Frequently Asked Questions

Police Report Questions
Who may obtain a copy of a police report?
- To obtain a copy of a Traffic Collision report, you must be listed as the driver, passenger, or an authorized representative of one of the people listed in the report or someone filing a claim. For convenience, Traffic Collisions are also available 48 hours after the incident at My Collision Report. There is a minor fee for this service; but, enables you to access the collision report from the convenience of your location to save lost time, parking, and a trip downtown.
- To obtain a copy of a Crime report, you must provide a case number or other uniquely related information to assist in identifying the incident. The report may be released if it is not still under investigation, restricted, or contains Juvenile or otherwise Confidential information.
- If you are an Arrested party on a police report and charges are filed by the Fresno County District Attorney’s Office, the Deputy District Attorney will provide a copy of the police report to your attorney at the arraignment hearing. If you are not represented by an attorney, the Deputy District Attorney will provide a copy of the report to you at the arraignment hearing.
- Do not go to the District Attorney’s Office to request a copy of the police report.
- If a juvenile is listed on the police report as a suspect, is arrested, or the activity may result in dependency procedures, you can only obtain a copy after a juvenile court order is obtained through the; Juvenile Delinquency Court, Juvenile Justice Campus, 3333 American Ave, Bldg. 701, Ste. A, Fresno, CA 93725, (559) 495-6200.
- You may also request the records via the Public Records Request Portal.
How do I obtain a copy of a police report?
- Come to the Records Bureau Public Counter, Police Headquarters, 2323 Mariposa Mall, Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Due to the limited hours of operation, please be prepared to wait in line.
- Each customer must obtain a service ticket – available adjacent to the window – individuals will be called in numerical order.
- You will need current/valid identification to receive a report.
- You will need to complete a request form, which states your interest in the police report. Please include the case number or detailed information to assist us in determining the correct case number.
How much will it cost? How can I pay for it?
- Effective March 27, 2001, there will be no charge for accident, crimes, or documented event reports. EXCEPTION: If the police report is over 10 pages, there will be a charge of .20 cents per page (which will include page #1, and all additional pages).
- For more defined costs please refer to the City of Fresno – Master Fee Schedule.
- If applicable: Make your certified check or money order payable to the City of Fresno. We also accept most major credit cards when you come in person. NO CASH OR PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED.
- You will need current/valid identification to receive a report.
Can I request a copy of a police or accident report online or by mail?
- Yes. You can request a copy of a report by sending a written request listing the following information: your name, case number, date and time occurred, what type of incident, and the need for the information. If the report is over 10 pages, there will be a charge of .20 cents a page (which will include page #1 and all additional pages).
- You may also request the records via the Public Records Request Portal.
- Please send your request, and a photocopy of your current Drivers’ License, along with payment, if over 10 pages, to: Fresno Police Department, Attention: Records Bureau, P. O. Box 1271, Fresno, CA 93715-1271.
Vehicle Questions
How do I find out if my car has been towed, repossessed or impounded?
- Also any information that the officer issued to the person who was last driving your car when it was impounded is helpful.
- If you do not know the license plate or VIN, please check your paperwork (such as the pink slip, vehicle repair receipts or insurance papers) that you may have before you call. Without the above information we are unable to provide the research.
How can I get a release for my vehicle?
Impounded vehicles are NO LONGER recovered at the Police Department. You will need to respond to the actual Tow Yard to pay the fees and recover the vehicle. To recover the vehicle, note the following:
- The vehicle must be currently registered.
- The vehicle will only be released to the licensed registered or legal owner*
- If the registered owner does not have a valid driver’s license he or she will need a State of California identification card, or another acceptable form of identification, and accompanied by a valid, licensed driver.
- With the registered owner’s consent, a vehicle release can be issued to another licensed driver.
How much will it cost? How can I pay for it?
If your Vehicle was:
- STORED ONLY: NO Police Administrative fees – No vehicle release is necessary, go directly to the tow company to get your vehicle.
- IMPOUNDED: Police Administrative fees apply
- Vehicle Collision and Blocking a Roadway – $60.00
- Illegally Parked / Abandoned Vehicle – $116.00
- Unlicensed Driver / Expired Registration – $189.00
- Arrested driver / Driver with Suspended license – $266.00
- Driver cited for DUI – $450.00
- IMPOUNDED 30 DAYS: Police Administrative fees apply
- Arrested driver / Driver with Suspended license – $266.00
- Driver cited for DUI – $450.00
Additional Fees:
- Registered and Legal owners are responsible for tow and storage fees to be paid at tow yard.
You will be given the tow company’s name and phone number to call for the tow company’s payment policy.
My vehicle was impounded for driving with a suspended driver’s license. What happens now?
- The vehicle will be impounded for 30 days.
- The owner of the vehicle is responsible for storage fees.
- If your vehicle was impounded for 30 days, you may contact the Tow Coordinator at (559) 621-2543, within the first ten (10), days, for a hearing to release your vehicle prior to 30 days.
- How can I dispute a vehicle impoundment? – VEHICLE TOW HEARINGS – The vehicle owner is entitled to have a hearing with the Tow Hearing officer. To request a hearing call the Hearing Officer at (559) 621-2543 within ten (10) days of the tow.
- How you can prevent your vehicle from being impounded?
- Do not drive if you have a suspended driver’s license, unless your type of suspension states you can drive under certain circumstances. Please observe those restrictions.
- Keep your vehicle registration up-to-date. If you have a Certificate of Non-Operation on your vehicle, do not park it on a public street.
- Do not loan your vehicle to an unlicensed driver or a person with a suspended driver’s license. You will be financially responsible.
- Do not operate the vehicle if you are not appropriately licensed. Certain vehicles require special driver’s licenses, such as motorcycles.
- Do not park your unattended vehicle on a public street for more than 72 hours. After 72 hours, any vehicle, if it is not moved, can be impounded as an abandoned vehicle.
How do I report my vehicle stolen?
Call the Fresno Police Department Communications Center at (559) 621-7000.
What if my vehicle was repossessed?
You must contact the legal owner of the vehicle. Generally, this is the person or company to which you make your payments.
Where can I find my impound?
To locate a towed vehicle, please visit:
Additional Questions
How do I find out if someone has been arrested?
Call the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 488-3031.
How do I find out if I have warrants for my arrest?
Call the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 488-3993.
How do I obtain a copy of my local criminal record?
- Come to the Records Bureau Public Window, located at 2323 Mariposa Street.
- Please have a current, valid identification.
- The cost for this service is $30.00, payable by money order or credit card.
- No one can obtain or review your local criminal record but you!
How do I obtain a police clearance letter for immigration or visa purposes?
- The Fresno Police Department does not provide fingerprinting for immigration or visa purposes.
- You will need to contact another local law enforcement agency or a private company that provide such services.
How do I get my records sealed or expunged?
- You must contact the original court jurisdiction over which authorized an arrest; or
- You must contact the agency that initiated the cause for an arrest.
- Often, other agencies serve warrants under the authority of an originating agency
- The arresting agency does not have authority to clear the arrest
- You will need to obtain a petition for as follows:
- For adults; the Petition to Seal and Destroy Adult Records is available
- Fill this form out and mail this to the Court agency who authorized/initiated the charges
- Do not send this to the Police agency who initiated the arrest
- For Juveniles; use the online form to begin the process within Fresno County
- For adults; the Petition to Seal and Destroy Adult Records is available
- The courts will then send out an official verifiable document that authorizes the appropriate agencies containing records to purge or seal in accordance with law.
How do I add information to my police report?
Call the Fresno Police Department Communications Center at (559) 621-7000.