Glossary of Terms

The following glossary contains fire terms. The entire glossary is in ABC order and is readable by scrolling down.
Accredited College or University – In order to be accredited, the accreditation must be received from the recognized list of accreditation associations of higher learning maintained by the U.S. Secretary of Education.
Aerial Fire Apparatus Access – Fire apparatus access located directly adjacent to the corners of multi-story buildings, positioned in such a way as to allow fire department aerial ladders to be raised to the lowest point of the roof eave (as defined in California Building Code (CBC), Section 702A Definitions).
Aerial Ladder – According to NFPA the rated vertical height must be at least 50 feet in order to qualify as an aerial ladder, with a permanently equipped waterway.
Accredited Local Academy (ALA) – An ALA, serving a specific authority having jurisdiction is defined as: A single fire agency, which provides training for in-house personnel only, and which actively provides state, municipal, county, or fire district fire protection services.
Active cooling measures – Steps taken to rapidly decrease a person’s core temperature e.g., fans with misting water, cold towels around the neck, cooled IV fluids, cooled- air tubes, and cooled-air hood.
Adjusted Heat Index reading – The combination of outside air temperature plus humidity plus addition of PPE. Actual temperatures in direct sunlight can be up to 15 degrees higher in personal protective equipment (PPE).
Aerial Fire Apparatus Access – Fire apparatus access located directly adjacent to multi-story buildings, positioned in such a way as to allow fire department aerial ladders to be raised to the lowest point of the roof eave (as defined in California Building Code ( CBC) 702A – the word sloping is deleted) that meets the requirements in the California Fire Code (CFC), Section 605.11.1.1 for roof access points.
Aerial Tower – An aerial apparatus equipped with an elevating platform bucket, which is designed to support firefighting and rescue operations by positioning personnel, providing continuous egress or discharging water at positions usually elevated from the ground.
Affirmative – “Yes” or “That is correct” response to a question.
After Action Review (AAR) – A review of an Informational Summary from which applied lessons learned and
recommendations on best practices will be shared with the department.
Air Traffic Control (ATC) – A service provided by ground-based air traffic controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace, and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non-controlled airspace.
All Weather Access – Required fire apparatus access lanes will be provided year round and maintained during all phases of construction with an approved, all-weather surface, capable of supporting 80,000-pound vehicles. An all-weather surface is composed of minimum four (4”) inch compacted base rock or gravel over compacted or undisturbed native soil or per approved engineering plans with a minimum of 24 feet of clear width or 20 feet minimum clear width if an approved method to prevent shoulder degradation is utilized.
Anemometer – An instrument for measuring the speed of the wind.
Appointed Team Member – A team member who is in the process of completing all of the specialty team requirements.
Appropriately Equipped – In addition to the required personal protective clothing, appropriately equipped includes positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus and appropriate rescue equipment for removing the employee(s) who enter the hazardous atmospheres, or equivalent means of rescue where retrieval equipment is not required.
Arrived – Indicates a unit has arrived at incident location.
ART/SART – A team convened to investigate and document an incident where a serious injury or accident occurred.
Assigned Team Member – A team member assigned to a specialty team location.
Assist – Term used to which agency a unit(s) is assisting.
At hydrant – Unit standing by at hydrant preparing to extend water supply line.
Automatic Aid – Automatic aid is defined as the immediate dispatch of a fire unit from a different jurisdiction than that of the requesting party under pre-determined terms and conditions, using NFPA 1221 as a guideline.
Available – Indicates a unit is available, out of quarters.
Available in quarters – Indicates a unit is available and located in their assigned quarters.
Battery- operated- electric fans – Fans used to provide air movement over Rehab area to increase cooling of members.
Behavioral emergency – Term used to describe a patient that is mentally unstable, law enforcement needed.
Biennial Transfer – A live transfer draw that typically occurs every two years and takes effect in July.
Big Box Store – Typically a large, free standing, cuboid, generally single-story structure built on a concrete slab foundation. The flat roofs are typically bar joist truss roof systems with a corrugated metal roof deck with walls that are concrete block or concrete tilt-up construction. Floor space in big box stores range between 50,000 to 200,000 square feet.
Bleeder ball-valve – Small ball valve on pressure side of pump to bleed air out of pump and use to regulate test pressure if needed.
Blitz attack – The process of using a deck gun to quickly knock down the bulk of a fire and reduce exposure potential. This evolution is typically accomplished prior to the establishment of a water supply and the apparatus operator typically shuts down the evolution prior to using all the available tank water.
Blizzard Warning – Snowfall and blowing conditions are impending in the area, which will create blinding conditions; drifting snow and severe wind chill hazards.
Bridle – The bridle assembly will be two (2) 10 foot pieces of rope with a figure eight on a bite tied into each end and carabiners attached to the figure eights. On one end, the bridle will be attached to the rated attachment points on the underside of the aerial. On the other end, it will be attached to the anchor plate of the stokes Pre-Rig.
Business Day – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Cab Tilt Pendant – The electric cab tilt controller located on the captain’s side of the apparatus behind the pump panel access compartment.
