Water Rebates

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The City of Fresno offers a variety of rebates to qualified customers to offset some of the costs of installing water-efficient appliances, fixtures, and landscaping materials.

To apply for a Water Conservation Program Rebate, click on the rebate information below to print the appropriate rebate form and accompanying information.  Customers are encouraged to read through all rebate information prior to purchasing any appliances, fixtures or landscaping materials to ensure that qualifying products are purchased and all rebate guidelines are fulfilled.

All required supplemental information must be submitted with rebate applications.  Incomplete, incorrect, or unsigned applications cannot be processed and will be returned to the applicant.  Applicants must fulfill all program guidelines to be eligible for a rebate.

Completed forms should be sent to the Water Conservation Program at:

City of Fresno Water Division
Water Conservation Program, 1910 E. University Avenue, Fresno, CA 93703

Or via email at: [email protected]

Additional information about water-efficient appliances, fixtures and materials can be found on the following websites:

Residential Toilet Rebate

A rebate of up to $105 is available for the purchase of a qualifying new WaterSense High-Efficiency Toilet that uses 1.28 gallons per flush or less when replacing an old toilet that was manufactured before 1992 and exceeds 1.6 gallons per flush.  Up to 3 rebates are allowed per qualifying account.

Toilets are by far the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30 percent of an average home’s indoor water consumption.  Older, inefficient toilets that use as much as 6 gallons per flush are a major source of wasted water in many homes.

Efficiency measures such as replacing water-guzzling toilets with the latest in low-flush toilet technology help to conserve and protect the City of Fresno’s water supply.  Recent advancements have allowed toilets to use 1.28 gallons per flush or less while still providing equal or superior performance.  This is 20 percent less water than the current federal standard of 1.6 gallons per flush.

City of Fresno residential water customers may be eligible for a rebate when replacing an old high water use toilet with a qualifying High-Efficiency Toilet that displays a WaterSense label.  WaterSense labeled High-Efficiency Toilets are independently certified to meet rigorous criteria for both performance and efficiency and are available at a wide variety of price points and in a broad range of styles.  More information about the WaterSense label and qualifying toilets can be found online at: https://www.epa.gov/watersense/products/toilets.html.

Commercial & Multi-Family Toilet Rebate

A rebate of up to $105 is available for the purchase of a qualifying new WaterSense High-Efficiency Toilet that uses 1.28 gallons per flush or less when replacing an old toilet that was manufactured before 1992 and exceeds 1.6 gallons per flush.  Up to 10 rebates are allowed per qualifying account.

Toilets are by far the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30 percent of an average home’s indoor water consumption.  Older, inefficient toilets that use as much as 6 gallons per flush are a major source of wasted water in many homes.

Efficiency measures such as replacing water-guzzling toilets with the latest in low-flush toilet technology help to conserve and protect the City of Fresno’s water supply.  Recent advancements have allowed toilets to use 1.28 gallons per flush or less while still providing equal or superior performance.  This is 20 percent less water than the current federal standard of 1.6 gallons per flush.

City of Fresno commercial and multi-family water customers may be eligible for a rebate when replacing old high water use toilets with qualifying High-Efficiency Toilets that display a WaterSense label.  WaterSense labeled High-Efficiency Toilets are independently certified to meet rigorous criteria for both performance and efficiency and are available at a wide variety of price points and in a broad range of styles.  More information about the WaterSense label and qualifying toilets can be found online at: https://www.epa.gov/watersense/products/toilets.html.

Residential Clothes Washer Rebate

A rebate of up to $105 is available for the purchase of a new qualifying high-efficiency clothes washer that is certified as an ENERGY STAR appliance with a water factor of 6.0 or less.  Rebates are limited to one (1) clothes washer per single family billing account for the lifetime of the account.

The average American family washes about 300 loads of laundry each year, and clothes washers account for more than 20% of the water used inside the home.  It is estimated that there are 76 million top-loading washers across the country, 25 million of which are at least 10 years old.  Washers built before 2003 are significantly less efficient than newer models.

ENERGY STAR certified clothes washers use about 25% less energy and 33% less water than regular washers and can help families cut their related energy and water costs.  A full-sized ENERGY STAR certified clothes washer uses 14 gallons of water per load, compared to the 20 gallons used by a standard machine.

