
Image for EyeOnWater found at: child-Page-Headerblock_1df642c266137bbecb470dd93c2e481f


Connect. Calculate. Conserve.

The EyeOnWater tool allows City of Fresno customers to connect to their water utility accounts and view their latest water usage on their desktop or mobile device. EyeOnWater helps customers understand their water usage, detect leaks, and discover their watering trends.

Customers can quickly view recent water usage with a two-week comparison, and view detailed water usage history by the hour, day, week, month and year!

To register for EyeOnWater, visit: fresno.eyeonwater.com/signup or download the EyeOnWater app on your mobile device!

Creating Your EyeOnWater Account

Once you’re online, follow these simple steps to create your account and start using EyeOnWater:

  • Visit fresno.eyeonwater.com/signup
  • Enter your account number as it appears on your water bill.
    (If you don’t have a copy of your water bill, contact Utilities Billing & Collections at (559) 621-6888 to obtain your account number)
  • Enter your email address
  • Verify your email address in the confirmation email
  • Create and confirm your password
  • Read and accept the Terms of Use
  • Enjoy EyeOnWater!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is EyeOnWater?
A: EyeOnWater is a web-based customer portal that enables utility customers to view and understand their water usage profile through easy-to-understand consumption graphics and provides a simple method to establish alerts to better manage their water use.

Q: What are the benefits of EyeOnWater?
A: EyeOnWater gives water customers direct access to their water consumption data, allowing them to easily view, understand and manage their water usage.  Customers are able to establish alerts via email or text message to better manage their water use and be notified of any possible leaks.

Q: How do I sign up for EyeOnWater?
A: Visit fresno.eyeonwater.com/signup to register for an account.  You will need your account number as it appears on your utility bill.  If you don’t have a copy of your utility bill, contact Utilities Billing & Collections at (559) 621-6888 to obtain your account number.

Q: Can I access EyeOnWater from my smartphone?
A: Yes!  In addition to web-based access, EyeOnWater apps are available for Android and iOS.

Q: What sort of data is available through EyeOnWater?
A: Customers have access to hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly data and charts.  Week-over-week consumption comparisons, and temperature and precipitation overlays are also available to help monitor and manage usage.

Q: Where can I go to understand the features available to me through EyeOnWater and for assistance with setting up alerts?
A: For assistance using the features of EyeOnWater, visit www.helpeyeonwater.com from your desktop or mobile device.

Q: Do other people have access to view my water account information in EyeOnWater?
A: No.  Customers must use their utility account number to register for an EyeOnWater account, which verifies customers’ access and prevents others from accessing the information.

Q: Why is my monthly water consumption information in EyeOnWater different than what’s on my billing statement?
A: Water consumption in EyeOnWater is displayed by calendar month, but utilities billing cycles do not necessarily align with the calendar month – they vary by cycle and water meter reading dates.  While you will be able to obtain data with EyeOnWater by calendar month, it is likely that the information may not exactly align with the usage data that shows on your billing statement.

Q: What if I have questions about my water usage data after I view the EyeOnWater reports for my address?
A: For additional information or help understanding the information in your EyeOnWater reports, or if you notice missing data, contact Water Conservation representatives at (559) 621-5480.  Water Conservation also offers other free services that may benefit you, including:

  • Water-wise landscape consultation
  • Irrigation efficiency audit
  • Help setting irrigation timers
  • Interior / exterior water leak surveys