CAD – Computer Aided Dispatch system which tracks resource status and recommends response deployment to dispatch personnel.
CAD to CAD Interface – The function of sharing call information with other agencies via Computer Aided Design software.
California Firefighters Joint Apprenticeship Committee (CFFJAC) – CFFJAC was established through a partnership between the California Professional Firefighters Association, the California State Fire Marshal, local government, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Education. In 1990, the Department and the Fresno Firefighters Local 753 established a subscription agreement to participate in the CFFJAC program.
CAN – Conditions, actions, and needs assessment.
Carbon monoxide oximetry – Similar to pulse oximetry, this is a means to measure the total amount of carbon monoxide within the blood, rated on a scale of 1-15%, treatment is required at 10% or greater.
Center Hallway Construction – A building with multiple occupancies, either residential or business, in which their main entrance is accessed from a common hallway.
Certificate of Authorization (COA) – The waiver of specific rules established for sUAS operations by the FAA granted to the Department.
Code 2 – Term used to respond without lights and sirens.
Code 3 – Term used to respond with lights and siren.
Cold Smoke – Smoke that has lost its velocity and is smooth flowing.
Cold weather conditions – The exposure of members to cold environments, wind chill, precipitation, perspiration, and wet PPE.
Command – Term used to identify an individual has taken charge of an incident.
Command Post (ICP) – Locations at which the Incident Commander and Command Staff direct, order, and control resources at an incident; may be co-located with the incident base.
Command Staff – The Command Staff consists of the Information Officer, Safety Officer, and Liaison Officer who report directly to the Incident Commander.
Common Restroom/Shower – A facility that was designed/intended to be
used by more than one person at a time.
Common Vehicle Access – Common vehicle access describes private streets, driveways, and alleys which connect with a public street and are required for emergency access as well as for access by the public.
Community Emergency Response Team – The Department’s response preparedness group who, as one of its responsibilities, responds to requests for incident support providing rehab for incident personnel.
Company Performance Evolutions (CPE) – Evolutions performed by one or more companies based on nationally recognized standards as referenced in NFPA 1410, Standard on Training for Initial Emergency Scene Operations. CPEs promote training, determine effectiveness of that training, and document the Department’s capability to perform tasks at an acceptable level.
Compartment – A space within a building enclosed on all sides with walls and/or doors.
Complement of Hose – Two hundred feet of 2-1/2-inch or larger; 400 feet of 1-1/2-inch or 1-3/4-inch (for an initial attack vehicle).
Complement of Ladders – A complement of ladders for a truck or quint include a minimum complement of 115 feet of ground ladders: one 10-foot attic, one 14-foot straight, two 16-foot straight, one 24-foot extension, and one 35-foot extension.
Construction Access – Required fire apparatus access lanes shall be provided year round and maintained with an approved, all-weather surface, capable of supporting 80,000-pound vehicles (minimum of 4-inch base rock over compacted or undisturbed native soil or per approved engineering plans with a minimum of 24 feet of clear width or other approved method, which would prevent shoulder degradation).
Copy – Term used to acknowledge a radio transmission or instruction.
Cricket – For purposes of this Prevention Manual, Section 405.007, a cricket is defined as “a roof drainage element partitioned off from the attic or adjacent mansard space, containing no electrical, plumbing, or mechanical equipment (i.e., empty space).
CTO – Abbreviation used in Crewsense for compensatory time off.
CTR – Abbreviation used in Crewsense for compensatory time relief.
Cursory Inspection – Apparatus staffed with Department members that is detailed to periodically visit the incident site to ensure the Incident Action Plan is being properly executed and remains attainable. The frequencies of cursory inspections will be determined by the on-duty battalion chief.
Cutwater – Wedge shaped edge (on what) that divides the water between the volute and the pump discharge.
DACR – Digital Alarm Communicator Receiver
DACT – Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter
Defensive Mode – Indirect or exterior attack outside of the structural collapse zone, there is no life or property to be saved.
Delayed Response – Term used by a company to place themselves on a planned delay.
Disregard – Term used to ignore previous information.
Distinct Hazard – For the purpose of policy 406.001 is defined as: “Any clear and evident condition that exist (or remains) that is or becomes an immediate danger to the safety of the occupants, firefighters, structure, or public right of way.”
Duty Chief – On call executive chief officer who may be called upon to provide managerial direction on behalf of the fire chief.
Emergency Command Center (ECC) – The command and control point for all local Cal Fire and the Fresno County Fire Protection District incidents requiring a fire/rescue response. The center also provides service to an additional thirteen emergency agencies and is the Region V Coordination Center for the California Emergency Management Agency.
Emergency Operations Center – A physical or virtual location from which coordination and support of incident management activities is directed.
Emergency traffic – The term used to clear designated channels used at an incident to make way for important radio traffic for a firefighter emergency situation or an immediate change in tactical operations (offensive to defensive).
Emergency Vehicle Access – Where adequate common vehicle access to buildings is not provided by public streets or private driveways, emergency access shall be provided for the exclusive use of fire department vehicles.