City of Fresno residential water customers may be eligible for a rebate when purchasing a new qualifying high-efficiency clothes washer.  All qualifying clothes washers must have an ENERGY STAR label.  More information about qualifying clothes washers can be found online at https://www.energystar.gov/products/clothes_washers.

Lawn to Garden Rebate

A $1.05 per square foot rebate is available for the removal of existing lawns when replaced with water-efficient landscapes. The rebate amount is based on the square footage of lawn removed and replaced, up to a maximum of 1,500 square feet.

Many people believe that stunning gardens and beautiful yards are only possible through extensive watering, fertilization, and pesticide application. However, eye-catching gardens and landscapes are easily achieved by employing water-efficient landscaping. These landscapes can help to save water, protect the environment, and require less maintenance than traditional landscapes centered around large lawns.

The Water Conservation Program requires that customers request a Water-Wise

Landscape Consultation prior to removing a lawn for the Lawn to Garden rebate. This free service is provided by the Water Conservation Program and includes recommendations for water-wise plants suitable for the Fresno area, irrigation installation, and lawn removal. Customers may request this service through the FresGO app or by calling the City of Fresno’s 311 Center at (559) 621-CITY or by dialing 3-1-1 within City limits.

Lawn to Garden Application

Log into the WaterWeb Customer Portal to begin your application.

Micro (Drip) Irrigation Rebate

A $0.55 per square foot rebate is available for the replacement of existing overhead spray sprinklers with micro (drip) irrigation.  Rebate amount is based on the square footage of the area covered by the newly installed drip irrigation system, up to a maximum of 1,000 square feet.  This rebate is available for single-family or multi-family residential properties.

Micro (drip) irrigation is a low-pressure, low-flow type of irrigation that can reduce the likelihood of overwatering a landscape.  This form of irrigation delivers water directly to where it is needed most – the root zone of plants.  It also delivers the water slowly and over a longer period of time, preventing runoff and reducing evaporation.  Drip irrigation systems use 20% to 50% less water than conventional sprinkler systems and help reduce landscape irrigation water use.

Customers must schedule a free Water-Wise Landscape Consultation before purchasing micro (drip) irrigation supplies and materials to determine the appropriate emitter flow rates and spacing for their individual landscaping.  Customers may request this service through the FresGO app or by calling the City of Fresno’s 311 Center at (559) 621-CITY (2489) or by dialing 3-1-1 within City limits.

High-Efficiency Sprinkler Nozzle Rebate

A rebate of up to $4.50 per qualified sprinkler nozzle is available for the new installation or replacement of existing traditional overhead spray sprinklers with qualified high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles.  Rebate requires a minimum of 6 nozzles.  The maximum rebate is $100.

High-efficiency sprinkler nozzles provide approximately 20% water savings compared to traditional pop-up sprinkler nozzles.  High-efficiency sprinkler nozzles are compatible with most existing irrigation systems and are ideal for new irrigation systems.  Instead of applying fixed streams of water with smaller droplets that are prone to drift in the wind, high-efficiency spray nozzles slowly deliver larger droplets of water, which reduces drift and runoff, and allows for more uniform soil absorption.  High-efficiency sprinkler nozzles are ideal for slopes and clay soils, helping to reduce brown spots in these difficult-to-water areas.

Customers may request a free Water-Wise Landscape Consultation prior to purchasing high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles to help determine the compatibility of their existing irrigation system and learn more about the benefits of using high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles on their individual landscaping.  Customers may request this service through the FresGO app or by calling the City of Fresno’s 311 Center at (559) 621-CITY (2489) or by dialing 3-1-1 within City limits.

Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate

A rebate of up to $105 is available for the purchase and installation of a qualifying new WaterSense certified Smart Irrigation Controller.  Rebates are limited to one (1) smart irrigation controller per qualified account for the lifetime of the account.

Replacing a standard clock irrigation timer with a WaterSense labeled smart irrigation controller can save an average home up to 7,600 gallons of water annually.  WaterSense certified smart irrigation controllers use local weather and landscape conditions to tailor watering schedules to actual conditions on the site, instead of irrigating using a standard controller with a clock and a preset schedule.  WaterSense labeled smart irrigation controllers allow watering schedules to better match plants’ water needs.  With proper installation, programming and maintenance, homeowners and businesses will no longer need to worry about wasted water.

