Public Outreach

Our Mission
The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is proud to provide life’s essential services to the residents of the City of Fresno. Our first priority is to deliver high-quality utility services professionally, efficiently and in an environmentally responsible manner, to ensure the health and safety of our community. The department is also committed to preserving precious natural resources. For this reason, DPU conducts regular outreach with customers about recycling, the timely collection of solid waste, responsible treatment of wastewater, and water conservation.
Outreach is conducted through various means such as community meetings, social media, mailers, school presentations, facility tours and more. The Department of Public Utilities also maintains an up-to-date website with information about the services it provides, Public Outreach efforts, and Public Notices.
Public Notices
City of Fresno’s TCP & PCE Proposition 1-Funded Projects
Grant Agreement No. SWRCB D1712521 and Grant Agreement No. SWRCB D181252400
Project Overview
The City of Fresno, through the California State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Proposition 1 Groundwater Sustainability Grant Program, will perform planning studies that will investigate options to clean up and/or prevent the spread of certain pollutants in the City’s municipal groundwater supply and take steps to implement the selected projects. The pollutants include 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP) and Perchloroethylene (PCE). These pollutants occur in the region’s shallow aquifers as a result of widespread land-use of soil fumigants and dry cleaning wastewater management practices.
PCE Groundwater Clean-up Project
The SWRCB has awarded a $2,254,040 grant to the City of Fresno for the PCE Groundwater Clean-up Project for the purpose of evaluating PCE contamination in groundwater and constructing a groundwater treatment system. Ultimately, the project will clean up and prevent future PCE contamination in wells that serve or have served as a drinking water source for the City of Fresno.
TCP Mitigation Feasibility Study
The City of Fresno received $891,500 in grant funding from the SWRCB for a 1,2,3-TCP Mitigation Feasibility Study and design of treatment plants. This Feasibility Study evaluated alternatives for the cleanup of 1,2,3-TCP contamination in the City’s groundwater supply that serves or has served as a source of drinking water. Three 1,2,3-TCP removal wellhead treatment plants are now being designed.
Public Meetings & Presentations
Public Meeting for City of Fresno’s TCP & PCE Projects Held on October 1, 2021
The City held a public meeting regarding these Proposition 1-funded water quality projects on October 1, 2021, via Zoom. The agenda included a description of the projects and why they are important, a discussion on the projects’ objectives, goals, and benefits, a review of the projects’ timelines for design and/or construction, and concluded with an opportunity for public comments and questions. A link to the recorded meeting is included below:
Additional Resources
Funding Disclosure:
Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board using funds from Proposition 1. The contents of this web page do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the foregoing, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Recycling Program
The Recycling Program staff of the City of Fresno are pleased to offer the opportunity to schedule a presentation or participate in a community outreach event, located within the city of Fresno. To make arrangements, call the Recycling Hotline at (559) 621-1111.
Recycling presentations are available to pre-k, elementary, middle schools, and high schools within the City of Fresno. Interactive and entertaining presentations cover information on recycling, resource conservation, and protection of the environment. Students will learn about the importance of recycling and resources available in Fresno. Our staff is happy to work with you and help you relate the information and materials to your curriculum.
Time will vary depending on the type of presentation. For young children the presentation will take about 20 minutes, while other presentations can take between 45 minutes to an hour. Handouts, videos and visual aides are used to reinforce the information. There is no presentation fee and all handouts are free!
The program is funded by the City of Fresno and various state grants. It Focuses on the following areas of recycling:
- Beverage Container Recycling
- Used Motor Oil and Oil Filter Recycling
- Green, Gray and Blue Carts
- Household Hazardous Waste
Recycling Program staff are available to make presentations to community service organizations within the city of Fresno. Topics include recycling, resource conservation, and protection of the environment. To schedule a presentation, call the Recycling Hotline at (559) 621-1111.
As part of our goal to educate the residents of the City of Fresno about recycling and protecting our natural resources, Recycling Program staff are available to participate in outreach events to promote environmental awareness. The staff is also available to attend community-wide school events such as science fairs, career days and Earth Day events located within the city of Fresno. For more information, or to schedule a presentation or event, call the Recycling Hotline at (559) 621-1111.
Educational Packets – includes information on Solid Waste, Recycling, Green Waste, and Hazardous Waste services and opportunities throughout the City of Fresno.
“Closing the Loop” Curriculum (grades K – 6) – provides current and accurate waste management information. Enables students to get involved with hands-on action-oriented projects. (Available online at
To contact the City of Fresno Recycling Program, please call (559) 621-1111.
The Water Division is active in the community through our water education program, which includes Water Conservation Program classroom presentations, outreach educational information, speaker’s bureau presentations, and water tours. Community educational outreach events allow us an opportunity to keep customers in the Fresno service area up to date on water use information, and provide the customer a forum to discuss concerns or to offer recommendations.