EMS Levels – Levels monitored by the Communications center and defined by available ALS ambulances. Level 2 would be the equivalent of two available ambulances.
Environmental Protection – Maintaining the environment, including water ways, air quality, crops, etc., and providing for recovery.
Establish Command – On arrival, an officer determines that the best course of action for mitigating an emergency is to assume the dedicated role of IC.
Exposure – Structures, vehicles, or other objects in close proximity to, and jeopardized by, fire or other emergency situation.
Exposure Incident – Specific eye, mouth, mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood, bodily fluids, or other potentially infectious materials, which results from the performance of a member’s duties.
Extended Rehabilitation – Rehabilitation procedures for incidents lasting several hours or spanning multiple operational periods.
Extractor Washer – An industrial washer for cleaning and/or sanitizing PPE.
FACTS – Acronym for Fall, Air, Collapse, Trapped, or Separated
Fire Department Communications Liaison/Originating Agency Liaison – A member serving as a link between the Department and the Fresno County EMS Communications Center. This is an administrative assignment determined by the Fire Chief per Administrative Manual, Section 101.001, Administrative Assignments.
Fire GIS – The GIS Specialist assigned to the Department.
Fire Hose Pull and Equipment Access – Fire hose pull and equipment access is an unobstructed walkway which provides continuous access connecting vehicular access to all building openings and exterior storage areas. The walkway requires unobstructed 36 inch horizontal clearance around openings and continuous seven foot vertical clearance.
Fire Incident Report – This report contains basic information regarding the date, time, and location of a fire with a short narrative regarding the incident.
Fire Incident Summary Report – This report is a one (1) page summary with the basic information regarding the date, time, and location of a fire. This report is available at the time of request.
Fire Investigative Report – This is a full investigation report which identifies the cause and origin of a fire, including photographs. The report is provided in hard copy form with photographs via CD/DVD.
Fireflow – Available fire protection water supply in GPM at a residual pressure of 20 psi.
FIRESCOPE – An acronym defined as Firefighting Resources of California Organized for Potential Emergencies was organized by legislative mandate in 1986. The FIRESCOPE program is intended to complete the legislative attempt to unify various fire agencies together into one voice and direction.
First-alarm assignment – An initial multiple resource assignment of fire/rescue apparatus and a chief officer(s).
Formal Rehabilitation – Multi-company Rehab involving the establishment of a Rehabilitation group and the completion of an on-scene medical evaluation with documentation.
Forward Lay – A hose evolution used to obtain a water supply where the fire apparatus lays hose from the fire hydrant to the fire scene.
Fuel Geyser – The rapid, high energy, expulsion of fuel. It occurs when fuel in a closed system becomes superheated and pressurizes.
Geographic Information System (GIS) – System designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data.
Grievance – As defined in Administration Manual, Section 106.012, Grievance Form (FC-03).
Hallway stretch – A hose deployment utilizing high-rise hose packs connected to a standpipe on the floor below the fire. A hallway stretch is deployed uncharged down the hallway to the fire room door. This stretch can only be used if the location of the fire is known, the hallway is not compromised with smoke or fire, and the fire room door is secured.
Hazardous material incident – An incident involving hazardous materials which pose an immediate threat to life, property, and/or the environment.
Heat Illness – Signs and symptoms related to heat exhaustion or heat stroke, including but not limited to: cramping, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, absence of sweating, and decreased mental status.
Heat index – A measure of heat and humidity the body feels.
Helmet identifiers – Velcro backed panels that attach to the sides of member’s structural firefighting helmets used to identify the unit a member is assigned to. They are reflective and utilize two colors with letters and numbers to identify units.
- Engine Company – Black panel with yellow numbers
- Truck Company – Red panel with white numbers
- Chief Officers – White panel with black letters and numbers
- Training Officers – Orange panel with black numbers
- Drill School Engine Company – Black panel with orange numbers
- Drill School Truck Company – Red with orange numbers
- Investigators – Blue panel with white numbers
- Make-up Companies – Blank yellow panels (letters/numbers hand written)
Helmet shield – A permanently affixed shield on the front of a helmet, identifying rank and Department affiliation.
High-Rise – Building having floors used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet above the lowest floor level having fire department access.
High-Piled Combustible Storage – High-piled combustible storage is storage of combustible materials in closely packed piles or combustible materials on pallets, in racks or on shelves where the top of storage is greater than twelve feet in height. High-piled combustible storage also includes certain high-hazard commodities, such as: rubber tires, Group A plastics, flammable liquids, idle pallets, and similar commodities, where the top of storage is greater than six feet in height. (CFC, Chapter 2).
Hoistway – Enclosed vertical shafts in which elevator cars travel.
Homeland Security Grant Program – Federal program that includes federal funds that are disseminated through the state of California, county of Fresno and City of Fresno to be used to purchase items from the approved equipment list (AEL).
Honor Guard – A group assigned to a ceremonial event.
Hood or tube cooling device – A supplemental device, which produces cooled air pumped thru hoods or tubes worn by members to increase cooling.