Smart irrigation controllers must be capable to be programmed to comply with the City of Fresno Outdoor Water Use Schedule.  An Irrigation Efficiency Audit must be completed by the Water Conservation Program staff after the installation of a new smart irrigation controller to ensure that the current irrigation system meets the requirements for this rebate.  More information about the WaterSense label and certified smart irrigation controllers can be found online at:  https://www.epa.gov/watersense/irrigation-controllers.

Rain Sensor Rebate

A rebate of up to $55 is available for the purchase and installation of a qualifying new rain sensor.  Rebates are limited to one (1) rain sensor per qualified account for the lifetime of the account.

Rain sensors are small devices that turn off an automatic landscape irrigation system when it rains.  It is mounted in an open outdoor area and connected to a traditional irrigation controller.  During the rainy season, a rain sensor can reduce water bills while conserving water.  By turning off sprinklers on days surrounding heavy rain, customers may save an average of 500 gallons of water or more per day.

Rain sensors are available in both wireless and hard-wired versions.  Both are usually compatible with most traditional irrigation controllers.  Some older controllers can be adapted, if necessary.  Information about the selection of the best rain sensor for an existing irrigation system or installation of the device can be obtained from a local irrigation equipment company or hardware store specializing in smart irrigation.  There are also a number of online videos demonstrating the installation of a rain sensor.

City of Fresno residential water customers may be eligible for a rebate when purchasing and installing a qualifying new rain sensor.

Swimming Pool Cover Rebate

A rebate of up to $105 is available for the purchase and installation of a qualifying new swimming pool cover.  Rebates are limited to one (1) qualifying pool cover per qualified account for the lifetime of the account.

During warmer months, especially in the Central Valley, evaporation from swimming pools contributes to substantial water waste.  When used consistently and appropriately, swimming pool covers can both reduce pool water evaporation and help the pool water retain heat, which together contributes to water, energy, and cost savings for pool owners.

The installation of a swimming pool cover can prevent up to 95% of swimming pool water evaporation.  Pool covers are available in a range of materials and designs and can provide additional benefits to pool owners, such as reducing cleaning requirements, reducing chemical use, and providing a measure of safety to prevent animals and children from drowning.  Pool covers can be manually, semi-automatically, or automatically controlled.

Hot Water Recirculating Pump Rebate

A rebate of up to $105 is available for the purchase and installation of a qualifying hot water recirculating pump.  Rebates are limited to one (1) qualifying hot water recirculating pump per qualified account for the lifetime of the account.

Of the average 69 gallons the typical American uses indoors, approximately 25 gallons are comprised of hot water.  With a standard hot water plumbing system, users have to wait anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes for the water at the tap to heat up.  This wait time is long enough for the typical person to get distracted and leave the running water unattended, leading to a longer wait time than necessary before using the hot water at the tap.  These wasted gallons add up quickly.

A study by the Department of Energy estimated that a household of four people with four hot water fixtures can save anywhere from 3,600 to 12,000 gallons per year if an ‘on demand’ hot water recirculation system is installed.

The installation of a hot water recirculating pump can save customers water, energy, and money.  Customers are encouraged to consult a professional about installing a hot water recirculating pump system that will work best for their individual households.

Rain Barrel Rebate

A rebate of up to $55 is available for the purchase and installation of up to two (2) qualifying rain barrels.  There is a limit of one (1) rebate per qualified account for the lifetime of the account.

A rain barrel is a rainwater-harvesting system that sits underneath a downspout and collects water that would ordinarily flow from a rooftop into the public stormwater system.  Rain barrel systems help to conserve water by reducing the demand on the potable water system for irrigation purposes.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), outdoor irrigation accounts for nearly 40 percent of water used by households during the summer.  Rain barrels provide homeowners with a free water source to water plants, wash cars or utilize for other non-potable purposes, helping to reduce water bills.

The rainwater collected by rain barrels is superior to tap water for irrigation purposes due to its purity and softness.  Rainwater is slightly acidic, and is free from chlorine, salts, mineral, disinfectant byproducts, and other contaminants, making it a preferred water source for plants and flowers.

The amount of water harvested from a rooftop depends on several variables, including the dimensions of the rooftop, the collection capacity, and the amount and timing of the rain received.  A typical 1,000 square foot roof surface can yield approximately 625 gallons of water collected for every 1 inch of rain that falls.  Fresno receives an average of 11 inches of rain annually.