Streets and Landscape Maintenance

Brian Russell
Assistant Director
Brian Russell joined the City of Fresno in 1994 in the Street Maintenance Division as a Maintenance Worker. Over the years he served as a Heavy Equipment Operator, Supervisor, Superintendent, and Manager, and now serves as Assistant Director of Public Works. In his current role, he oversees 300 staff members across Street Maintenance, Traffic Signals and Street Lights, Landscape Maintenance (both park and street landscape), Urban Forestry, and the Graffiti Abatement Divisions.
Brian has extensive experience with delivering paving, concrete, and neighborhood infrastructure projects. He leads the Department in emergency preparedness and stormwater management, and master’s requirements contracts, service contracts, interagency agreements, as well as organized labor contracts.
Brian serves as a director in the American Public Works Association which supports and improves public works programs throughout North America. Brian grew up in Fresno and earned his bachelor’s in business from Grand Canyon University.
Report an Issue
The Street Maintenance & Landscaping Division provides high quality and cost-effective maintenance of our city streets, concrete infrastructure, lighting, and urban forestry.
Concrete Maintenance
As neighborhoods age, existing concrete infrastructure can feel the strain of time. It is the Street Maintenance Division’s Concrete Crews that take whole neighborhoods at a time and repair these damaged infrastructures.
Sidewalk Patching
It is policy of the Street Maintenance Division to repair locations by whole neighborhoods at a time. Until then to keep walkways safe, Street Maintenance will place down a temporary patch to keep any raise from becoming a tripping hazard.
Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Replacement
Sidewalks, curbs and gutters are replaced as needed from one edge of a neighborhood to the other. Street Maintenance works with homeowners as best as possible during renovation but during that time it may be necessary to shut water off to the sprinkler system temporarily.
In accordance with the Fresno Municipal Code Section 13-217, the COF assigns responsibility for sidewalk maintenance to the fronting property owner. The property owner is not responsible for the repair of the sidewalk fronting his or her property when the damage is caused by City tree.
Curb Ramps
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Fresno regularly replaces non-compliant curb ramps as needed to ensure those that need these ramps have mobility in the city.
Road Maintenance
Pothole and Sinkhole Repair
Street Maintenance crews repair potholes that form in the street from traffic and water erosion. When reporting potholes, provide specific location details so the pothole can be repaired as fast as possible.
Traffic Hazard Clearing
Street Maintenance crews are available 24 hours a day to respond to debris, spills, and other major traffic hazards to ensure traffic can safely pass. Crews do not pick up illegal dumping in front of a residence or property and only clear the pathway for traffic. Report items that are dumped illegally and are not traffic hazards by calling (559) 621-CITY.
Maintaining Storm Drains and City Ponding Basins
With debris in gutters, drain inlets sometimes get clogged and begin to flood the surrounding areas. The Street Maintenance Division has the equipment to clear the city’s drains and ensure inlets are clean to receive water. Street Maintenance also maintains certain city ponding basins.
Overlay and Slurry
The Street Maintenance Division has a limited street overlay program for resurfacing roadways on major streets. Slurry seal may also be used to extend the life of the roadway
Lighting and Signals
Street Maintenance’s Street Light crews ensure that traffic signals are working and that the roads in Fresno are illuminated.
Traffic Signals
Street Maintenance maintains traffic signals so that there is safe traffic flow in the city of Fresno. Crews respond to lights flashing red, signals not detecting traffic, and other signal malfunctions and are available 24 hours a day.
Street Lights
Street maintenance utilizes public reports of street light outages for maintaining street lights. When reporting a street light problem be prepared with the following information:
- Location of the street light
- 3 to 6 digit number facing the street about 8 feet up the street light pole
- How the street light is malfunctioning
- Your name and phone number in case of any questions.
If you wish to report a traffic signal or street light outage call (559) 621-CITY.
Street Sweeping
The Streets Division operates mechanical street sweepers, which are designed to pick up trash and debris, rather than fully washing a street. Mechanical sweepers are quieter than a vacuum sweeper. They pick up larger pieces of debris and spray small amounts of water for dust control purposes.
Street Sweeping Schedule
- Residential areas are swept once every month.
- Arterial streets are swept once per week and at night.
- Major streets are swept once per week during the evenings and weekends.
- Downtown is swept three times per week at nights and weekends.
Residents are asked to move motor homes and cars off the street on their scheduled day, between 6:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Street Sweeping FAQ
Why wasn’t sweeping completed in front of my home?
There are many reasons why the sweeper may not have been able to remove debris from your street. Common reasons include vehicles parked too close to each other for the sweeper to maneuver between, low-hanging trees and shrubs, and miscellaneous items blocking the roadway such as cars, bicycles, toys, basketball hoops and refuse containers.
What can I do to help street sweepers?
Keeping the roadway in front of your house free of large objects and obstructions is the best way to assist street sweeping. Large sticks, branches and pine needles will clog and jam the sweepers’ operating systems.
Does the City sweep up leaves?
During the winter months the focus of the City’s street sweeping efforts is leaf removal to help keep drains clear. To better assist sweepers, do not rake, blow, or pile up leaves. The sweeper cannot pick up large loads and debris will be left for you to remove. Please place leaves from your trees in your green solid waste-recycling container.