Hose Monster Big Boy – A proprietary flow test diffuser with built in Factory Mutual approved calibrated pitotless nozzle.
IDLH Atmosphere – Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health. An atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere. Any structure fire beyond the incipient stage is considered to have an IDLH atmosphere. Examples of identified Emergency Incidents, that could require a RIC, but are not limited to, would include:
- Structure fires
- Hazardous Materials Incidents (IDLH, potential IDLH, or unknown atmosphere)
- Complex Rescue
- Confined Space Rescue (IDLH, potential IDLH, or unknown atmosphere)
In-line – Position of body when cutting. Stand to the left of the cut, outside of the cutting plane.
Inch and a half (1-1/2″) – Term used to identify 1-1/2″ pre-connected line.
Inch and three quarters (1-3/4″) – Term used to identify 1-3/4″ pre-connect line.
Incident Action Plan (IAP) – Written or unwritten plan for the disposition of an incident; contains the strategic goals, tactical objectives, and support requirements for a given operational period during an incident. All incidents require an action plan. On relatively small incidents, the IAP is usually not in writing; on larger, more complex incidents, a written IAP is created for each operational period and disseminated to all assigned units. Written IAPs may have a number of forms as attachments.
Incident Command System (ICS) – An Incident Management System with a common organizational structure with responsibility for the management of assigned resources to effectively accomplish stated objectives pertaining to an incident.
Incident Commander (IC) – The individual responsible for the management of all incident operations.
Incident Management Team – a pre-established team of emergency managers that provides on-scene incident management support during incidents or events that exceed a jurisdiction’s or agency’s capacity or capability.
Incident Stabilization Priority – Seeks to keep the incident from escalating, minimize its effects, and bring it under control.
Incident Priorities – Remain fundamentally constant, regardless of the incident’s size or complexity: life safety, incident stabilization, and property/environmental conservation.
Incipient Stage Fire – A fire which is in the initial or beginning stage and which can be controlled or extinguished by portable fire extinguishers, Class II standpipe, or reel line, without the need for breathing apparatus.
Inlet ball-valve – 1 ½” ball-valve located on the inlet side of hydrostatic pump to fill and bleed manifold and hoses with prior to starting the pump. This valve must be closed prior to starting the pump.
Interim Transfer – A transfer that occurs between biennial transfers in order to fill vacant positions or reassign members.
Interior Structure Fire Fighting – The physical activity of fire suppression, rescue, or both, inside buildings or enclosed structures that are involved in a fire situation beyond the incipient stage.
Investigative Mode – Initial resources are determining the extent of an incident and need for further resources.
ISO Storage Containers – Department of Transportation (DOT) approved pre-manufactured, metal shipping containers.
Kickback – The reaction of the cutting force of the chain causes a rotational force on the pole pruner in the direction opposite to the chain movement. This may cause the bar to move upward.
Knox Box – This is a propriety keyway and box system manufactured by the Knox Box Company. To order a Knox Box system, obtain a signed order form from the Fresno Fire Department at 911 H Street, Fresno, CA, (559) 621-4181.
Layers – Represent geographic data in ArcMap, such as a particular theme of data. Examples of map layers include streams and lakes, terrain, roads, political boundaries, parcels, building footprints, utility lines, and orthophoto imagery. Each map layer is used to display and work with a specific GIS dataset.
LCES – Lookout(s), Communication(s), Escape route(s) and Safety zone(s).
LDH/Feeder – Large Diameter Hose, 5″, Supply Line. The IC indicates if line should be charged or not.
LDH Supply Hose – This abbreviation means large diameter industrial hose.
Liaison Officer – The point of contact for assisting or coordinating agencies. Member of the Command staff.
Life Hazard – The existence of a situation or condition which would likely cause serious injury or death to exposed persons (i.e., downed power lines, structure collapse, holes, pits or trenches, and confined space.)
Life Hazard Lookout – A person assigned to safely observe a Life Hazard Zone. The Life Hazard Lookout will isolate, monitor, and deny entry to any responders or resources until the life hazard is mitigated and the incident commander approves the release of the life hazard.
Life Hazard Zone – An area within the incident perimeter which has been identified as life threatening and hazardous to emergency responders. This area should be isolated through the use of barriers which clearly identifies the area has hazards and prevents access by incident personnel.
Life Safety Priority – Encompasses responders and the public. It includes rescuing endangered civilians; treating the injured; and providing for the safety, accountability, and welfare of response personnel. Life safety is an ongoing priority throughout the incident.
Liquid on Skin –
- Mild/Moderate: Muscle twitching at the site of exposure, sweating at the site of exposure, nausea, vomiting, feeling of weakness. Time of onset: 10 minutes to 18 hours after exposure.
- Severe: All the above, plus severe breathing difficulty or cessation of breathing, generalized muscular twitching, weakness or paralysis, convulsions, loss of consciousness, loss of bladder and bowel control. Time of onset: minutes to an hour after exposure.
Live Transfer Draw – A process of transfer request where members select assignments while viewing available transfer assignments.
