Services and Fees

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Public Records$0.05 per page
Certification$0.50 per page
Microfilmed document$2.00 per page
FPPC Documents$0.10 per page
Proofread and certify copy provided by applicant
1/4 hr (or faction thereof): $5.00
1 hour$20.00
100% of estimated cost required in advance
1/4 hr (or fraction thereof)$5.00
1 hour$20.00
Duplication by Applicant$7.00 per tape
Duplication by Staff$10.00 per tape
1 hour$20.00

– Payment required in advance
– Blank tapes must be provided by applican

Issuance of Proclamation

The Mayor and City Council are pleased to issue proclamations for many worthwhile community activities, events, and causes. However, all request for proclamations are subject to City approval. Because of the number of requests we receive, please allow a minimum of three weeks for processing and printing.

Complete the application:

Mail or deliver printed form to:
City Clerk’s Office
2600 Fresno Street, Room 2133
Fresno, CA 92721

To request presentation of Proclamation at a City Council meeting, contact the office of either the Mayor or your Councilmember. Provided are the word doc. form and online versions.