City Announces Resuming Daily Cleanups on Santa Clara Street This Month

Fresno Mayor Lee Brand today announced that the City of Fresno, in coordination with Council President Miguel Arias and Community Based Organizations serving the homeless, will begin a 30-day notification of individuals experiencing homelessness in the vicinity of Santa Clara and G Streets that the City will be reinstituting daily clean ups of the area. The notifications will begin Monday, June 1 with the daily cleanups of the area beginning on Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Daily clean ups were a part of the City’s commitment to keeping the area around Santa Clara and G Streets as safe and sanitary as possible prior to the emergence of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  In response to the pandemic, the City decided to stand down these activities based on CDC guidelines and its focus was placed on offering individuals and families emergency shelter, resulting in hundreds being sheltered.

“As we modified our shelter-in place rules, the health and safety of those living on the streets around Santa Clara and G Streets has become an increasing concern,” said Mayor Brand.  “Protecting the public means protecting everyone, regardless of status or residency, and it’s time to start ensuring that the conditions around our most vulnerable population get our full attention, before, during and after this pandemic.”

Council President Arias said, “During this pandemic, we will ensure these areas are cleaned and sanitized protecting the health of the homeless population and beginning the process of daily cleanups of the area while offering services.”

During the 30-day notification process, all individuals with personal property on the street will receive repeated personal communications of the July 1 start date for the daily clean ups.  Homeless service providers will offer each individual services including housing, health care, and other opportunities. 

In addition, the Poverello House has augmented its services to this area through 24-hour, seven-day-a-week access to bathrooms, handwashing and sanitizing stations. Individuals and household groups will also be encouraged to observe social distancing by staying within 12 x 12 foot areas marked out during the clean-up in accordance with CDC recommendations. 

For information related to this and other City services related to homelessness, call 3-1-1 or visit the City of Fresno website at

Photo Credit: GV Wire