Load – Stokes, victim, and rigging.
Lock out – Tag out – A safety procedure used in industry and research settings to ensure dangerous machines are properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or repair work.
Make-up kit – A kit containing the necessary materials to construct passports and helmet identifiers for fire personnel who report directly to an incident to form new companies or to replace lost or damaged components for in-service units. This kit contains enough supplies to outfit four companies and is located in battalion chiefs’ vehicles. The kit contains:
- Eight blank passports
- 32 blank name tags
- 32 blank yellow helmet identifiers with Velcro
- Black Sharpies, thin and thick tips
- Extra Velcro and trauma sheers
- Carrying Case
Manifold ball-valve – Any one of four 1 ½” ball-valves that control the flow of water and pressure to each hose line to be tested.
Mayday – The term used to clear designated channels used at an incident to make way for important radio traffic for a firefighter in distress, in need of immediate assistance/rescue.
Meal Periods – A one (1) hour period within the hours of 6:00am – 8:00am (breakfast), 11:30pm – 1:30pm (lunch), and 5:00pm – 7:00pm (dinner).
Med Channel – UHF Operations radio channel assigned to the responding ambulance by the Fresno County EMS Communications Center. This channel is used for communications between ambulance personnel and the Fresno County EMS Communications Center.
Media – Shared public or private information and resources which can include text, audio, video, images, podcast, live stream, etc.
Multi Casualty Incident (MCI) – Refers to medical emergencies or motor vehicle crashes involving five or more patients.
Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) – A computer device in vehicles that is connected via radio modem to the CAD.
Move up – Unit relocation performed in order to maintain adequate resource distribution.
Mutual Aid – Mutual aid is defined as a request of resources from a different jurisdiction than that of the requesting party based on the needs determined by the managers of the incident and subject to authorization by the responding party for each request.
Name tag – A 3/8″ x 2″ Velcro backed plastic tag inscribed with member’s rank and last name. Members are issued, and should maintain, a minimum of six name tags.
- One for each of the primary and secondary passports of the member’s assigned unit.
- Two attached to the underside of the member’s helmet
- Two kept on the station staffing board.
Negative – “No” response to a question.
NFIRS – The National Fire Incident Reporting System is a reporting standard that fire departments use to uniformly report on the full range of their activities, from fire to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to equipment involved in the response.
Non-significant Incident – An incident where a unique circumstance, close call, or other event of note occurred that did not lead to a significant injury or death.
NULCAN – Acronym for Name, Unit, Location, Condition, Action, and Need
1-2 Family Residential Structure – A free standing residential building designed to house one or two families. (i.e., duplex, manufactured home, house).
Offensive Mode – Direct, Interior or aggressive exterior attack within the collapse zone, observed risks will be mitigated to provide for responder safety. Risks are in line with benefits of saved property.
On Deck – A “forward” personnel staging area close to the operational area. Crews report to the designated location with full protective clothing and any needed tools and equipment, ready for assignment.
Out of district – Term used when a unit is no longer in its main response area.
Out of service – Term used to identify a unit unable to respond to calls for a specific reason.
Out of Town Course Calculator – The series of line items in this SOP under Process, or preprogrammed spreadsheets utilizing the established formulas for determining the compensation for employees attending training or department business outside of Fresno (typically greater than 50 miles) requiring travel.
Packing house loop – A hose evolution where a large loop (typically 50’ or more) is formed near the nozzle to allow for better stationary control of larger gpm flows. The formation of the loop allows a long straight section of hose to be formed behind the nozzle, reducing nozzle reaction. Packing house loops are usually used for 2 ½” or portable master stream operations.
Parenteral – Piercing mucous membranes or the skin barrier through such events as needle sticks, human bites, cuts, and abrasions.
Pass Command – Command can be passed from a first arriving company officer to the next arriving company officer who is ON THE SCENE. This is indicated when the initial commitment of the first arriving company requires a full crew (i.e., high-rise or an immediate rescue situation) or the incident complexity prohibits the first arriving company officer from fulfilling the responsibilities of the Incident Commander (IC).
Passive cooling measures – Steps taken to lower core temperature by removing PPE, moving out of direct sun light and heated environment, and provide cool drinks.
Passport – 2″ x 4″ boards made of Velcro and plastic used to hold name tags. Passports are inscribed with Unit and OES identifiers (e.g. ENGINE 3 XFR-FRN). Name tags are placed on the passports in the following order: captain, engineer, firefighter #1, and firefighter #2.
- There are three types of passports: Primary, Secondary, and Blank.
- Primary: Red
- Kept on the status board on the inside of CO door.
- Secondary: Black
- Kept on the underside of the Officer’s helmet.
- Blank: Green
- Kept in make-up kits carried by Battalion Chiefs. For use when reporting to an emergency incident as a make-up or mutual aid company during a recall or major event.
Pay Period – Two weeks beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday. The first day of a period is the Monday immediately preceding a pay-day Friday.
Permanent Employee – Member who was appointed from an eligible list and has satisfactorily completed the probationary period. Time counted in a permanently appointed position begins upon completion of the probationary period.
