New Year’s Holiday Schedule for City of Fresno Offices

City of Fresno offices will be closed in observance of the New Year’s Day holiday on Tuesday, January 1, 2019.  Normal operations will resume on Wednesday, January 2.  Here is the schedule for City of Fresno operations for the holiday: Airports:  Administrative offices closed;  Terminal, concessions, and airlines normal operations otherwise. Building & Permitting:  Counter […]

Christmas Holiday Schedule for City of Fresno Offices

City of Fresno offices will be closed in observance of the Christmas holiday on Tuesday, December 25, 2018.  Normal operations will resume on Wednesday, December 26.  Here is the schedule for City of Fresno operations for the holiday: Airports:  Administrative offices closed;  Terminal, concessions and airlines normal operations otherwise. Building & Permitting:  Counter will close […]

Solid Waste Holiday Collection Schedule

The City of Fresno, Solid Waste Management Division, will observe the Christmas and New Year’s holidays on December 25, 2018, and January 1, 2019.  There will be no service on these days. The City of Fresno, Solid Waste Management Division, will shift service days for the week of the holiday to the following day and […]

Fresno Declares Emergency Homeless Shelter Crisis

Fresno City Council, acting at the request by Mayor Lee Brand, declared a homeless shelter crisis at Thursday’s meeting and approved the City of Fresno’s application for Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funding, a move that could result in more than $12 million in one-time state funds for the City and its partner agencies. Senate Bill […]