Administration Division
Responsible for day-to-day administrative functions including budget, finance, personnel management, policy and procedure development, safety and risk management, licensing, purchasing and procurement, volunteer recruitments, data analytics and transparency reporting, and grant funding opportunities.
Animal Care Operations Division
Responsible for animal intake health assessment and vaccination to ensure the health of the animal entering the center and the protection of animals in the kennels by mitigation of contagious diseases. Includes daily deep cleaning of kennels, continuous removal of animal waste during the day, feeding, visual assessments, and appropriate behavior and enrichment including time in play yards to ensure the mental and behavioral well-being of the animals.
Community Engagement Division
Responsible for outreach with the purpose of increasing life-saving outcomes via adoptions, fostering, rescue transfer programs, and transport.
Veterinary Services Division
Responsible for the physical well-being of the animals in the Center and delivering low-cost high-quality, high-volume sterilization for the community.