Fee:  $7,920.00 (waived for Social Equity applicants)
  • *CCB Permit Fee: $19,798.00
  • Zoning Inquiry Letter: $522.00
  • *Livescan Background Check: $69.00 per person
  • *Conditional Use Permit: $13,391.00
  • *Business Tax Certificate Application: $24.00

*Not required with the CCB Permit initial application. Do not proceed with these process applications until instructed to do so in Phase IV.

Preliminary Approvals:

The following documents are for Commercial Cannabis Business Permit applicants that have received preliminary approval from the Office of the City Manager.

Retail and Commercial Cannabis Business Locations:

The City of Fresno has developed a tool to assist business owners in finding potential business locations that meet the requirements for cannabis zoning. Please select the appropriate link below depending on whether you are interested in looking at potential retail sites or other types of commercial cannabis sites. **MAPS UPDATED TO SHOW CURRENT PROPOSED LOCATIONS**

Cannabis Retail Map
Commercial Cannabis Map

In addition to the interactive maps, buffer analysis maps are available in PDF format here:

Cannabis Retail Map

Cannabis Commercial Map

Community Benefit

The Cannabis Business License Tax ordinance establishes the tax rates for legal cannabis businesses operating in the City of Fresno. Of the revenues generated from the Cannabis Business License Tax, 90% is dedicated to fund unrestricted general revenue purposes, including combating gangs, drug abuse, human trafficking, homelessness, and to fund police, fire, roads, and parks. Ten percent (10%) is set aside for the Community Benefit Fund and shall be used to meet the goals of the fund, which will be established by Council resolution.

Section 7-1404 establishes the Community Benefit Commission consisting of nine (9) members to be appointed by the Mayor and from each Council district. The purpose of the Commission shall be to recommend allocation of the revenues received into the Community Benefit Fund pursuant to the goals set by Council.

For more information about the Community Benefit Commission visit the City Clerk’s website.

Health and Safety

While many Californians choose to consume legal cannabis in various forms for personal use, the City of Fresno wants to ensure that its citizens have resources and information to make informed decisions about their cannabis use. Please visit the following sites for more information about the health risks of cannabis:

Permit Application Process

Applications Accepted
Beginning December 1, 2021

Applications for Commercial Cannabis Business Permit applications are open beginning December 1, 2021. This application window is only for cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, or (non-retail) microbusiness permit types.

All permit applications will be submitted through the Accela Citizen Access website available here:

Please see the application procedures for this application round:

View the Application Requirements
for the application process
that closed December 4, 2020:

Final Scores and Rankings (Application Round #1):

Required Forms:

View the virtual application orientation meetings:

Notices of Changes to Application Procedures:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):