Permanent Status – Time begins upon completion of the probationary period.
Personnel Accountability Report (PAR) – Personnel Accountability Report is a survey of fire ground resources to account for all personnel by assignment or unit.
Personnel Accountability System – A system that readily identifies both the location and function of all members operating at an incident scene through the use of standard operating procedures, training, and accountability aides.
Personal Assessment – A brief self-check performed by personnel, which includes assessment of dehydration based on the urine chart, fatigue, and vital signs in accordance with the Rehab Flow Chart.
Pilot in Command (PIC) – The designated operator of the sUAS. The PIC has the responsibility of assuring the sUAS is flight worthy, is operated within the COA, and has all the required training and authorization from the Department.
Portal to Portal – Time of initial dispatch from home base to the time of return to home base.
Position Task Book (PTB) – Document carried by the trainee listing all essential tasks, which a candidate must satisfactorily complete for qualification purposes. PTB is initiated (activated) by the verifying official and signed by one (1) or more evaluators during the course of the training process. Once completed, the PTB is to be submitted to the appropriate CICCS committee for review.
Power Take Off (PTO) – A device that transfers an engines mechanical power to another piece of equipment that does not have its own engine or motor (e.g., a PTO runs the Darley JMP-500 pump using the main engine power).
Private Space – Restroom/shower that is intended for a single occupant
with enclosure, which provides privacy.
Prolonged Incidents – Firefighters have been on scene at an incident lasting greater than four (4) hours, where the incident commander projects the incident will last at least an additional hour, and where firefighters cannot be relieved to return to the fire station.
Property Preservation – Maintaining the property, the infrastructure, the evidence and the economy and providing for recovery
Property/Environmental Conservation Priority – Maintaining the property, the infrastructure, the evidence, the economy, and the environment and providing for recovery.
Psycrometer – A hygrometer consisting of a wet-bulb and a dry-bulb thermometer, the difference in the two thermometer readings being used to determine atmospheric humidity.
Public Information Officer – Responsible for interface with the media or other appropriate agencies requiring information direct from the incident scene. Member of the Command Staff.
Pull-in – Occurs when the chain on the bottom of the bar is suddenly stopped when it is pinched, caught or encounters a foreign object in the wood. The reaction of the chain pulls the pole pruner forward.
Pull Notice Program – As defined in Administration Manual, Section 105.001, Driver License Requirements, and City of Fresno Administrative Order 2-32, Driver Standards Policy.
Pushback – Pushback occurs when the chain on the top of the bar is suddenly stopped when it is pinched, caught or encounters a foreign object in the wood. The reaction of the chain may drive the pole pruner rapidly straight back toward the operator. Pushback frequently occurs when the top of the bar is used for cutting.
Qualified Team Member – A team member who has completed all of the specialty team requirements.
Quint – Quint means five. In the fire service this means a triple combination pumper equipped with the NFPA recommended complement of ground ladders and an aerial ladder.
Radio check – Term used to verify if the radio system or a particular radio is working properly.
Rapid Intervention – Rapid Intervention is a group formed by combining Two-Out personnel with the company assigned to Rapid Intervention.
Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC) – A fire company specifically assigned to stand-by for the purpose of initiating rescue operations for downed or trapped firefighter.
Rapid Intervention Group – Consists of a minimum of four (4) firefighters. This group will include the Two-Out and one (1) Rapid Intervention Group Supervisor, plus any addition personnel assigned to this group.
Rapid Intervention Group Supervisor – The officer designated by the Incident Commander as the Group Leader of Rapid Intervention. Unless otherwise directed, this is the officer of the company assigned to Rapid Intervention. A Chief Officer may also be assigned this position as the incident dictates.
Red Card – Incident qualification card issued by the Training Division which lists fully qualified and trainee status. This card can be found in LMS within each member’s credentials.
Reel line – Term used to describe a pre-connected, reel mounted 3/4″ or 1″ line. Also referred to as a Redline.
Regulator – An adjustable device to control the maximum amount of pressure in the hydrostatic test pump system. The regulator should be set at 300 psi., however, it can be adjusted up to 500 psi.
Regular Meal Period – A 1-hour period within the hours of 6:00am – 8:00am (breakfast), 11:30pm – 1:30pm (lunch) and 5:00pm – 7:00pm (dinner).
Rehab chairs – Portable chairs with a mesh back and bottom to allow maximum air flow.
Rehab Personnel – Department members or EMS personnel assigned to Rehab group with a minimum of one assigned ALS unit.
Repeat – Term used to ask for a retransmission of a message.
Rescue Mode – There is an immediate life safety hazard where some risk mitigation efforts may be bypassed for the potential benefit of a savable life, e.g., the action of firefighters entering into an IDLH without the establishment of Two-Out to save life.
Residential Group R3.1 – Occupancies may include facilities licensed by a governmental agency. Such occupancies provide accommodations for six (6) or fewer clients of any age. These clients may be classified as ambulatory, non-ambulatory or bedridden.
