Mayor Lee Brand today announced that yard sales and other sales of personal property conducted by residents on their premises are considered an authorized activity, under State and Fresno County health and safety guidelines.
As part of the announcement, the City of Fresno reminds residents that all current public health protocols, including wearing personal protective equipment and using existing social distancing and disinfecting protocols, are to be followed by anyone choosing to hold a yard or garage sale at this time.
Here are the recommended protocols and restrictions:
- No combined yard sales or mixing of personal property from multiple households.
- No more than 10 people on the residential property at the same time.
- Members of the household and their visitors should wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as protective facial coverings and disposable gloves, to avoid contact with materials being handled and sold.
- Homeowner or resident host must provide receptacle for disposal of PPE.
- Surfaces must be sanitized and disinfected frequently.
- All residents and visitors should practice social distancing and homeowner or resident host should have a checkout line marked off in 6 foot increments.
When exchanging paper and coin money:
- Do not touch your face afterward.
- Ask customers to place cash on the counter rather than directly into your hand.
- Place money directly on the counter when providing change back to customers.
- Wipe counter between each customer at checkout.
For the latest information on all City-issued emergency orders and other coronavirus-related decisions, call 3-1-1 or visit the City of Fresno website at
We encourage you to visit to learn more about COVID-19 nationally, for information on coronavirus in California and to follow the Fresno County Department of Public Health website for regular updates.