Measure P

Image for Scenic Park Ride Woodward-v
Measure P logo

Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Transactions and Use Tax
(also known as Measure P)

What is Measure P?

Measure P helps ensure Fresno’s neighborhoods receive funding to improve and maintain our parks and facilities, create new parks and trails, and fund recreation, community, and arts programs.

The Fresno City Council adopted the Fresno Parks Master Plan, which was developed with extensive community input and feedback. It showed 80% of Fresno’s parks are in fair or poor condition and laid out a plan to improve our parks system. Measure P is a solution to make those improvements a reality.

The proceeds are utilized to fund specific purposes defined in the Measure P Ordinance.

Funding Allocation:

  • 46% of Measure P funds are for: Improving and maintaining neighborhood parks and playgrounds.
  • 21.5% of Measure P funds are for: Creating new parks and recreational facilities.
  • 8.5% of Measure P funds are for: Youth and senior recreation programs, afterschool programs, job training.
  • 12% of Measure P funds are for: Expanding access to arts and culture.
  • 11.25% of Measure P funds are for: Safe walking/biking trails, street beautification, San Joaquin River Parkway.

Measure P requires that no less than 50% of funds must be allocated to highest-need neighborhoods in the City of Fresno for: 

Improving and maintaining safe, clean neighborhood parks and playgrounds.  

New neighborhood parks, senior and youth recreation facilities.

Read the Measure P Ordinance

Highest Needs Neighborhoods

Measure P requires that no less than 50% of funds must be allocated to highest-need neighborhoods in the City of Fresno for:

  • Improving and maintaining safe, clean, neighborhoods parks and playgrounds.
  • New neighborhood parks, senior and youth recreation facilities.

The following data is included in the development of the highest needs neighborhoods definition:

(A) Existing conditions of parks and facilities based on needs assessment data in the Plan;

(B) The proportion of the population that lives within walking distance (1/2 mile) to a park;

(C) Park acreage per 1,000 residents;

(D) Population density;

(E) Neighborhood youth and senior population;

(F) Neighborhood safety;

(G) Neighborhoods of concentrated poverty;

(H) Pollution burden, as defined by CalEnviroScreens 3.0, or subsequent updates;

(I) Pre-term birth rates;

(J) Years of potential life lost;

(K) Neighborhood composite mortality rate.

The City of Fresno updates the Highest-Need Neighborhoods definition every three years. Based on public input and analysis, the City Council has adopted the top 50% as the threshold of census tracts to be considered as the 2025 – 2027 definition.

You can find more details of maps related to the highest needs neighborhoods definition here:

Frequently Asked Questions

A kid shooting a basketball

How do Measure P dollars benefit our community?

Investing in Fresno’s parks, trails, facilities, and programs helps keep the City of Fresno a desirable place to live, work, and raise a family. This continued investment improves the quality of life for all Fresnans while promoting community cohesion and engagement, from our youth to our seniors.

What types of programs and projects does Measure P fund?

Measure P funds are allocated for programs and projects that do one of the following:

  • Provide clean, safe neighborhoods parks for all Fresno residents;
  • Reduce crime and homelessness in parks;
  • Update and maintain park bathrooms and playgrounds;
  • Reduce graffiti and vandalism in parks;
  • Maintain and improve after-school, youth, and senior recreational programs;
  • Provide job training for at-risk youth and veterans;
  • Beautify landscaping and remove weeds and litter along major roads and highways;
  • Create parks in neighborhoods that don’t have good park access, including soccer and sports fields;
  • Improve walking and biking access to parks and trails, including the San Joaquin River Parkway;
  • Expand access to local arts and cultural programs.

Where do Measure P funds come from?

Measure P provides a guaranteed, local funding source for Fresno’s parks through a 3/8-cent sales tax in the City of Fresno. That’s an average of $39 per household each year (or just $3.25 each month), while items like groceries and medicine remain exempt from sales taxes. The initiative raises approximately $37.5 million per year and requires voter approval for renewal after 30 years.

What if I have more questions?

For questions or comments, please contact the City of Fresno PARCS Department at [email protected]

How Do I Get Involved?

Park with people playing
  • The Parks Recreation and Arts Commission meets twice a month on Monday evenings at 5:30 pm. For a full view of the Commission’s meeting calendar, click the below link.

Parks Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting Calendar

  • Agendas for the Parks Recreation and Arts Commission meetings can be found on the City of Fresno website. To view upcoming and previous agendas, click the below link.

Agendas: November 2021 to Current
Agendas: May 2021 to October 2021

  • Hearings: The Parks Recreation and Arts Commission is currently conducting hearings at the Commission Meetings to receive public input regarding allocations related to Measure P and the PARCS Department Budget. The City Council Chambers are open for public participation; however, members of the public are encouraged to participate electronically because of the reduced capacity of seating in the Chambers to allow for social distancing. Participants may register electronically in advance through the zoom link available on each meeting agenda.

Parks Recreation and Arts Commission

Three boys playing

The Parks Recreation and Arts Commission consists of nine (9) members. The nine-member Commission has been appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council. The membership of the Commission reflects the cultural, demographic, and geographic diversity of the City, with at least one-third of the Commissioners residing in the highest-need neighborhoods

What is the Commission’s role?

The Commission’s primary authority on behalf of the City is to conduct hearings and receive public input on programs, facilities, and services funded with Measure P, and to make recommendations to the City Council for the adoption of Measure P expenditures in connection with the annual budget process.

Who serves on the Commission?

Chair – Kimberly McCoy
Vice Chair – Jon Dohlin
Commissioner – Christina Soto
Commissioner – Harman Singh
Commissioner – Jose Leon Barraza
Commissioner – Laura Ward
Commissioner – Rosa Caglia
Commissioner – Scott Miller
Commissioner – Kelly Kucharski

Parks Recreation and Arts Commission Calendar Final 

Cultural Arts Plan

Chukchansi Park still Image

The City of Fresno’s Cultural Arts Plan was adopted by City Council on August 10, 2023.

The development of the Cultural Arts Plan included robust community engagement in partnership with the Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission and the Fresno Arts Council. The planning process included local arts and cultural stakeholders and resulted in a Cultural Arts Plan which identifies the needs in the arts and cultural community, prioritizes outcomes and investments, and develops a vision and goals for the future of Fresno arts and cultural programs that are reflective of the cultural, demographic, and geographic diversity of Fresno.

The Cultural Arts Plan shall be updated every five years by the Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission.

Youth Fee Waiver Program

Please Download our Application Form below:

Or fill out the Application Online: 

The fee waiver program operates on a January – December calendar year. Residents must reapply every calendar year. The 2025 fee waiver expires on 12/31/25.

Questions? Call PARCS
Customer Service Team at:

(559) 621-7529

Annual Reports