Residual Water Pressure – Water system pressure present with a fire hydrant and/or fire protection water demand plus domestic water use.
Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS) – National database used by fire service organizations to order, roster, and status personnel and equipment.
Responding Agency’s Liaison – Fresno County EMS Communications Center personnel assigned to communicate and coordinate activities between the two entities.
Responding/en route – Term used to advise unit is en route to an alarm (“on the way”).
Return- to- work limits – Limits based on vital signs and symptoms found on the Rehab Flow Chart, which allow a member to continue working post rehab.
Reverse lay – A hose evolution used to obtain a water supply where the fire apparatus lays hose from the fire scene to the fire hydrant.
Reverse Lay Equipment Drop – When performing a reverse lay, the company may perform an equipment drop. The suggested equipment includes:
- Two 1-3/4-inch bundles
- Two hand spanners for standpipe caps and plugs
- SCBAs; extra air tanks
- Long and short pike poles
- Hose clamps
- Pike head axe
- Irons (flat head axe and haligan)
- 14- and 24-foot ladders
Safety Officer – Responsible for monitoring and assessing safety hazards, unsafe situations, and developing measures for ensuring personnel safety. Member of the Command Staff.
Safety Officer Survey – Survey Monkey survey completed by the Safety Officer after every working fire.
SCBA Unit Identifiers – 3¾” x 8″ black panels with 2″ orange reflective letters/number combinations that indicate the user’s company. The identifiers use Velcro to attach to the tensioning strap of the SCBA.
Scene not secured – Term used by dispatch to indicate the incident has NOT been secured by police.
Scene secure – Term used by dispatch to indicate the incident has been secured by police and is safe to enter.
Scene Manager – Representative of the property owner or responsible party with responsibility and authority to take necessary action to maintain compliance with the Post Incident Notice requirements and Incident Action Plan objectives. (Scene manager may be the property owner or responsible party.)
Security Watch – Non-department personnel who are assigned by the scene manager to monitor the site and maintain security. The individuals assigned to a security watch are to be given clear instructions by the property owner and/or responsible party as provided in the Incident Action Plan and the Post Incident Notice of their duties and responsibilities and have the ability and means to immediately contact the Department should the incident necessitate a Fire Department response. Individuals will continuously remain at the location until the hazards are mitigated.
Self-Rehabilitation – One-company or member completion of a personal assessment utilizing the Rehab Flow Chart for vital signs.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning – Severe thunderstorms have developed in the area.
Severe Thunderstorm Watch – Conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms to develop in the area.
Sharps Shuttle – A small container used to contain and secure used needles.
Shop Steward – Training Officer responsible for the daily administration of CFP.
Shotspotter – Shotspotter is a secured and confidential service provided by PD.
Skilled Worker – FFD personnel with formal training or professional experience in respective discipline.
Slopover – Fire extends over the control line into the unburned fuel.
Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) – An unmanned aircraft (commonly referred to as a drone), weighing .55lbs or less that is capable of sustaining directed flight, whether preprogrammed or remotely controlled, and all of the supporting or attached systems designed for gathering information through imaging, recording, or any other means.
Special Assignment – Work detail which is not typical of regular duty assignment or station, which may result in a staffing vacancy.
Special call – Unit requested to respond to an incident for a special function.
SR – Abbreviation used in Crewsense for shift replacement.
SRT 1 – Swiftwater Rescue Technician 1 certification. CSFM or Rescue 3.
SRT A – Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced certification. CSFM or Rescue 3.
Staged – Unit(s) positioned near (but not on) scene awaiting further instructions.
Staging – Process by which noncommitted units responding to a fire or other emergency incident are stopped at a location away from the fire scene to await their assignment.
Stairwell stretch – A hose deployment utilizing high-rise hose packs connected to a standpipe on the floor below the fire. A stairwell stretch is deployed uncharged up a stairwell. This stretch is used when there is an IDLH environment encountered at the stairwell door to the fire floor.
Standby – Term used to indicate “wait” or “hold position” until further information and/or instructions are given.
Standpipe system – An arrangement of piping, valves, and hose connections installed in multistory buildings and located so that fire hose connection by firefighters can be made for the purposes of extinguishing a fire.
STAT Patient – Patient to be transported without delay (not necessarily Code 3). STAT patients and patients that require Code 3 transport are different. There are STAT patients that should be transported immediately but without lights and sirens. A patient unconscious from a head injury, for example, should leave the scene STAT, but may be transported Code 2, unless the patient is deteriorating.
Static Lift – The vertical height of the center of the pump above the source of supply when pumping from draft.
Static Water Pressure – Water system pressure present during periods of domestic water consumption without any fire hydrant and/or fire protection systems water demand.
Station staffing board – A board with Velcro strips mounted in the Station/Apparatus bay for the storage of the off-duty members’ name tags and passports.
Status board – A hard plastic board with one-inch Velcro strips attached to the inside of the COs door on all front line and reserve engine and truck companies. Used by the IC or other supervisors to attach the passports of companies or teams within their direct span of control and record other information as needed.
