Councilmember / Nelson Esparza


It is an honor to serve as the Councilmember representing District 7 in the City of Fresno. It takes all of us working together to ensure that our community is thriving and that our city is moving forward.

As your Councilmember, I am committed to building a strong local economy, fighting for safer & healthier neighborhoods, providing access to City Hall resources, and ensuring that our city’s future is brighter than our past.

The District 7 Team is here to be accessible, present and responsive to your needs.We welcome your input regarding District 7 and the City of Fresno. If you have questions, concerns or recommendations, please contact our office at (559) 621-8000 or via email at [email protected]. We are here to serve you!

– Councilmember Nelson Esparza

District 7 Map

District 7 Projects Map

Eviction Protection Program (EPP)


The Eviction Protection Program (EPP) protects tenants renting apartments or homes from unlawful evictions. If the City determines you are potentially facing such an unlawful eviction, you may be eligible to receive a City-sponsored attorney or legal services to assist you in the judicial process at no charge.

This program is open to any City of Fresno resident who is facing an unlawful eviction regardless of financial or documented status. Common reasons for unlawful evictions include the inability to pay rent because of income loss from COVID-19, retaliation for reporting code enforcement violations, discrimination, unlawful rent increases, and many more.

Once your case is reviewed, the City Attorney’s Office will determine if you need an Attorney or Legal Mediation Services.


This program is for residential tenants renting in the City of Fresno.


Once your case is reviewed, the City Attorney’s Office will determine if you need an Attorney or Legal Mediation Services.


More Information About the EPP

If you are behind in your rent because of COVID-19, learn more about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Know Your Tenant Rights

Lawn to Garden Rebate

A $1.00 per square foot rebate is available for the removal of existing lawns when replaced with water-efficient landscapes. The rebate amount is based on the square footage of lawn removed and replaced, up to a maximum of 1,500 square feet.

Many people believe that stunning gardens and beautiful yards are only possible through extensive watering, fertilization, and pesticide application. However, eye-catching gardens and landscapes are easily achieved by employing water-efficient landscaping. These landscapes can help to save water, protect the environment, and require less maintenance than traditional landscapes centered around large lawns.

The Water Conservation Program requires that customers request a Water-Wise Landscape Consultation prior to removing a lawn for the Lawn to Garden rebate. This free service is provided by the Water Conservation Program and includes recommendations for water-wise plants suitable for the Fresno area, irrigation installation, and lawn removal. Customers may request this service through the FresGO app or by calling the City of Fresno’s 311 Center at (559) 621-CITY or by dialing 3-1-1 within City limits.

Lawn to Garden Application

Log into the WaterWeb Customer Portal to begin your application.

Key Staff

Key staff members appointed to District 7

Code Violations

For Code Violation, Call 559.621.8400