What safety precautions should I take near sweepers?
Be sure to keep a safe distance between you and the sweeper at all times. Try to avoid maneuvering around sweeper trucks; move off to the side of the road until you are sure it is safe to continue. Keep children a safe distance from the sweepers. Do not ride, run or play near the trucks.
Traffic Paint & Sign
The Street Maintenance Division’s Paint and Sign crews make sure all roadway paint—crosswalks, turn lanes, painted curbs, etc.—and all traffic signs—stop signs, no parking signs, street name signs, etc.—are visible for the public to safely travel.
Signs Down
Signs can fall due to high winds, vandalism, or accidents. Upon notification, crews can be dispatched as soon as possible to restand, or replace any traffic signs that are down.
The paint used to make traffic signs can be damaged when normal graffiti removal techniques are used. While any other graffiti is handled by the graffiti abatement department, traffic signs are handled by the sign crew.
Traffic Paint
Over time, paint fades and could use a fresh coat. Conditions permitting, crews are able to refresh the look of worn out crosswalks, lane controls, and curb painting. Street Maintenance’s Paint and Sign crew only repaints what is already there.
To report any issues with roadway paint or city signs call (559) 621-CITY.
Street Trees & forestry
Fresno’s urban forest refers to all trees and vegetation within the urban area, both public and private. Generally, only about 20 percent of the urban forest is comprised of public trees. The vast majority is under private care in residential yards. Our focus is on planting, protecting, and maintaining trees located in the city right-of-way, parks and public spaces, including:
- Plant, maintain, prune and remove public City street trees
- Issue permits to prune and or remove public City street trees
- Review pre-development plans and landscape plans that involve public trees
A “City street tree” is a tree planted in the City right of way, typically in landscape strips between the curb and the front of the sidewalk or in an otherwise dedicated planting area within the City right-of-way.
Landscape Maintenance Division Tree Crews are available 24 hours a day for all tree emergencies such as limbs down, broken and hanging limbs, split trees, down trees and other street tree events that require immediate attention. To report a tree emergency, please call (559) 621-CITY.
Tree Trimming
Neighborhood GeoBase Tree Trimming This Program is budgeted at $2.8 million in FY 2024 for proactive tree trimming of the citywide GeoBase’s. This funding will enable trimming of GeoBase’s, allowing for a 10-year citywide trim cycle, consistent with industry standard best practices. The program reduces risk for downed trees and limbs, improves the health of the urban forest and improves the neighborhood aesthetics.
Homeowners may trim away any limbs that can be reached from the ground without the use of a ladder or chainsaw. Pole pruners and loppers are acceptable tools for homeowners to use for pruning trees. If Homeowner wishes to have a tree completely trimmed out of trim cycle, they may do so by obtaining a free permit or by requesting one be mailed to you by calling (559) 621-CITY (2489). The work performed must be done by a licensed tree trimmer. All costs of the out of scheduled trim are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Root Removal
The City of Fresno does not have a root pruning program in place for street trees. If the homeowner wishes to, they may remove any roots further than four feet from the trunk or any roots that enter the private property without a permit. Root problems that exist in the sewer or water lateral lines are the homeowner’s responsibility to clear.
Tree Removals
Only dead trees or those deemed immediate safety issues by Landscape Maintenance Division Licensed Arborists are removed from the right-of-way as soon as possible. It shall be the city’s policy to utilize whatever techniques, methods, and procedures required to preserve, whenever feasible, all trees in the city including, but not limited to, trees which are affecting surface improvements or underground facilities, or which are diseased or located where construction is being considered or will occur. If the Landscape Maintenance Division’s Arborist determines that a street tree does meet removal criteria, it will be removed at no expense to the homeowner. If the homeowner wishes not to wait for crews to remove a street tree that meets removal criteria, a permit can be obtained by downloading the form below. Please note that all tree removal or maintenance will occur under the direction of a certified arborist and completed by a licensed contractor. Tree removal or maintenance must adhere to standards issued by the International Society of Arboriculture.
All removal requests are evaluated and approved by one of the Landscape Maintenance Division’s licensed Arborist, per Fresno Municipal Code 13-305. A property owner can request a removal of a tree in good health, or one that becomes unwanted or burdensome by submitting a Tree Removal permit for consideration. This allows for the street tree to be removed and replaced with an appropriate tree species at the property owner’s expense or alternatively to pay an in-lieu fee into a Tree Trust Fund as outlined in the Fresno Municipal Code 13-310.
Trees on the Special Tree List in Section of the Fresno Municipal Code Section 13-306 or otherwise determined to be protected by the City are not eligible for removal or replacement.
Make a Landscape Request
For additional assistance, please email [email protected].
Join the City of Fresno in beautifying our trails with an Adopt-a-Trail sponsorship. Through our program, you can help maintain and beautify portions of our trail system.
- Keep the adopted section of the trail litter free
- Clean up activities or events are planned at a minimum of one time per quarter or four times per year (Subject to change)
- Adopt-a-Trail program is two years
- Signage provided by the City of Fresno, Department of Public Works

