FAX Accessibility

All FAX buses have lifts or ramps for easy access by passengers who use mobility devices or have difficulty climbing steps. Walkers/Rollators (4-wheeled walkers with seats) must be folded and placed out of the aisles. Walker and Rollator users must always sit in a regular bus seat. Walkers and Rollators cannot be used as a seat while riding the bus and may not be secured in the wheelchair securement area.
HANDY RIDE – Handy Ride is a FAX service designed to transport eligible persons with disabilities. The service is available to those persons who, because of the nature of their disability, are unable to use the FAX fixed-route system. Handy Ride is a curb-to-curb service provided from any origin to any destination within the service area, for any trip purpose. It is a shared-ride service, which means you may share your ride with other riders. You must be at the curb at your designated pick-up time
HANDY RIDE SERVICE HOURS | Day Schedule | Night Service (limited service area) |
Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday | 5:30 am – 9:30 pm 6:30 am–7:00 pm 6:30 am–7:00 pm | 9:30 pm – 12:00 pm 7:00 pm–12:00 am |
Monday–Friday Saturday/Sunday | 8:00 am–5:00 pm 8:00 am–5:00 pm |

Eligible persons can schedule a trip reservation by calling Handy Ride at 621-5770. When calling in, please state your name first. Reservation staff will then ask a series of questions regarding the desired pick-up time, pick-up location, destination, etc, to schedule the requested trip. Persons who are ADA Handy Ride Certified may make reservations one to two days before the desired trip If illness or a change in plans causes you to cancel a trip, please inform Handy Ride at least one hour before your scheduled pick-up time. For complete information regarding Handy Ride eligibility and service contact FAX at (559) 621-RIDE (7433)
TITLE VI – Fresno Area Express is committed to ensuring that no individual or organization is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of its programs, activities, or services, or subject to discrimination based on race, color, or national origin as afforded to them by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. For more information please contact customer service at (559) 621-RIDE (7433).
HOLIDAY SERVICE – Bus service is not provided on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day Other legal holidays may have reduced service. Sunday schedule service is provided on New Year’s Day, Martin
Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and the day before Christmas.
- Do not smoke aboard the bus
- Do not eat or drink aboard the bus
- Walk – do not run aboard the bus
- Keep all bus aisles clear
- Please keep seats clean and feet on the floor
- Place all trash in trashcans
- Use earphones for all personal audio devices (radios, phones, etc.)
- Animals are not allowed except in approved animal carriers (service animals excepted)
- No disruptive behavior or foul language
- Do not cross in front of or behind the bus
- Do not attempt to board a bus that has pulled away from the curb
- Children must be supervised at all times
- Remain seated (if seats are available) when the bus is in motion
- Hazardous materials are not allowed on buses
- Always load your bike into the rack closest to the bus
FAX Policy on Reasonable Modification/Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
Policy on Reasonable Modification/Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
It is FAX’s policy to make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, or procedures when requested to do so by individuals with disabilities when such accommodations are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability. The effective date of this policy is July 13, 2015.
Requests for accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be denied on one or more of the following grounds:
- Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of Fresno Area Express’s service, programs, or activities;
- Granting the request could create a direct threat to the health or safety of the requestor or others;
- Granting the request would create an undue financial or administrative burden for the Agency; or
- Without such modification, the individual with a disability is otherwise able to fully use Fresno Area Express’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.
In determining whether to grant a requested modification, Fresno Area Express will be guided by the provisions of United States Department of Transportation at 49 CFR Appendix E to Part 37.169.
FAX Advance Reasonable Accommodation Request Form
Process for Requesting Modifications/Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
Requests for modifications of Fresno Area Express’s policies, practices, or procedures to accommodate an individual with a disability may be made either in advance or at the time of the transportation service. Fresno Area Express is best able to address and accommodate a request when customers make their requests for modifications in advance. The process for making a request is as follows:
Advance Requests:
- When making a request, please thoroughly describe what is needed in order for you to use the service, and why this assistance is necessary.
- Whenever feasible, a request for modification to Fresno Area Express’s service should be made within 30 calendar days before Fresno Area Express is expected to provide the service. Fresno Area Express will review your request, and will make every effort to communicate in advance whether or not the requested modification can be made.
- If the modification is not made, Fresno Area Express will provide the reason for the denial of the request. Requests may be denied on one or more of the following grounds:
- Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of Fresno Area Express, programs, or activities;
- Granting the request could create a direct threat to the health or safety of the requestor or others;
- Granting the request would create an undue financial or administrative burden for the Agency; or
- Without such modification, the individual with a disability is otherwise able to fully use Fresno Area Express’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.
Requests may be made through the following means:
- Contact the Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Coordinator at (559) 621-5785 who will complete the Advance Reasonable Modification request form on the requestor’s behalf.
- Download the Advance Reasonable Modification Request form at www.fresno.gov/FAX and mail attention to: Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Coordinator 2223 G St., Fresno, Ca. 93706.
- If you are a Handy Ride customer call reservations at (559) 621-5770 and make a request.
Same Day Requests:
- When a request for modification cannot practicably be made and determined in advance, you may make a request on the same day, at the time of, or during service.
- You should make your request to the operator of your bus.
- Please describe in detail what accommodation you require and why it is necessary in order to use the service.
- Bus Operators may grant a request if such request is reasonable and meets the requirements of the Agency’s policy.
- If a Bus Operator is unsure if the request can be granted or declined, she/he is required to consult with the dispatch center.
- Requests may be denied on the following grounds:
- Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of Fresno Area Express’s, programs, or activities;
- Granting the request could create a direct threat to the health or safety of the requestor or others;
- Without such modification, the individual with a disability is otherwise able to fully use Fresno Area Express’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.
- Bus Operator availability may be very limited when providing service and if the request would require extended consideration, we may not be able to grant your request immediately, and you may be encouraged to submit a written request for further consideration in future trips.
- Fresno Area Express’s ability to grant the requested modifications may vary by route, day of travel, time of day, or other circumstances. For example, while a request may be able to be granted in one instance, that same request may be denied in another instance if granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of the service or create a safety threat, or if the request is not a functional necessity.
- In the case of a denial of a request, Fresno Area Express will take, to the maximum extent possible and in compliance with its policies, any other appropriate actions to ensure you receive service.
Designated employee for compliance:
Fresno Area Express has designated the Para Transit Specialist, as the Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Coordinator who is responsible for ensuring compliance of this policy and for administering the prompt and equitable resolution of any related complaints. Contact information is as follows: Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Coordinator (559) 621-5785 or by letter to the Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Coordinator 2223 G St., Fresno, Ca. 93706.
Complaint Process and Contact Information:
Complaints regarding the administration of or compliance with this policy shall be made in writing or by completing and returning the complaint form found at: www.fresno.gov/fax addressed to the Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Coordinator 2223 G St., Fresno, Ca. 93706.