City to Begin Assessing Delinquency Fees for Overdue Utility Bills

FRESNO, CA- The City of Fresno’s Utility Billing and Collections Division recently began mailing notices to its water, sewer, and trash customers stating its intent to begin assessing delinquency fees for past-due utility amounts. The notices come in the form of an insert included in the monthly utility bill. It is important to note that this only applies to customers who have fallen behind in the payment of their utility bills.

Customers who are unable to pay the entirety of their past-due utility balances can avoid delinquency fees by contacting the Utility Billing and Collections Division office and requesting to be put on a payment plan.

For assistance, customers can call 559-621-5888 or 621-6888, or visit the City’s website

In March 2020, the City of Fresno placed a moratorium on levying fees and suspended water shutoffs to past-due accounts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The moratorium was to remain in place through the duration of the City’s Emergency Order. On June 10, 2022, the Fresno City Council voted to confirm Mayor Jerry Dyer’s proclamation to terminate the Emergency Order.