Fire FAQ’s

How can I participate in the Fire Department’s ride-along program?
Citizens interested in participating in the Fire Department’s ride-along program must fill out an online application and pass a background check. Please navigate to the application portal:
How can I schedule a tour of a fire station?
Visit our Community Event Requests page for details.
Where is the closest fire station to my house?
Contact Fire Department Headquarters at (559) 621-4181 and give them your address. Someone will be able to give you the closest fire station. Also, click on fire station locations to find the fire station nearest you.
How do I schedule a fire engine to attend my event (carnival, block party, safety day, etc.)?
Visit our Community Event Requests page for details.
Where do I report tall weeds, grasses around houses and vacant lots?
Contact Code Enforcement at (559) 621-8400.
How much does a fire report cost and how do I get one?
Copies of fire reports can be obtained at the Fire Prevention Division located at Fire Headquarters, 911 “H” Street, Fresno, CA 93721. Call (559) 621-4181 or e-mail [email protected] to request a fire report, or request online.
How do I report a leaking fire hydrant?
Contact the fire department at (559) 621-4181.
How do I become a firefighter?
The City of Fresno tests for the position of firefighter trainee as needed. The minimum requirements are:
– Must be 20 years old to apply, 21 by appointment
– Possess a high school diploma or equivalent
– Valid CA drivers license
All recruitments are subject to additional or changed minimum requirements depending upon the needs of the Department.
Additional information regarding a career as a Fresno Firefighter can be found on the Firefighter Recruitment webpage.
My smoke detector is making a ‘chirping’ noise. What’s wrong with it?
The battery is low and should be replaced immediately.
Per the NFPA’s 2021 report “Smoke Alarms in US Home Fires”:
Almost three out of five home fire deaths were caused by fires in properties with no smoke alarms (41 percent) or smoke alarms that failed to operate (16 percent).
– The risk of dying in reported home structure fires is 55 percent lower in homes with working smoke alarms than in homes with no alarms or none that worked.
– When present, hardwired smoke alarms operated in 94 percent of the fires considered large enough to trigger a smoke alarm. Battery-powered alarms operated 82 percent of the time. Power source issues were the most common factors when smoke alarms failed to operate.
The easiest way to maintain your smoke alarms is to change the batteries twice a year during the time change when you are resetting your clocks.
Is it OK to burn trash outside in a burn barrel?
No, it is illegal to burn trash in the city of Fresno. The only outdoor fires allowed are for cooking purposes.
I own a business and have been told to get a fire extinguisher. What kind do I need?
The minimum size required in the City of Fresno is a 2A10BC. This is a dry chemical extinguisher and weighs approx 5 lbs. It will extinguish class A, B and C fires. For more detailed information on fire extinguishers, contact Fire Prevention Division (559) 621-4181.
My power bill is very high in the winter, and I am considering using a kerosene heater to heat my home. Is this a good idea?
NO! Kerosene heaters are not intended for use inside a residence. They are for use in non-airtight out buildings like barns, garages, etc. Kerosene heaters produce a poisonous gas called carbon monoxide and can kill in an airtight confined space.
I have several old cans of paint, solvents, and thinners. Does the Fire Department take care of disposing of these items?
No, the Fresno County Environmental Health Agency operates Fresno’s local Household Hazardous Waste program. Their website can be found here.
Does the City of Fresno allow fireworks?
The City of Fresno allows safe and sane fireworks during the July 4th holiday only. For more information visit the Fireworks webpage.
What is Fresno Fire Department’s ISO rating?
Currently, Fresno Fire Department maintains a fire protection class rating of “Class 2” through the Insurance Service Office.
Emergency Responder Radio Coverage (ERCC)
Within the City of Fresno (COF), radio signals used by first responders (including Fire, Police and EMS) can be weakened for a variety of reasons. Signal strength may be reduced based on the materials a building is constructed out of, or the presence/construction type, height of an adjacent building. Interference caused by these conditions is a great concern for first responders when responding to an emergency. The California Fire Code (CFC) addresses these concerns by requiring property owners to install Emergency Responder Radio Coverage (ERRC) systems in some cases.
ERRC code requirements address emergency responder radio strength within a building. An ERRC system’s main purpose is to facilitate communications within a building by first responders. Current CFC requirements and Fresno Fire Department (FFD) policies have been developed to ensure proper indoor radio signal strength for both new and existing buildings. In the City of Fresno (and contract service areas) FFD – in conjunction with the COF Information Services Department – is the regulating authority for these systems.
Property owners are responsible for having their property tested by an approved firm prior to requesting a Certificate of Occupancy. After grid testing has been completed, the testing firm must provide the grid test results to FFD. Grid testing must demonstrate that the existing level of radio signal strength is compliant, and if not, then an ERRC system must be installed. Both the CFC and FFD policy establish the minimum requirements for inbound and outbound signal strength & delivered audio quality for radio signals. A permit from FFD is required prior to installation of all ERRC systems. Initial and final testing, system design, construction documents, and installation requirements for all ERRC systems must in accordance with CFC requirements, and FFD policy.
Per the CFC, a building’s ERRC system must provide compliant signal strength in at least 95% of the building and at certain FFD defined critical areas. Designers and installers must be licensed by the FCC, and all design documents must be in accordance with CFC and FFD requirements.
If required and installed, it is the property owner’s responsibility maintain the ERRC system. Annual inspection and signal testing must completed; and if radio frequencies are modified, the property owner must have the ERRC system re-programmed to the new frequencies.