There is no cost to participate, only your time. The City of Fresno, Department of Public Works will cover the cost of two sponsorship signs displayed on the trail and one sign for your place of business.
The City of Fresno will supply trash and green waste bags. Once the trail is clean, simply leave the bags on the side of the trail and we will pick up the next day.
Location Selection
Find an available trail on the interactive map below.

Watering Guidelines

Tree Age | Frequency | Quantity |
First 3 months after planting | Deep water by filling basin twice a week | 10-15 gallons per watering |
4-12 months following planting | Fill the water basin every week or every other week | 10-15 gallons |
Year 2-3 | Every 2-4 weeks May through October | 15-20 gallons |
Year 4-7 | Once a month May through October | deep watering |
Watering for Wet
- Prolonged saturated soil can lead to tree mortality.
- Turn off irrigation during rain events.
- To avoid over watering a newly planted tree, monitor soil moisture after rain events.
- If soil is saturated, stop watering.
Resume watering when soil is dry.
Watering Guidelines for Hot and Dry Seasons
- Prolonged and unexpected extreme heat waves can threaten a newly planted trees survivability by depleting the available water inside the tree and in the soil.
- During these periods trees may need additional watering once or twice a week to be sustained.
- It is critical to provide additional water as soon as possible during extreme heat events to maintain tree health and vigor.
Median, Trail, Park, and Buffer Maintenance
Street Maintenance maintains median islands and buffers about every 90 days. For certain major arterial median islands, maintenance occurs more often, about every 60 days.
Regular maintenance includes weed abatement and litter control. Manual labor and a variety of weed abatement methods are used to assist with keeping the weeds tame throughout the year.
As crews maintain median islands or buffers, low tree limbs may be removed to keep traffic and pedestrians safe. Any tree limbs entering private property will not be trimmed by the city and considered the responsibility of the homeowner to trim.
Consistent with the Governor’s order, irrigation to turf medians has been discontinued effective June 2015.
Graffiti Abatement

The City of Fresno Graffiti Abatement Team has 11 field staff and a 7-day-a-week operation to ensure quick response to any graffiti reports.
Graffiti Abatement, under the management of Jet Lim, strives to “Make the City of Fresno the best city in the world by serving the community with compassion and vision, making neighborhoods clean and safe, instilling pride and dignity.” To achieve this goal, Graffiti Abatement responds to calls for service in less than 24 hours after a report is received.
Graffiti Abatement also engages in proactive canvassing to remove the more highly visible graffiti.
To report graffiti and request Graffiti Abatement services, please call (559) 621-CITY (2489) or make a FresGO request.