Strategic Goals – The overall plan that will be used to control the incident. Strategic goals are broad in nature and are achieved by the completion of tactical objectives.
Strategic Objectives – The overall plan that will be used to control the incident. Strategic objectives are broad in nature and are achieved by the completion of tactical priorities.
Tactical channel – Radio channel for use between incident management personnel and resources operating on the scene of incidents.
Tactical Objectives – The specific operations that must be accomplished to achieve strategic goals. Tactical objectives must be both specific and measurable. Tactical level operations are typically handled at the Division/Group level or below.
Tactical Priorities/Assignments – The specific operations that must be accomplished to achieve strategic objectives. Tactical priorities/assignments must be both specific and measurable. Tactical level operations are typically handled at the division/group level or below.
Temperature – A temperature related to the mass of actual heat contained within a body.
Tornado Warning – A funnel cloud has been sighted and is threatening the area.
Tornado Watch – Conditions are favorable for a Tornado to develop.
Test tones – Radio alerting tone transmitted to a station for either test or demonstration purposes.
Tracking log (FD-64) – Utilized to track personnel and equipment between assignments.
Traffic – Term used to describe incident related communications. Transmissions travel back and forth between units and dispatch in an ordered fashion, similar to traffic.
Transfer of Command – A formal Transfer of Command from one individual to another. Typically done face to face and only to a person of equal of higher rank who is on scene.
Transfer of Command Worksheet (FD-55) – Utilized to assist incident commanders in organizing incident priorities and tracking resources.
Triple Combination Pumper – The three parts of a triple combination pumper include a pump, water tank, and a complement of hose.
Two-Out – Two appropriately equipped firefighters established outside the IDLH prior to firefighters working in an IDLH atmosphere, with the exception of rescue mode.
Tympanic temperature – A temperature reading taken within the ear using a non-invasive thermometer.
Type III Construction – A building with exterior masonry load-bearing walls and wood joist floors and roofs, interior bearing walls may be of wood frame, or, when required, an interior bearing wall that is a firewall is constructed of masonry.
Type V Construction – The walls and roofs of these buildings are made of combustible materials, most commonly wood. If the walls are wood-framed, the roof usually is as well.
UH – Abbreviation used in Crewsense for unscheduled holiday.
UHR – Abbreviation used in Crewsense for unscheduled holiday relief.
Unassigned Team Member – A team member assigned to a non-specialty team location.
US&R – Urban Search and Rescue Team.
UVR – Abbreviation used in Crewsense for unscheduled vacation relief.
Vapor Exposures –
- Mild: Miosis, dim vision, headache, rhinorrhea, salivation, dyspnea. Time of onset: seconds to minutes after exposure.
- Severe: All the above, plus severe breathing difficulty or cessation of respirations, generalized muscular twitching, weakness or paralysis, convulsions, loss of consciousness, loss of bladder, and bowel control. Time of onset is seconds to minutes after exposure.
Velocity Pressure – A reading on a pitot gauge tool that is converted to gallons per minute based on a mathematical formula using the factors of pitot gauge pressure, diameter of the flow outlet, and coefficient of flow orifice discharge.
Vertical Environment – An emergency scene where a victim must be moved from above or below grade to a safe location.
Victim Lashing – The victim lashing consists of equipment used to secure a victim in a Stokes litter.
Visual Observer – A designated member responsible for maintaining line of sight, and able to alert the operator to any potential hazards as required by FAA standards.
Vital Signs – As applied within this policy consist of; pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and tympanic temperature and pulse oximetry. Carbon monoxide oximetry may be added.
Volute – A curved funnel that increases in area as it approaches the discharge port. The volute of a centrifugal pump is the casing that receives water being pumped by the impeller.
VoteScan – A feature which provides a form of roaming for conventional channels. If a conventional channel is programmed as a vote scan channel, the subscriber radio automatically scans all of the channels in the programmed vote scan list for the best signal. This allows the subscriber radio to select an acceptable repeater for communication
White Out – A condition in which high winds and blowing snow create a blind environment in which nothing can be seen except blowing snow.
Winter Storm Warning – A winter storm is approaching the area and significant snowfall accumulations can occur.
Winter Storm Watch – Conditions are favorable for a winter storm to develop and significant snowfall accumulations may occur.
Work-Rest Ratio – The work/rest time represented in 20 minute increments by a ratio, (2:1), (1:1), (1:2). This ratio is determined by the current Heat Index reading. (See attached Rehab Flow Chart)
Working Command – This option for command is applied when quick, immediate action can prevent life loss or injury. These situations require direct involvement on the part of the company officer to rescue patients and/or stabilize the incident. In this mode, the company officer accompanies the crew to provide the appropriate level of supervision. Command may be passed to the next arriving officer, upon their arrival. Command shall not be passed to an officer who is not on scene (Firescope California, Structure Fire Operations, ICS-500, Page 7, Command Guidelines, Risk Management).
WRT – Water Rescue Team.
Zetron Console – Console used by the radio operator at the Communications Center to dispatch fire resources.